/* global wp */ ( function( QUnit ) { module( 'wpapi' ); QUnit.test( 'API Loaded correctly', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); assert.expect( 2 ); assert.ok( wp.api.loadPromise ); wp.api.loadPromise.done( function() { assert.ok( wp.api.models ); done(); } ); } ); // The list of collections we should check. var collectionClassNames = [ 'Categories', 'Comments', 'Media', 'Pages', 'Posts', 'Statuses', 'Tags', 'Taxonomies', 'Types', 'Users' ]; // Collections that should get helpers tested. var collectionHelperTests = [ { 'collectionType': 'Posts', 'returnsModelType': 'post', 'supportsMethods': { 'getDate': 'getDate', 'getRevisions': 'getRevisions', 'getTags': 'getTags', 'getCategories': 'getCategories', 'getAuthorUser': 'getAuthorUser', 'getFeaturedMedia': 'getFeaturedMedia' /*'getMeta': 'getMeta', currently not supported */ } }, { 'collectionType': 'Pages', 'returnsModelType': 'page', 'supportsMethods': { 'getDate': 'getDate', 'getRevisions': 'getRevisions', 'getAuthorUser': 'getAuthorUser', 'getFeaturedMedia': 'getFeaturedMedia' } } ]; _.each( collectionClassNames, function( className ) { QUnit.test( 'Testing ' + className + ' collection.', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); wp.api.loadPromise.done( function() { var theCollection = new wp.api.collections[ className ](); assert.ok( theCollection, 'We can instantiate wp.api.collections.' + className ); theCollection.fetch().done( function() { assert.equal( 1, theCollection.state.currentPage, 'We should be on page 1 of the collection in ' + className ); // Should this collection have helper methods? var collectionHelperTest = _.findWhere( collectionHelperTests, { 'collectionType': className } ); // If we found a match, run the tests against it. if ( ! _.isUndefined( collectionHelperTest ) ) { // Test the first returned model. var firstModel = theCollection.at( 0 ); // Is the model the right type? assert.equal( collectionHelperTest.returnsModelType, firstModel.get( 'type' ), 'The wp.api.collections.' + className + ' is of type ' + collectionHelperTest.returnsModelType ); // Does the model have all of the expected supported methods? _.each( collectionHelperTest.supportsMethods, function( method ) { assert.equal( 'function', typeof firstModel[ method ], className + '.' + method + ' is a function.' ); } ); } // Trigger Qunit async completion. done(); } ); } ); } ); } ); // The list of models we should check. var modelsWithIdsClassNames = [ 'Category', 'Media', 'Page', 'Post', 'Tag', 'User' ]; _.each( modelsWithIdsClassNames, function( className ) { QUnit.test( 'Checking ' + className + ' model.' , function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); assert.expect( 2 ); wp.api.loadPromise.done( function() { var theModel = new wp.api.models[ className ](); assert.ok( theModel, 'We can instantiate wp.api.models.' + className ); theModel.fetch().done( function( ) { var theModel2 = new wp.api.models[ className ](); theModel2.set( 'id', theModel.attributes[0].id ); theModel2.fetch().done( function() { // We were able to retrieve the model. assert.equal( theModel.attributes[0].id, theModel2.get( 'id' ) , 'We should be able to get a ' + className ); // Trigger Qunit async completion. done(); } ); } ); } ); } ); } ); var modelsWithIndexes = [ 'Taxonomy', 'Status', 'Type' ]; _.each( modelsWithIndexes, function( className ) { QUnit.test( 'Testing ' + className + ' model.' , function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); assert.expect( 2 ); wp.api.loadPromise.done( function( ) { var theModel = new wp.api.models[ className ](); assert.ok( theModel, 'We can instantiate wp.api.models.' + className ); theModel.fetch().done( function( ) { var theModel2 = new wp.api.models[ className ](); if ( ! _.isUndefined( theModel.attributes[0] ) ) { theModel2.set( 'id', theModel.attributes[0].id ); } theModel2.fetch().done( function() { // We were able to retrieve the model. assert.notEqual( 0, _.keys( theModel2.attributes ).length , 'We should be able to get a ' + className ); // Trigger Qunit async completion. done(); } ); } ); } ); } ); } ); // Test the jswidget custom namespace and endpoints. wp.api.init( { 'versionString': 'js-widgets/v1/' } ).done( function() { var customClasses = [ 'WidgetsArchives', 'WidgetsCalendar', 'WidgetsCategories', 'WidgetsMeta', 'WidgetsNav_menu', 'WidgetsPages', 'WidgetsPostCollection', 'WidgetsRecentComments', 'WidgetsRecentPosts', 'WidgetsRss', 'WidgetsSearch', 'WidgetsTag_cloud', 'WidgetsText' ]; // Check that we have and can get each model type. _.each( customClasses, function( className ) { QUnit.test( 'Checking ' + className + ' class name.' , function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); assert.expect( 2 ); wp.api.loadPromise.done( function() { var theModel = new wp.api.models[ className ](); assert.ok( theModel, 'We can instantiate wp.api.models.' + className ); var theCollection = new wp.api.collections[ className ](); assert.ok( theCollection, 'We can instantiate wp.api.collections.' + className ); // Trigger Qunit async completion. done(); } ); } ); } ); } ); } )( window.QUnit );