site_name) );
elseif ( is_user_admin() )
$blog_name = sprintf( __('%s Global Dashboard'), esc_html($current_site->site_name) );
$blog_name = get_bloginfo('name', 'display');
if ( '' == $blog_name ) {
$blog_name = __( 'Visit Site' );
} else {
$blog_name_excerpt = wp_html_excerpt($blog_name, 40);
if ( $blog_name != $blog_name_excerpt )
$blog_name_excerpt = trim($blog_name_excerpt) . '…';
$blog_name = $blog_name_excerpt;
$title_class = '';
if ( function_exists('mb_strlen') ) {
if ( mb_strlen($blog_name, 'UTF-8') > 30 )
$title_class = 'class="long-title"';
} else {
if ( strlen($blog_name) > 30 )
$title_class = 'class="long-title"';
' . __('Your Profile') . '';
if ( is_multisite() && is_super_admin() ) {
if ( !is_network_admin() )
$links[10] = '
' . __('Network Admin') . ( ! empty( $total_update_count ) ? ' (' . number_format_i18n( $total_update_count ) . ')' : '' ) . '';
$links[10] = '
' . __('Site Admin') . '';
$links[15] = '
' . __('Log Out') . '';
$links = apply_filters( 'admin_user_info_links', $links, $current_user );
ksort( $links );
// Trim whitespace and pipes from links, then convert to list items.
$links = array_map( 'trim', $links, array_fill( 0, count( $links ), " |\n\t" ) );
$howdy = array_shift( $links );
$links_no_js = implode( ' | ', $links );
$links_js = '
' . implode( '', $links ) . '';
parent_file = $parent_file;
$current_screen->parent_base = preg_replace('/\?.*$/', '', $parent_file);
$current_screen->parent_base = str_replace('.php', '', $current_screen->parent_base);