factory = $factory; $this->default_generation_definitions = $default_generation_definitions; } /** * Creates an object. * * @param array $args The arguments. * * @return mixed The result. Can be anything. */ abstract public function create_object( $args ); /** * Updates an existing object. * * @param int $object The object id. * @param array $fields The values to update. * * @return mixed The result. Can be anything. */ abstract public function update_object( $object, $fields ); /** * Creates an object. * * @param array $args Optional. The arguments for the object to create. Default is empty array. * @param null $generation_definitions Optional. The default values for the object. Default is null. * * @return mixed The result. Can be anything. */ public function create( $args = array(), $generation_definitions = null ) { if ( is_null( $generation_definitions ) ) { $generation_definitions = $this->default_generation_definitions; } $generated_args = $this->generate_args( $args, $generation_definitions, $callbacks ); $created = $this->create_object( $generated_args ); if ( ! $created || is_wp_error( $created ) ) { return $created; } if ( $callbacks ) { $updated_fields = $this->apply_callbacks( $callbacks, $created ); $save_result = $this->update_object( $created, $updated_fields ); if ( ! $save_result || is_wp_error( $save_result ) ) { return $save_result; } } return $created; } /** * Creates an object and returns its object. * * @param array $args Optional. The arguments for the object to create. Default is empty array. * @param null $generation_definitions Optional. The default values for the object. Default is null. * * @return mixed The created object. Can be anything. */ public function create_and_get( $args = array(), $generation_definitions = null ) { $object_id = $this->create( $args, $generation_definitions ); if ( is_wp_error( $object_id ) ) { return $object_id; } return $this->get_object_by_id( $object_id ); } /** * Retrieves an object by ID. * * @param int $object_id The object id. * * @return mixed The object. Can be anything. */ abstract public function get_object_by_id( $object_id ); /** * Creates multiple objects. * * @param int $count Amount of objects to create. * @param array $args Optional. The arguments for the object to create. Default is empty array. * @param null $generation_definitions Optional. The default values for the object. Default is null. * * @return array */ public function create_many( $count, $args = array(), $generation_definitions = null ) { $results = array(); for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) { $results[] = $this->create( $args, $generation_definitions ); } return $results; } /** * Combines the given argument with the generation_definitions (defaults) and applies * possibly set callbacks on it. * * @param array $args Optional. The arguments to combine with defaults. Default is empty array. * @param array|null $generation_definitions Optional. The defaults. Default is null. * @param array|null $callbacks Optional. Array with callbacks to apply on the fields. Default is null. * * @return array|WP_Error Combined array on success. WP_Error when default value is incorrent. */ public function generate_args( $args = array(), $generation_definitions = null, &$callbacks = null ) { $callbacks = array(); if ( is_null( $generation_definitions ) ) { $generation_definitions = $this->default_generation_definitions; } // Use the same incrementor for all fields belonging to this object. $gen = new WP_UnitTest_Generator_Sequence(); // Add leading zeros to make sure MySQL sorting works as expected. $incr = zeroise( $gen->get_incr(), 7 ); foreach ( array_keys( $generation_definitions ) as $field_name ) { if ( ! isset( $args[ $field_name ] ) ) { $generator = $generation_definitions[ $field_name ]; if ( is_scalar( $generator ) ) { $args[ $field_name ] = $generator; } elseif ( is_object( $generator ) && method_exists( $generator, 'call' ) ) { $callbacks[ $field_name ] = $generator; } elseif ( is_object( $generator ) ) { $args[ $field_name ] = sprintf( $generator->get_template_string(), $incr ); } else { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_argument', 'Factory default value should be either a scalar or an generator object.' ); } } } return $args; } /** * Applies the callbacks on the created object. * * @param WP_UnitTest_Factory_Callback_After_Create[] $callbacks Array with callback functions. * @param mixed $created The object to apply callbacks for. * * @return array The altered fields. */ public function apply_callbacks( $callbacks, $created ) { $updated_fields = array(); foreach ( $callbacks as $field_name => $generator ) { $updated_fields[ $field_name ] = $generator->call( $created ); } return $updated_fields; } /** * Instantiates a callback objects for the given function name. * * @param string $function The callback function. * * @return WP_UnitTest_Factory_Callback_After_Create */ public function callback( $function ) { return new WP_UnitTest_Factory_Callback_After_Create( $function ); } /** * Adds slashes to the given value. * * @param array|object|string|mixed $value The value to add slashes to. * * @return array|string The value with the possibly applied slashes. */ public function addslashes_deep( $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $value = array_map( array( $this, 'addslashes_deep' ), $value ); } elseif ( is_object( $value ) ) { $vars = get_object_vars( $value ); foreach ( $vars as $key => $data ) { $value->{$key} = $this->addslashes_deep( $data ); } } elseif ( is_string( $value ) ) { $value = addslashes( $value ); } return $value; } }