get_results("SELECT ID, post_title, post_name FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_name = ''"); if ($posts) { foreach($posts as $post) { if ('' == $post->post_name) { $newtitle = sanitize_title($post->post_title); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_name = '$newtitle' WHERE ID = '$post->ID'"); } } } $categories = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename FROM $wpdb->categories"); foreach ($categories as $category) { if ('' == $category->category_nicename) { $newtitle = sanitize_title($category->cat_name); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->categories SET category_nicename = '$newtitle' WHERE cat_ID = '$category->cat_ID'"); } } $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->options SET option_value = REPLACE(option_value, 'wp-links/links-images/', 'wp-images/links/') WHERE option_name LIKE 'links_rating_image%' AND option_value LIKE 'wp-links/links-images/%'"); $done_ids = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT post_id FROM $wpdb->post2cat"); if ($done_ids) : foreach ($done_ids as $done_id) : $done_posts[] = $done_id->post_id; endforeach; $catwhere = ' AND ID NOT IN (' . implode(',', $done_posts) . ')'; else: $catwhere = ''; endif; $allposts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_category FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_category != '0' $catwhere"); if ($allposts) : foreach ($allposts as $post) { // Check to see if it's already been imported $cat = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->post2cat WHERE post_id = $post->ID AND category_id = $post->post_category"); if (!$cat && 0 != $post->post_category) { // If there's no result $wpdb->query(" INSERT INTO $wpdb->post2cat (post_id, category_id) VALUES ('$post->ID', '$post->post_category') "); } } endif; } function upgrade_101() { global $wpdb; // Clean up indices, add a few add_clean_index($wpdb->posts, 'post_name'); add_clean_index($wpdb->posts, 'post_status'); add_clean_index($wpdb->categories, 'category_nicename'); add_clean_index($wpdb->comments, 'comment_approved'); add_clean_index($wpdb->comments, 'comment_post_ID'); add_clean_index($wpdb->links , 'link_category'); add_clean_index($wpdb->links , 'link_visible'); } function upgrade_110() { global $wpdb; // Set user_nicename. // FIXME: user_nickname is no longer in the user table. Need to update and // move this code to where the new usermeta table is setup. // $users = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, user_nickname, user_nicename FROM $wpdb->users"); // foreach ($users as $user) { // if ('' == $user->user_nicename) { // $newname = sanitize_title($user->user_nickname); // $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_nicename = '$newname' WHERE ID = '$user->ID'"); // } // } $users = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, user_pass from $wpdb->users"); foreach ($users as $row) { if (!preg_match('/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}$/', $row->user_pass)) { $wpdb->query('UPDATE '.$wpdb->users.' SET user_pass = MD5(\''.$row->user_pass.'\') WHERE ID = \''.$row->ID.'\''); } } // Get the GMT offset, we'll use that later on $all_options = get_alloptions_110(); $time_difference = $all_options->time_difference; $server_time = time()+date('Z'); $weblogger_time = $server_time + $time_difference*3600; $gmt_time = time(); $diff_gmt_server = ($gmt_time - $server_time) / 3600; $diff_weblogger_server = ($weblogger_time - $server_time) / 3600; $diff_gmt_weblogger = $diff_gmt_server - $diff_weblogger_server; $gmt_offset = -$diff_gmt_weblogger; // Add a gmt_offset option, with value $gmt_offset add_option('gmt_offset', $gmt_offset); // Check if we already set the GMT fields (if we did, then // MAX(post_date_gmt) can't be '0000-00-00 00:00:00' // I just slapped myself silly for not thinking about it earlier $got_gmt_fields = ($wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(post_date_gmt) FROM $wpdb->posts") == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ? false : true; if (!$got_gmt_fields) { // Add or substract time to all dates, to get GMT dates $add_hours = intval($diff_gmt_weblogger); $add_minutes = intval(60 * ($diff_gmt_weblogger - $add_hours)); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_date_gmt = DATE_ADD(post_date, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE)"); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_modified = post_date"); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_modified_gmt = DATE_ADD(post_modified, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE) WHERE post_modified != