var ThemeViewer; (function($){ ThemeViewer = function( args ) { function init() { $( '#filter-click, #mini-filter-click' ).unbind( 'click' ).click( function() { $( '#filter-click' ).toggleClass( 'current' ); $( '#filter-box' ).slideToggle(); $( '#current-theme' ).slideToggle( 300 ); return false; }); $( '#filter-box :checkbox' ).unbind( 'click' ).click( function() { var count = $( '#filter-box :checked' ).length, text = $( '#filter-click' ).text(); if ( text.indexOf( '(' ) != -1 ) text = text.substr( 0, text.indexOf( '(' ) ); if ( count == 0 ) $( '#filter-click' ).text( text ); else $( '#filter-click' ).text( text + ' (' + count + ')' ); }); /* $('#filter-box :submit').unbind( 'click' ).click(function() { var features = []; $('#filter-box :checked').each(function() { features.push($(this).val()); }); listTable.update_rows({'features': features}, true, function() { $( '#filter-click' ).toggleClass( 'current' ); $( '#filter-box' ).slideToggle(); $( '#current-theme' ).slideToggle( 300 ); }); return false; }); */ } // These are the functions we expose var api = { init: init }; return api; } })(jQuery); jQuery( document ).ready( function($) { theme_viewer = new ThemeViewer(); theme_viewer.init(); }); var wpThemes; (function($){ var inputs = {}, Query; wpThemes = { timeToTriggerQuery: 150, minQueryAJAXDuration: 200, outListBottomThreshold: 200, noMoreResults: false, init : function() { $('.pagination-links').hide(); inputs.nonce = $('#_ajax_fetch_list_nonce').val(); // Parse Query inputs.queryString =; inputs.queryArray = wpThemes.parseQuery( inputs.queryString.substring( 1 ) ); // Handle Inputs from Query = inputs.queryArray['s']; inputs.features = inputs.queryArray['features']; inputs.startPage = parseInt( inputs.queryArray['paged'] ); = inputs.queryArray['tab']; inputs.type = inputs.queryArray['type']; if ( isNaN( inputs.startPage ) ) inputs.startPage = 2; else inputs.startPage++; // Cache jQuery objects inputs.outList = $('#availablethemes'); inputs.waiting = $('div.tablenav.bottom').children( 'img.ajax-loading' ); inputs.window = $(window); // Generate Query wpThemes.query = new Query(); // Start Polling inputs.window.scroll( function(){ wpThemes.maybeLoad(); } ); }, delayedCallback : function( func, delay ) { var timeoutTriggered, funcTriggered, funcArgs, funcContext; if ( ! delay ) return func; setTimeout( function() { if ( funcTriggered ) return func.apply( funcContext, funcArgs ); // Otherwise, wait. timeoutTriggered = true; }, delay); return function() { if ( timeoutTriggered ) return func.apply( this, arguments ); // Otherwise, wait. funcArgs = arguments; funcContext = this; funcTriggered = true; }; }, ajax: function( callback ) { var self = this, response = wpThemes.delayedCallback( function( results, params ) { self.process( results, params ); if ( callback ) callback( results, params ); }, wpThemes.minQueryAJAXDuration ); this.query.ajax( response ); }, process: function( results, params ) { // If no Results, for now, mark as no Matches, and bail. // Alternately: inputs.outList.append(wpThemesL10n.noMatchesFound); if ( ( results === undefined ) || ( results.rows.indexOf( "no-items" ) != -1 ) ) { this.noMoreResults = true; } else { inputs.outList.append( results.rows ); } }, maybeLoad: function() { var self = this, el = $(document), bottom = el.scrollTop() + inputs.window.innerHeight(); if ( this.noMoreResults || !this.query.ready() || ( bottom < inputs.outList.height() - wpThemes.outListBottomThreshold ) ) return; setTimeout( function() { var newTop = el.scrollTop(), newBottom = newTop + inputs.window.innerHeight(); if ( !self.query.ready() || ( newBottom < inputs.outList.height() - wpThemes.outListBottomThreshold ) ) return; inputs.waiting.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); // Show Spinner self.ajax( function() { inputs.waiting.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ) } ); // Hide Spinner }, wpThemes.timeToTriggerQuery ); }, parseQuery: function( query ) { var Params = {}; if ( ! query ) {return Params;}// return empty object var Pairs = query.split(/[;&]/); for ( var i = 0; i < Pairs.length; i++ ) { var KeyVal = Pairs[i].split('='); if ( ! KeyVal || KeyVal.length != 2 ) {continue;} var key = unescape( KeyVal[0] ); var val = unescape( KeyVal[1] ); val = val.replace(/\+/g, ' '); key = key.replace(/\[.*\]$/g, ''); if ( Params[key] === undefined ) { Params[key] = val; } else { var oldVal = Params[key]; if ( ! jQuery.isArray( Params[key] ) ) Params[key] = new Array( oldVal, val ); else Params[key].push( val ); } } return Params; } } Query = function() { this.failedRequest = false; this.querying = false; = inputs.startPage; } $.extend( Query.prototype, { ready: function() { return !( this.querying || this.failedRequest ); }, ajax: function( callback ) { var self = this, query = { action: 'fetch-list', tab:, paged:, s:, type: inputs.type, _ajax_fetch_list_nonce: inputs.nonce, 'features[]': inputs.features, 'list_args': list_args }; this.querying = true; $.get( ajaxurl, query, function(r) {; self.querying = false; self.failedRequest = !r; callback( r, query ); }, "json" ); } }); $(document).ready( wpThemes.init ); })(jQuery);