// Pages
function &get_page_children($page_id, &$pages) {
global $page_cache;
if ( empty($pages) )
$pages = &$page_cache;
$page_list = array();
foreach ($pages as $page) {
if ($page->post_parent == $page_id) {
$page_list[] = $page;
if ( $children = get_page_children($page->ID, $pages)) {
$page_list = array_merge($page_list, $children);
return $page_list;
function &get_pages($args = '') {
global $wpdb;
parse_str($args, $r);
if (!isset($r['child_of'])) $r['child_of'] = 0;
if (!isset($r['sort_column'])) $r['sort_column'] = 'post_title';
if (!isset($r['sort_order'])) $r['sort_order'] = 'ASC';
$exclusions = '';
if (!empty($r['exclude'])) {
$expages = preg_split('/[\s,]+/',$r['exclude']);
if (count($expages)) {
foreach ($expages as $expage) {
$exclusions .= ' AND ID <> ' . intval($expage) . ' ';
$pages = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * " .
"FROM $wpdb->posts " .
"WHERE post_status = 'static' " .
"$exclusions " .
"ORDER BY " . $r['sort_column'] . " " . $r['sort_order']);
if ( empty($pages) )
return array();
// Update cache.
if ($r['child_of'])
$pages = & get_page_children($r['child_of'], $pages);
return $pages;
function wp_list_pages($args = '') {
parse_str($args, $r);
if (!isset($r['depth'])) $r['depth'] = 0;
if (!isset($r['show_date'])) $r['show_date'] = '';
if (!isset($r['child_of'])) $r['child_of'] = 0;
if ( !isset($r['title_li']) ) $r['title_li'] = __('Pages');
// Query pages.
$pages = & get_pages($args);
if ( $pages ) :
if ( $r['title_li'] )
echo '
' . $r['title_li'] . '
// Now loop over all pages that were selected
$page_tree = Array();
foreach($pages as $page) {
// set the title for the current page
$page_tree[$page->ID]['title'] = $page->post_title;
$page_tree[$page->ID]['name'] = $page->post_name;
// set the selected date for the current page
// depending on the query arguments this is either
// the createtion date or the modification date
// as a unix timestamp. It will also always be in the
// ts field.
if (! empty($r['show_date'])) {
if ('modified' == $r['show_date'])
$page_tree[$page->ID]['ts'] = $page->post_modified;
$page_tree[$page->ID]['ts'] = $page->post_date;
// The tricky bit!!
// Using the parent ID of the current page as the
// array index we set the curent page as a child of that page.
// We can now start looping over the $page_tree array
// with any ID which will output the page links from that ID downwards.
if ( $page->post_parent != $page->ID)
$page_tree[$page->post_parent]['children'][] = $page->ID;
// Output of the pages starting with child_of as the root ID.
// child_of defaults to 0 if not supplied in the query.
_page_level_out($r['child_of'],$page_tree, $r);
if ( $r['title_li'] )
echo '