window._wpCustomizeWidgetsSettings = { 'nonce': '12cc9d3284', 'registeredSidebars': [{ 'name': 'Widget Area', 'id': 'sidebar-1', 'description': 'Add widgets here to appear in your sidebar.', 'class': '', 'before_widget': '', 'before_title': '

', 'after_title': '

' }], 'registeredWidgets': { 'search-2': { 'name': 'Search', 'id': 'search-2', 'params': [ { 'number': 2 } ], 'classname': 'widget_search', 'description': 'A search form for your site.' } }, 'availableWidgets': [ { 'name': 'Search', 'id': 'search-2', 'params': [ { 'number': 2 } ], 'classname': 'widget_search', 'description': 'A search form for your site.', 'temp_id': 'search-__i__', 'is_multi': true, 'multi_number': 3, 'is_disabled': false, 'id_base': 'search', 'transport': 'refresh', 'width': 250, 'height': 200, 'is_wide': false } ], 'l10n': { 'error': 'An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.', 'navigatePreview': 'You can navigate to other pages on your site while using the Customizer to view and edit the widgets displayed on those pages.', 'noAreasShown': { 'plural': 'Your theme has %d widget areas, but this particular page doesn\'t display them.', 'singular': 'Your theme has %d widget area, but this particular page doesn\'t display it.' }, 'noWidgetsFound': 'No widgets found.', 'removeBtnLabel': 'Remove', 'removeBtnTooltip': 'Trash widget by moving it to the inactive widgets sidebar.', 'reorderLabelOn': 'Reorder widgets', 'reorderModeOff': 'Reorder mode closed', 'reorderModeOn': 'Reorder mode enabled', 'saveBtnLabel': 'Apply', 'saveBtnTooltip': 'Save and preview changes before publishing them.', 'someAreasShown': { 'plural': 'Your theme has %d other widget areas, but this particular page doesn\'t display them.', 'singular': 'Your theme has %d other widget area, but this particular page doesn\'t display it.' }, 'widgetMovedDown': 'Widget moved down', 'widgetMovedUp': 'Widget moved up', 'widgetsFound': 'Number of widgets found: %d' }, 'tpl': { 'widgetReorderNav': '
Move to another area…Move downMove up
', 'moveWidgetArea': '

Select an area to move this widget into:

' } }; window._wpCustomizeSettings.panels.widgets = { 'id': 'widgets', 'description': 'Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into widgetized areas provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars).', 'priority': 110, 'type': 'widgets', 'title': 'Widgets', 'content': '', 'active': true, 'instanceNumber': 1 }; window._wpCustomizeSettings.sections['sidebar-widgets-sidebar-1'] = { 'id': 'sidebar-widgets-sidebar-1', 'description': 'Add widgets here to appear in your sidebar.', 'priority': 0, 'panel': 'widgets', 'type': 'sidebar', 'title': 'Widget Area', 'content': '', 'active': false, 'instanceNumber': 1, 'customizeAction': 'Customizing ▸ Widgets', 'sidebarId': 'sidebar-1' }; window._wpCustomizeSettings.settings['widget_search[2]'] = { 'value': { 'encoded_serialized_instance': 'YToxOntzOjU6InRpdGxlIjtzOjY6IkJ1c2NhciI7fQ==', 'title': 'Buscar', 'is_widget_customizer_js_value': true, 'instance_hash_key': '45f0a7f15e50bd3be86b141e2a8b3aaf' }, 'transport': 'refresh', 'dirty': false }; window._wpCustomizeSettings.settings['sidebars_widgets[sidebar-1]'] = { 'value': [ 'search-2' ], 'transport': 'refresh', 'dirty': false }; window._wpCustomizeSettings.controls['widget_search[2]'] = { 'settings': { 'default': 'widget_search[2]' }, 'type': 'widget_form', 'priority': 0, 'active': false, 'section': 'sidebar-widgets-sidebar-1', 'content': '
  • <\/li>', 'label': 'Search', 'description': '', 'instanceNumber': 2, 'widget_id': 'search-2', 'widget_id_base': 'search', 'sidebar_id': 'sidebar-1', 'width': 250, 'height': 200, 'is_wide': false, 'widget_control': '