<?php /** * Media management action handler. * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Administration */ /** Load WordPress Administration Bootstrap */ require_once('admin.php'); $parent_file = 'upload.php'; $submenu_file = 'upload.php'; wp_reset_vars(array('action')); switch( $action ) : case 'editattachment' : $attachment_id = (int) $_POST['attachment_id']; check_admin_referer('media-form'); if ( !current_user_can('edit_post', $attachment_id) ) wp_die ( __('You are not allowed to edit this attachment.') ); $errors = media_upload_form_handler(); if ( empty($errors) ) { $location = 'media.php'; if ( $referer = wp_get_original_referer() ) { if ( false !== strpos($referer, 'upload.php') || ( url_to_postid($referer) == $attachment_id ) ) $location = $referer; } if ( false !== strpos($location, 'upload.php') ) { $location = remove_query_arg('message', $location); $location = add_query_arg('posted', $attachment_id, $location); } elseif ( false !== strpos($location, 'media.php') ) { $location = add_query_arg('message', 'updated', $location); } wp_redirect($location); exit; } // no break case 'edit' : $title = __('Edit Media'); if ( empty($errors) ) $errors = null; if ( empty( $_GET['attachment_id'] ) ) { wp_redirect('upload.php'); exit(); } $att_id = (int) $_GET['attachment_id']; if ( !current_user_can('edit_post', $att_id) ) wp_die ( __('You are not allowed to edit this attachment.') ); $att = get_post($att_id); if ( empty($att->ID) ) wp_die( __('You attempted to edit an attachment that doesn’t exist. Perhaps it was deleted?') ); if ( $att->post_status == 'trash' ) wp_die( __('You can’t edit this attachment because it is in the Trash. Please move it out of the Trash and try again.') ); add_filter('attachment_fields_to_edit', 'media_single_attachment_fields_to_edit', 10, 2); wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-ajax-response' ); wp_enqueue_script('image-edit'); wp_enqueue_style('imgareaselect'); require( 'admin-header.php' ); $parent_file = 'upload.php'; $message = ''; $class = ''; if ( isset($_GET['message']) ) { switch ( $_GET['message'] ) : case 'updated' : $message = __('Media attachment updated.'); $class = 'updated fade'; break; endswitch; } if ( $message ) echo "<div id='message' class='$class'><p>$message</p></div>\n"; ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php screen_icon(); ?> <h2><?php _e( 'Edit Media' ); ?></h2> <form method="post" action="<?php echo esc_url( remove_query_arg( 'message' ) ); ?>" class="media-upload-form" id="media-single-form"> <div class="media-single"> <div id='media-item-<?php echo $att_id; ?>' class='media-item'> <?php echo get_media_item( $att_id, array( 'toggle' => false, 'send' => false, 'delete' => false, 'show_title' => false, 'errors' => $errors ) ); ?> </div> </div> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="save" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Update Media'); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="post_id" id="post_id" value="<?php echo isset($post_id) ? esc_attr($post_id) : ''; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="attachment_id" id="attachment_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr($att_id); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="editattachment" /> <?php wp_original_referer_field(true, 'previous'); ?> <?php wp_nonce_field('media-form'); ?> </p> </form> </div> <?php require( 'admin-footer.php' ); exit; default: wp_redirect( 'upload.php' ); exit; endswitch; ?>