domain ); ?>

domain . $current_site->path, '', $details->domain . $details->path ) ) ) ); } else { $blogname = ''; }?>
New users are added to this site as subscribers (or the user role defined below) if they don't have a site. Leave blank for the main site. 'Subscriber' users on old site will be moved to the new site if changed. The new site will be created if it does not exist." ); ?>

domain . $current_site->path . 'feed/' ) echo __( "A good one to use would be the feed from your main site: " ) . 'http://' . $current_site->domain . $current_site->path . 'feed/'; ?>

' . __('If registration is disabled, please set "NOBLOGREDIRECT" in wp-config.php to a url you will redirect visitors to if they visit a non-existent site.') . '

'; } ?>
Add New" page.') ?>
" size="45" />