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'"); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_date_gmt = DATE_ADD(comment_date, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE)"); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_registered = DATE_ADD(user_registered, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE)"); } } function upgrade_130() { global $wpdb, $table_prefix; // Remove extraneous backslashes. $posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_title, post_content, post_excerpt, guid, post_date, post_name, post_status, post_author FROM $wpdb->posts"); if ($posts) { foreach($posts as $post) { $post_content = addslashes(deslash($post->post_content)); $post_title = addslashes(deslash($post->post_title)); $post_excerpt = addslashes(deslash($post->post_excerpt)); if ( empty($post->guid) ) $guid = get_permalink($post->ID); else $guid = $post->guid; $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_title = '$post_title', post_content = '$post_content', post_excerpt = '$post_excerpt', guid = '$guid' WHERE ID = '$post->ID'"); } } // Remove extraneous backslashes. $comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT comment_ID, comment_author, comment_content FROM $wpdb->comments"); if ($comments) { foreach($comments as $comment) { $comment_content = addslashes(deslash($comment->comment_content)); $comment_author = addslashes(deslash($comment->comment_author)); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_content = '$comment_content', comment_author = '$comment_author' WHERE comment_ID = '$comment->comment_ID'"); } } // Remove extraneous backslashes. $links = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT link_id, link_name, link_description FROM $wpdb->links"); if ($links) { foreach($links as $link) { $link_name = addslashes(deslash($link->link_name)); $link_description = addslashes(deslash($link->link_description)); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->links SET link_name = '$link_name', link_description = '$link_description' WHERE link_id = '$link->link_id'"); } } // The "paged" option for what_to_show is no more. if ($wpdb->get_var("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = 'what_to_show'") == 'paged') { $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->options SET option_value = 'posts' WHERE option_name = 'what_to_show'"); } $active_plugins = __get_option('active_plugins'); // If plugins are not stored in an array, they're stored in the old // newline separated format. Convert to new format. if ( !is_array( $active_plugins ) ) { $active_plugins = explode("\n", trim($active_plugins)); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } // Obsolete tables $wpdb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table_prefix . 'optionvalues'); $wpdb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table_prefix . 'optiontypes'); $wpdb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table_prefix . 'optiongroups'); $wpdb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table_prefix . 'optiongroup_options'); // Update comments table to use comment_type $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_type='trackback', comment_content = REPLACE(comment_content, '', '') WHERE comment_content LIKE '%'"); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_type='pingback', comment_content = REPLACE(comment_content, '', '') WHERE comment_content LIKE '%'"); // Some versions have multiple duplicate option_name rows with the same values $options = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT option_name, COUNT(option_name) AS dupes FROM `$wpdb->options` GROUP BY option_name"); foreach ( $options as $option ) { if ( 1 != $option->dupes ) { // Could this be done in the query? $limit = $option->dupes - 1; $dupe_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT option_id FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = '$option->option_name' LIMIT $limit"); $dupe_ids = join($dupe_ids, ','); $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_id IN ($dupe_ids)"); } } make_site_theme(); } function upgrade_160() { global $wpdb, $table_prefix; $users = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users"); foreach ( $users as $user ) : if ( !empty( $user->user_firstname ) ) update_usermeta( $user->ID, 'first_name', $wpdb->escape($user->user_firstname) ); if ( !empty( $user->user_lastname ) ) update_usermeta( $user->ID, 'last_name', $wpdb->escape($user->user_lastname) ); if ( !empty( $user->user_nickname ) ) update_usermeta( $user->ID, 'nickname', $wpdb->escape($user->user_nickname) ); if ( !empty( $user->user_level ) ) update_usermeta( $user->ID, $table_prefix . 