find_folder( $path ); // Perhaps the FTP folder is rooted at the WordPress install, Check for wp-includes folder in root, Could have some false positives, but rare. if ( ! $folder && $this->is_dir('/wp-includes') ) $folder = '/'; return $folder; } // Mock FS specific functions: /** * Sets initial filesystem environment and/or clears the current environment. * Can also be passed the initial filesystem to be setup which is passed to self::setfs() */ function init( $paths = '', $home_dir = '/' ) { $this->fs = new MockFS_Directory_Node( '/' ); $this->fs_map = array( '/' => $this->fs, ); $this->cache = array(); // Used by find_folder() and friends $this->cwd = isset( $this->fs_map[ $home_dir ] ) ? $this->fs_map[ $home_dir ] : '/'; $this->setfs( $paths ); } /** * "Bulk Loads" a filesystem into the internal virtual filesystem */ function setfs( $paths ) { if ( ! is_array($paths) ) $paths = explode( "\n", $paths ); $paths = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', $paths ) ); foreach ( $paths as $path ) { // Allow for comments if ( '#' == $path[0] ) continue; // Directories if ( '/' == $path[ strlen($path) -1 ] ) $this->mkdir( $path ); else // Files (with dummy content for now) $this->put_contents( $path, 'This is a test file' ); } } /** * Locates a filesystem "node" */ private function locate_node( $path ) { return isset( $this->fs_map[ $path ] ) ? $this->fs_map[ $path ] : false; } /** * Locates a filesystem node for the parent of the given item */ private function locate_parent_node( $path ) { return $this->locate_node( trailingslashit( dirname( $path ) ) ); } // Here starteth the WP_Filesystem functions. function mkdir( $path, /* Optional args are ignored */ $chmod = false, $chown = false, $chgrp = false ) { $path = trailingslashit( $path ); $parent_node = $this->locate_parent_node( $path ); if ( ! $parent_node ) { $this->mkdir( dirname( $path ) ); $parent_node = $this->locate_parent_node( $path ); if ( ! $parent_node ) return false; } $node = new MockFS_Directory_Node( $path ); $parent_node->children[ $node->name ] = $node; $this->fs_map[ $path ] = $node; return true; } function put_contents( $path, $contents = '', $mode = null ) { if ( ! $this->is_dir( dirname( $path ) ) ) $this->mkdir( dirname( $path ) ); $parent = $this->locate_parent_node( $path ); $new_file = new MockFS_File_Node( $path, $contents ); $parent->children[ $new_file->name ] = $new_file; $this->fs_map[ $path ] = $new_file; } function get_contents( $file ) { if ( ! $this->is_file( $file ) ) return false; return $this->fs_map[ $file ]->contents; } function cwd() { return $this->cwd->path; } function chdir( $path ) { if ( ! isset( $this->fs_map[ $path ] ) ) return false; $this->cwd = $this->fs_map[ $path ]; return true; } function exists( $path ) { return isset( $this->fs_map[ $path ] ) || isset( $this->fs_map[ trailingslashit( $path ) ] ); } function is_file( $file ) { return isset( $this->fs_map[ $file ] ) && $this->fs_map[ $file ]->is_file(); } function is_dir( $path ) { $path = trailingslashit( $path ); return isset( $this->fs_map[ $path ] ) && $this->fs_map[ $path ]->is_dir(); } function dirlist( $path = '.', $include_hidden = true, $recursive = false ) { if ( empty( $path ) || '.' == $path ) $path = $this->cwd(); if ( ! $this->exists( $path ) ) return false; $limit_file = false; if ( $this->is_file( $path ) ) { $limit_file = $this->locate_node( $path )->name; $path = dirname( $path ) . '/'; } $ret = array(); foreach ( $this->fs_map[ $path ]->children as $entry ) { if ( '.' == $entry->name || '..' == $entry->name ) continue; if ( ! $include_hidden && '.' == $entry->name ) continue; if ( $limit_file && $entry->name != $limit_file ) continue; $struc = array(); $struc['name'] = $entry->name; $struc['type'] = $entry->type; if ( 'd' == $struc['type'] ) { if ( $recursive ) $struc['files'] = $this->dirlist( trailingslashit( $path ) . trailingslashit( $struc['name'] ), $include_hidden, $recursive ); else $struc['files'] = array(); } $ret[ $entry->name ] = $struc; } return $ret; } } class MockFS_Node { public $name; // The "name" of the entry, does not include a slash (exception, root) public $type; // The type of the entry 'f' for file, 'd' for Directory public $path; // The full path to the entry. function __construct( $path ) { $this->path = $path; $this->name = basename( $path ); } function is_file() { return $this->type == 'f'; } function is_dir() { return $this->type == 'd'; } } class MockFS_Directory_Node extends MockFS_Node { public $type = 'd'; public $children = array(); // The child nodes of this directory } class MockFS_File_Node extends MockFS_Node { public $type = 'f'; public $contents = ''; // The contents of the file function __construct( $path, $contents = '' ) { parent::__construct( $path ); $this->contents = $contents; } }