1 && $arg[0] === '-' && $arg[1] === '-' ) { PHPUnit_Util_Getopt::parseLongOption( substr( $arg, 2 ), $this->longOptions, $options, $argv ); } } catch ( PHPUnit_Framework_Exception $e ) { // Enforcing recognized arguments or correctly formed arguments is // not really the concern here. continue; } } $ajax_message = true; $ms_files_message = true; foreach ( $options as $option ) { switch ( $option[0] ) { case '--exclude-group' : $ajax_message = false; $ms_files_message = false; continue 2; case '--group' : $groups = explode( ',', $option[1] ); foreach ( $groups as $group ) { if ( is_numeric( $group ) || preg_match( '/^(UT|Plugin)\d+$/', $group ) ) { WP_UnitTestCase::forceTicket( $group ); } } $ajax_message = ! in_array( 'ajax', $groups ); $ms_files_message = ! in_array( 'ms-files', $groups ); continue 2; } } if ( $ajax_message ) { echo "Not running ajax tests... To execute these, use --group ajax." . PHP_EOL; } if ( $ms_files_message ) { echo "Not running ms_files_rewriting tests... To execute these, use --group ms-files." . PHP_EOL; } } } new WP_PHPUnit_Util_Getopt( $_SERVER['argv'] );