'user_level', $user->user_level ); if ( !empty( $user->user_icq ) ) update_usermeta( $user->ID, 'icq', $wpdb->escape($user->user_icq) ); if ( !empty( $user->user_aim ) ) update_usermeta( $user->ID, 'aim', $wpdb->escape($user->user_aim) ); if ( !empty( $user->user_msn ) ) update_usermeta( $user->ID, 'msn', $wpdb->escape($user->user_msn) ); if ( !empty( $user->user_yim ) ) update_usermeta( $user->ID, 'yim', $wpdb->escape($user->user_icq) ); if ( !empty( $user->user_description ) ) update_usermeta( $user->ID, 'description', $wpdb->escape($user->user_description) ); if ( isset( $user->user_idmode ) ): $idmode = $user->user_idmode; if ($idmode == 'nickname') $id = $user->user_nickname; if ($idmode == 'login') $id = $user->user_login; if ($idmode == 'firstname') $id = $user->user_firstname; if ($idmode == 'lastname') $id = $user->user_lastname; if ($idmode == 'namefl') $id = $user->user_firstname.' '.$user->user_lastname; if ($idmode == 'namelf') $id = $user->user_lastname.' '.$user->user_firstname; if (!$idmode) $id = $user->user_nickname; $id = $wpdb->escape( $id ); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->users SET display_name = '$id' WHERE ID = '$user->ID'"); endif; // FIXME: RESET_CAPS is temporary code to reset roles and caps if flag is set. $caps = get_usermeta( $user->ID, $table_prefix . 'capabilities'); if ( empty($caps) || defined('RESET_CAPS') ) { $level = get_usermeta($user->ID, $table_prefix . 'user_level'); $role = translate_level_to_role($level); update_usermeta( $user->ID, $table_prefix . 'capabilities', array($role => true) ); } endforeach; $old_user_fields = array( 'user_firstname', 'user_lastname', 'user_icq', 'user_aim', 'user_msn', 'user_yim', 'user_idmode', 'user_ip', 'user_domain', 'user_browser', 'user_description', 'user_nickname', 'user_level' ); $wpdb->hide_errors(); foreach ( $old_user_fields as $old ) $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $wpdb->users DROP $old"); $wpdb->show_errors(); } // The functions we use to actually do stuff // General function maybe_create_table($table_name, $create_ddl) { global $wpdb; foreach ($wpdb->get_col("SHOW TABLES",0) as $table ) { if ($table == $table_name) { return true; } } //didn't find it try to create it. $q = $wpdb->query($create_ddl); // we cannot directly tell that whether this succeeded! foreach ($wpdb->get_col("SHOW TABLES",0) as $table ) { if ($table == $table_name) { return true; } } return false; } function drop_index($table, $index) { global $wpdb; $wpdb->hide_errors(); $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$table` DROP INDEX `$index`"); // Now we need to take out all the extra ones we may have created for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$table` DROP INDEX `{$index}_$i`"); } $wpdb->show_errors(); return true; } function add_clean_index($table, $index) { global $wpdb; drop_index($table, $index); $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$table` ADD INDEX ( `$index` )"); return true; } /** ** maybe_add_column() ** Add column to db table if it doesn't exist. ** Returns: true if already exists or on successful completion ** false on error */ function maybe_add_column($table_name, $column_name, $create_ddl) { global $wpdb, $debug; foreach ($wpdb->get_col("DESC $table_name", 0) as $column ) { if ($debug) echo("checking $column == $column_name
