array( 'string' ), '_e' => array( 'string' ), '_n' => array( 'singular', 'plural' ), ); var $comment_prefix = 'translators:'; function __construct( $rules = array() ) { $this->rules = $rules; } function extract_from_directory( $dir, $excludes = array(), $includes = array(), $prefix = '' ) { $old_cwd = getcwd(); chdir( $dir ); $translations = new Translations; $file_names = (array) scandir( '.' ); foreach ( $file_names as $file_name ) { if ( '.' == $file_name || '..' == $file_name ) continue; if ( preg_match( '/\.php$/', $file_name ) && $this->does_file_name_match( $prefix . $file_name, $excludes, $includes ) ) { $translations->merge_originals_with( $this->extract_from_file( $file_name, $prefix ) ); } if ( is_dir( $file_name ) ) { $translations->merge_originals_with( $this->extract_from_directory( $file_name, $excludes, $includes, $prefix . $file_name . '/' ) ); } } chdir( $old_cwd ); return $translations; } function extract_from_file( $file_name, $prefix ) { $code = file_get_contents( $file_name ); return $this->extract_entries( $code, $prefix . $file_name ); } function does_file_name_match( $path, $excludes, $includes ) { if ( $includes ) { $matched_any_include = false; foreach( $includes as $include ) { if ( preg_match( '|^'.$include.'$|', $path ) ) { $matched_any_include = true; break; } } if ( !$matched_any_include ) return false; } if ( $excludes ) { foreach( $excludes as $exclude ) { if ( preg_match( '|^'.$exclude.'$|', $path ) ) { return false; } } } return true; } function entry_from_call( $call, $file_name ) { $rule = isset( $this->rules[$call['name']] )? $this->rules[$call['name']] : null; if ( !$rule ) return null; $entry = new Translation_Entry; $multiple = array(); $complete = false; for( $i = 0; $i < count( $rule ); ++$i ) { if ( $rule[$i] && ( !isset( $call['args'][$i] ) || !is_string( $call['args'][$i] ) || '' == $call['args'][$i] ) ) return false; switch( $rule[$i] ) { case 'string': if ( $complete ) { $multiple[] = $entry; $entry = new Translation_Entry; $complete = false; } $entry->singular = $call['args'][$i]; $complete = true; break; case 'singular': if ( $complete ) { $multiple[] = $entry; $entry = new Translation_Entry; $complete = false; } $entry->singular = $call['args'][$i]; $entry->is_plural = true; break; case 'plural': $entry->plural = $call['args'][$i]; $entry->is_plural = true; $complete = true; break; case 'context': $entry->context = $call['args'][$i]; foreach( $multiple as &$single_entry ) { $single_entry->context = $entry->context; } break; } } if ( isset( $call['line'] ) && $call['line'] ) { $references = array( $file_name . ':' . $call['line'] ); $entry->references = $references; foreach( $multiple as &$single_entry ) { $single_entry->references = $references; } } if ( isset( $call['comment'] ) && $call['comment'] ) { $comments = rtrim( $call['comment'] ) . "\n"; $entry->extracted_comments = $comments; foreach( $multiple as &$single_entry ) { $single_entry->extracted_comments = $comments; } } if ( $multiple && $entry ) { $multiple[] = $entry; return $multiple; } return $entry; } function extract_entries( $code, $file_name ) { $translations = new Translations; $function_calls = $this->find_function_calls( array_keys( $this->rules ), $code ); foreach( $function_calls as $call ) { $entry = $this->entry_from_call( $call, $file_name ); if ( is_array( $entry ) ) foreach( $entry as $single_entry ) $translations->add_entry_or_merge( $single_entry ); elseif ( $entry) $translations->add_entry_or_merge( $entry ); } return $translations; } /** * Finds all function calls in $code and returns an array with an associative array for each function: * - name - name of the function * - args - array for the function arguments. Each string literal is represented by itself, other arguments are represented by null. * - line - line number */ function find_function_calls( $function_names, $code ) { $tokens = token_get_all( $code ); $function_calls = array(); $latest_comment = false; $in_func = false; foreach( $tokens as $token ) { $id = $text = null; if ( is_array( $token ) ) list( $id, $text, $line ) = $token; if ( T_WHITESPACE == $id ) continue; if ( T_STRING == $id && in_array( $text, $function_names ) && !$in_func ) { $in_func = true; $paren_level = -1; $args = array(); $func_name = $text; $func_line = $line; $func_comment = $latest_comment? $latest_comment : ''; $just_got_into_func = true; $latest_comment = false; continue; } if ( T_COMMENT == $id ) { $text = trim( preg_replace( '%^/\*|//%', '', preg_replace( '%\*/$%', '', $text ) ) ); if ( 0 === stripos( $text, $this->comment_prefix ) ) { $latest_comment = $text; } } if ( !$in_func ) continue; if ( '(' == $token ) { $paren_level++; if ( 0 == $paren_level ) { // start of first argument $just_got_into_func = false; $current_argument = null; $current_argument_is_just_literal = true; } continue; } if ( $just_got_into_func ) { // there wasn't a opening paren just after the function name -- this means it is not a function $in_func = false; $just_got_into_func = false; } if ( ')' == $token ) { if ( 0 == $paren_level ) { $in_func = false; $args[] = $current_argument; $call = array( 'name' => $func_name, 'args' => $args, 'line' => $func_line ); if ( $func_comment ) $call['comment'] = $func_comment; $function_calls[] = $call; } $paren_level--; continue; } if ( ',' == $token && 0 == $paren_level ) { $args[] = $current_argument; $current_argument = null; $current_argument_is_just_literal = true; continue; } if ( T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING == $id && $current_argument_is_just_literal ) { // we can use eval safely, because we are sure $text is just a string literal eval('$current_argument = '.$text.';' ); continue; } $current_argument_is_just_literal = false; $current_argument = null; } return $function_calls; } }