ModuleLoader.require([ "tinymce/InsertContent" ], function(InsertContent) { module("tinymce.InsertContent", { setupModule: function() { QUnit.stop(); tinymce.init({ selector: "textarea", add_unload_trigger: false, disable_nodechange: true, skin: false, entities: 'raw', indent: false, init_instance_callback: function(ed) { window.editor = ed; QUnit.start(); } }); } }); function assertSelection(selector, offset) { var node = editor.$(selector)[0]; var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); equal(rng.startContainer, node.firstChild); equal(rng.startOffset, offset); equal(rng.collapsed, true); } test('insertAtCaret - i inside text, converts to em', function() { editor.setContent('


'); editor.focus(); Utils.setSelection('p', 2); InsertContent.insertAtCaret(editor, 'a'); equal(editor.getContent(), '


'); }); test('insertAtCaret - ul at beginning of li', function() { editor.setContent(''); editor.focus(); Utils.setSelection('li', 0); InsertContent.insertAtCaret(editor, {content: '', paste: true}); equal(editor.getContent(), ''); assertSelection('li:nth-child(2)', 0); }); test('insertAtCaret - ul with multiple items at beginning of li', function() { editor.setContent(''); editor.focus(); Utils.setSelection('li', 0); InsertContent.insertAtCaret(editor, {content: '', paste: true}); equal(editor.getContent(), ''); assertSelection('li:nth-child(3)', 0); }); test('insertAtCaret - ul at end of li', function() { editor.setContent(''); editor.focus(); Utils.setSelection('li', 2); InsertContent.insertAtCaret(editor, {content: '', paste: true}); equal(editor.getContent(), ''); assertSelection('li:nth-child(2)', 1); }); test('insertAtCaret - ul with multiple items at end of li', function() { editor.setContent(''); editor.focus(); Utils.setSelection('li', 2); InsertContent.insertAtCaret(editor, {content: '', paste: true}); equal(editor.getContent(), ''); assertSelection('li:nth-child(4)', 1); }); test('insertAtCaret - ul with multiple items in middle of li', function() { editor.setContent(''); editor.focus(); Utils.setSelection('li', 1); InsertContent.insertAtCaret(editor, {content: '', paste: true}); equal(editor.getContent(), ''); assertSelection('li:nth-child(4)', 1); }); test('insertAtCaret - ul in middle of li with formatting', function() { editor.setContent(''); editor.focus(); Utils.setSelection('strong', 1); InsertContent.insertAtCaret(editor, {content: '', paste: true}); equal(editor.getContent(), ''); assertSelection('li:nth-child(3) strong', 1); }); test('insertAtCaret - ul at beginning of li with empty end li', function() { editor.setContent(''); editor.focus(); Utils.setSelection('li', 0); InsertContent.insertAtCaret(editor, {content: '', paste: true}); equal(editor.getContent(), ''); assertSelection('li:nth-child(2)', 0); }); test('insertAtCaret - merge inline elements', function() { editor.setContent('abc'); editor.focus(); Utils.setSelection('em', 1); InsertContent.insertAtCaret(editor, {content: '123', merge: true}); equal(editor.getContent(), '


'); }); });