"); if ($column == $column_name) { return true; } } //didn't find it try to create it. $q = $wpdb->query($create_ddl); // we cannot directly tell that whether this succeeded! foreach ($wpdb->get_col("DESC $table_name", 0) as $column ) { if ($column == $column_name) { return true; } } return false; } // get_alloptions as it was for 1.2. function get_alloptions_110() { global $wpdb; if ($options = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT option_name, option_value FROM $wpdb->options")) { foreach ($options as $option) { // "When trying to design a foolproof system, // never underestimate the ingenuity of the fools :)" -- Dougal if ('siteurl' == $option->option_name) $option->option_value = preg_replace('|/+$|', '', $option->option_value); if ('home' == $option->option_name) $option->option_value = preg_replace('|/+$|', '', $option->option_value); if ('category_base' == $option->option_name) $option->option_value = preg_replace('|/+$|', '', $option->option_value); $all_options->{$option->option_name} = stripslashes($option->option_value); } } return $all_options; } // Version of get_option that is private to install/upgrade. function __get_option($setting) { global $wpdb; $option = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = '$setting'"); @ $kellogs = unserialize($option); if ($kellogs !== FALSE) return $kellogs; else return $option; } function deslash($content) { // Note: \\\ inside a regex denotes a single backslash. // Replace one or more backslashes followed by a single quote with // a single quote. $content = preg_replace("/\\\+'/", "'", $content); // Replace one or more backslashes followed by a double quote with // a double quote. $content = preg_replace('/\\\+"/', '"', $content); // Replace one or more backslashes with one backslash. $content = preg_replace("/\\\+/", "\\", $content); return $content; } function dbDelta($queries, $execute = true) { global $wpdb; // Seperate individual queries into an array if( !is_array($queries) ) { $queries = explode( ';', $queries ); if('' == $queries[count($queries) - 1]) array_pop($queries); } $cqueries = array(); // Creation Queries $iqueries = array(); // Insertion Queries $for_update = array(); // Create a tablename index for an array ($cqueries) of queries foreach($queries as $qry) { if(preg_match("|CREATE TABLE ([^ ]*)|", $qry, $matches)) { $cqueries[strtolower($matches[1])] = $qry; $for_update[$matches[1]] = 'Created table '.$matches[1]; } else if(preg_match("|CREATE DATABASE ([^ ]*)|", $qry, $matches)) { array_unshift($cqueries, $qry); } else if(preg_match("|INSERT INTO ([^ ]*)|", $qry, $matches)) { $iqueries[] = $qry; } else if(preg_match("|UPDATE ([^ ]*)|", $qry, $matches)) { $iqueries[] = $qry; } else { // Unrecognized query type } } // Check to see which tables and fields exist if($tables = $wpdb->get_col('SHOW TABLES;')) { // For every table in the database foreach($tables as $table) { // If a table query exists for the database table... if( array_key_exists(strtolower($table), $cqueries) ) { // Clear the field and index arrays unset($cfields); unset($indices); // Get all of the field names in the query from between the parens preg_match("|\((.*)\)|ms", $cqueries[strtolower($table)], $match2); $qryline = trim($match2[1]); // Separate field lines into an array $flds = explode("\n", $qryline); //echo "
\n".print_r(strtolower($table), true).":\n".print_r($cqueries, true)."

"; // For every field line specified in the query foreach($flds as $fld) { // Extract the field name preg_match("|^([^ ]*)|", trim($fld), $fvals); $fieldname = $fvals[1]; // Verify the found field name $validfield = true; switch(strtolower($fieldname)) { case '': case 'primary': case 'index': case 'fulltext': case 'unique': case 'key': $validfield = false; $indices[] = trim(trim($fld), ", \n"); break; } $fld = trim($fld); // If it's a valid field, add it to the field array if($validfield) { $cfields[strtolower($fieldname)] = trim($fld, ", \n"); } } // Fetch the table column structure from the database $tablefields = $wpdb->get_results("DESCRIBE {$table};"); // For every field in the table foreach($tablefields as $tablefield) { // If the table field exists in the field array... if(array_key_exists(strtolower($tablefield->Field), $cfields)) { // Get the field type from the query preg_match("|".$tablefield->Field." ([^ ]*( unsigned)?)|i", $cfields[strtolower($tablefield->Field)], $matches); $fieldtype = $matches[1]; // Is actual field type different from the field type in query? if($tablefield->Type != $fieldtype) { // Add a query to change the column type $cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} CHANGE COLUMN {$tablefield->Field} " . $cfields[strtolower($tablefield->Field)]; $for_update[$table.'.'.$tablefield->Field] = "Changed type of {$table}.{$tablefield->Field} from {$tablefield->Type} to {$fieldtype}"; } // Get the default value from the array //echo "{$cfields[strtolower($tablefield->Field)]}
"; if(preg_match("| DEFAULT '(.*)'|i", $cfields[strtolower($tablefield->Field)], $matches)) { $default_value = $matches[1]; if($tablefield->Default != $default_value) { // Add a query to change the column's default value $cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ALTER COLUMN {$tablefield->Field} SET DEFAULT '{$default_value}'"; $for_update[$table.'.'.$tablefield->Field] = "Changed default value of {$table}.{$tablefield->Field} from {$tablefield->Default} to {$default_value}"; } } // Remove the field from the array (so it's not added) unset($cfields[strtolower($tablefield->Field)]); } else { // This field exists in the table, but not in the creation queries? } } // For every remaining field specified for the table foreach($cfields as $fieldname => $fielddef) { // Push a query line into $cqueries that adds the field to that table $cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD COLUMN $fielddef"; $for_update[$table.'.'.$fieldname] = 'Added column '.$table.'.'.$fieldname; } // Index stuff goes here // Fetch the table index structure from the database $tableindices = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW INDEX FROM {$table};"); if($tableindices) { // Clear the index array unset($index_ary); // For every index in the table foreach($tableindices as $tableindex) { // Add the index to the index data array $keyname = $tableindex->Key_name; $index_ary[$keyname]['columns'][] = array('fieldname' => $tableindex->Column_name, 'subpart' => $tableindex->Sub_part); $index_ary[$keyname]['unique'] = ($tableindex->Non_unique == 0)?true:false; } // For each actual index in the index array foreach($index_ary as $index_name => $index_data) { // Build a create string to compare to the query $index_string = ''; if($index_name == 'PRIMARY') { $index_string .= 'PRIMARY '; } else if($index_data['unique']) { $index_string .= 'UNIQUE '; } $index_string .= 'KEY '; if($index_name != 'PRIMARY') { $index_string .= $index_name; } $index_columns = ''; // For each column in the index foreach($index_data['columns'] as $column_data) { if($index_columns != '') $index_columns .= ','; // Add the field to the column list string $index_columns .= $column_data['fieldname']; if($column_data['subpart'] != '') { $index_columns .= '('.$column_data['subpart'].')'; } } // Add the column list to the index create string $index_string .= ' ('.$index_columns.')'; if(!(($aindex = array_search($index_string, $indices)) === false)) { unset($indices[$aindex]); //echo "
Found index:".$index_string."
\n"; } //else echo "
Did not find index:".$index_string."
".print_r($indices, true)."
\n"; } } // For every remaining index specified for the table foreach($indices as $index) { // Push a query line into $cqueries that adds the index to that table $cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD $index"; $for_update[$table.'.'.$fieldname] = 'Added index '.$table.' '.$index; } // Remove the original table creation query from processing unset($cqueries[strtolower($table)]); unset($for_update[strtolower($table)]); } else { // This table exists in the database, but not in the creation queries? } } } $allqueries = array_merge($cqueries, $iqueries); if($execute) { foreach($allqueries as $query) { //echo "
".print_r($query, true)."
\n"; $wpdb->query($query); } } return $for_update; } function make_db_current() { global $wp_queries; $alterations = dbDelta($wp_queries); echo "
    \n"; foreach($alterations as $alteration) echo "
  1. $alteration
  2. \n"; echo "
\n"; } function make_db_current_silent() { global $wp_queries; $alterations = dbDelta($wp_queries); } function make_site_theme_from_oldschool($theme_name, $template) { $home_path = get_home_path(); $site_dir = ABSPATH . "wp-content/themes/$template"; if (! file_exists("$home_path/index.php")) return false; // Copy files from the old locations to the site theme. // TODO: This does not copy arbitarary include dependencies. Only the // standard WP files are copied. $files = array('index.php' => 'index.php', 'wp-layout.css' => 'style.css', 'wp-comments.php' => 'comments.php', 'wp-comments-popup.php' => 'comments-popup.php'); foreach ($files as $oldfile => $newfile) { if ($oldfile == 'index.php') $oldpath = $home_path; else $oldpath = ABSPATH; if ($oldfile == 'index.php') { // Check to make sure it's not a new index $index = implode('', file("$oldpath/$oldfile")); if ( strstr( $index, 'WP_USE_THEMES' ) ) { if (! @copy(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/themes/default/index.php', "$site_dir/$newfile")) return false; continue; // Don't copy anything } } if (! @copy("$oldpath/$oldfile", "$site_dir/$newfile")) return false; chmod("$site_dir/$newfile", 0777); // Update the blog header include in each file. $lines = explode("\n", implode('', file("$site_dir/$newfile"))); if ($lines) { $f = fopen("$site_dir/$newfile", 'w'); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (preg_match('/require.*wp-blog-header/', $line)) $line = '//' . $line; // Update stylesheet references. $line = str_replace("/wp-layout.css", "", $line); // Update comments template inclusion. $line = str_replace("", "", $line); fwrite($f, "{$line}\n"); } fclose($f); } } // Add a theme header. $header = "/*\nTheme Name: $theme_name\nTheme URI: " . __get_option('siteurl') . "\nDescription: A theme automatically created by the upgrade.\nVersion: 1.0\nAuthor: Moi\n*/\n"; $stylelines = file_get_contents("$site_dir/style.css"); if ($stylelines) { $f = fopen("$site_dir/style.css", 'w'); fwrite($f, $header); fwrite($f, $stylelines); fclose($f); } return true; } function make_site_theme_from_default($theme_name, $template) { $site_dir = ABSPATH . "wp-content/themes/$template"; $default_dir = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/themes/default'; // Copy files from the default theme to the site theme. //$files = array('index.php', 'comments.php', 'comments-popup.php', 'footer.php', 'header.php', 'sidebar.php', 'style.css'); $theme_dir = @ dir("$default_dir"); if ($theme_dir) { while(($theme_file = $theme_dir->read()) !== false) { if (is_dir("$default_dir/$theme_file")) continue; if (! @copy("$default_dir/$theme_file", "$site_dir/$theme_file")) return; chmod("$site_dir/$theme_file", 0777); } } // Rewrite the theme header. $stylelines = explode("\n", implode('', file("$site_dir/style.css"))); if ($stylelines) { $f = fopen("$site_dir/style.css", 'w'); foreach ($stylelines as $line) { if (strstr($line, "Theme Name:")) $line = "Theme Name: $theme_name"; elseif (strstr($line, "Theme URI:")) $line = "Theme URI: " . __get_option('siteurl'); elseif (strstr($line, "Description:")) $line = "Description: Your theme"; elseif (strstr($line, "Version:")) $line = "Version: 1"; elseif (strstr($line, "Author:")) $line = "Author: You"; fwrite($f, "{$line}\n"); } fclose($f); } // Copy the images. umask(0); if (! mkdir("$site_dir/images", 0777)) { return false; } $images_dir = @ dir("$default_dir/images"); if ($images_dir) { while(($image = $images_dir->read()) !== false) { if (is_dir("$default_dir/images/$image")) continue; if (! @copy("$default_dir/images/$image", "$site_dir/images/$image")) return; chmod("$site_dir/images/$image", 0777); } } } // Create a site theme from the default theme. function make_site_theme() { // Name the theme after the blog. $theme_name = __get_option('blogname'); $template = sanitize_title($theme_name); $site_dir = ABSPATH . "wp-content/themes/$template"; // If the theme already exists, nothing to do. if ( is_dir($site_dir)) { return false; } // We must be able to write to the themes dir. if (! is_writable(ABSPATH . "wp-content/themes")) { return false; } umask(0); if (! mkdir($site_dir, 0777)) { return false; } if (file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-layout.css')) { if (! make_site_theme_from_oldschool($theme_name, $template)) { // TODO: rm -rf the site theme directory. return false; } } else { if (! make_site_theme_from_default($theme_name, $template)) // TODO: rm -rf the site theme directory. return false; } // Make the new site theme active. $current_template = __get_option('template'); if ($current_template == 'default') { update_option('template', $template); update_option('stylesheet', $template); } return $template; } function translate_level_to_role($level) { switch ($level) { case 10: case 9: case 8: return 'administrator'; case 7: case 6: case 5: return 'editor'; case 4: case 3: case 2: return 'author'; case 1: return 'contributor'; case 0: return 'subscriber'; } } ?>