5, ); } $recent_comments_title = __( 'Recent Comments' ); wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'dashboard_recent_comments', $recent_comments_title, 'wp_dashboard_recent_comments', 'wp_dashboard_recent_comments_control' ); } // Incoming Links Widget if ( is_blog_admin() && current_user_can('publish_posts') ) { if ( !isset( $widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links'] ) || !isset( $widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links']['home'] ) || $widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links']['home'] != get_option('home') ) { $update = true; $num_items = isset($widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links']['items']) ? $widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links']['items'] : 10; $widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links'] = array( 'home' => get_option('home'), 'link' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_incoming_links_link', 'http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?scoring=d&partner=wordpress&q=link:' . trailingslashit( get_option('home') ) ), 'url' => isset($widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links']['url']) ? apply_filters( 'dashboard_incoming_links_feed', $widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links']['url'] ) : apply_filters( 'dashboard_incoming_links_feed', 'http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch_feeds?scoring=d&ie=utf-8&num=' . $num_items . '&output=rss&partner=wordpress&q=link:' . trailingslashit( get_option('home') ) ), 'items' => $num_items, 'show_date' => isset($widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links']['show_date']) ? $widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links']['show_date'] : false ); } wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'dashboard_incoming_links', __( 'Incoming Links' ), 'wp_dashboard_incoming_links', 'wp_dashboard_incoming_links_control' ); } // WP Plugins Widget if ( ( ! is_multisite() && is_blog_admin() && current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) || ( is_network_admin() && current_user_can( 'manage_network_plugins' ) && current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) ) wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'dashboard_plugins', __( 'Plugins' ), 'wp_dashboard_plugins' ); // QuickPress Widget if ( is_blog_admin() && current_user_can('edit_posts') ) wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'dashboard_quick_press', __( 'QuickPress' ), 'wp_dashboard_quick_press' ); // Recent Drafts if ( is_blog_admin() && current_user_can('edit_posts') ) wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'dashboard_recent_drafts', __('Recent Drafts'), 'wp_dashboard_recent_drafts' ); // Primary feed (Dev Blog) Widget if ( !isset( $widget_options['dashboard_primary'] ) ) { $update = true; $widget_options['dashboard_primary'] = array( 'link' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_primary_link', __( 'http://wordpress.org/news/' ) ), 'url' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_primary_feed', __( 'http://wordpress.org/news/feed/' ) ), 'title' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_primary_title', __( 'WordPress Blog' ) ), 'items' => 2, 'show_summary' => 1, 'show_author' => 0, 'show_date' => 1, ); } wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'dashboard_primary', $widget_options['dashboard_primary']['title'], 'wp_dashboard_primary', 'wp_dashboard_primary_control' ); // Secondary Feed (Planet) Widget if ( !isset( $widget_options['dashboard_secondary'] ) ) { $update = true; $widget_options['dashboard_secondary'] = array( 'link' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_secondary_link', __( 'http://planet.wordpress.org/' ) ), 'url' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_secondary_feed', __( 'http://planet.wordpress.org/feed/' ) ), 'title' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_secondary_title', __( 'Other WordPress News' ) ), 'items' => 5, 'show_summary' => 0, 'show_author' => 0, 'show_date' => 0, ); } wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'dashboard_secondary', $widget_options['dashboard_secondary']['title'], 'wp_dashboard_secondary', 'wp_dashboard_secondary_control' ); // Hook to register new widgets // Filter widget order if ( is_network_admin() ) { do_action( 'wp_network_dashboard_setup' ); $dashboard_widgets = apply_filters( 'wp_network_dashboard_widgets', array() ); } elseif ( is_user_admin() ) { do_action( 'wp_user_dashboard_setup' ); $dashboard_widgets = apply_filters( 'wp_user_dashboard_widgets', array() ); } else { do_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup' ); $dashboard_widgets = apply_filters( 'wp_dashboard_widgets', array() ); } foreach ( $dashboard_widgets as $widget_id ) { $name = empty( $wp_registered_widgets[$widget_id]['all_link'] ) ? $wp_registered_widgets[$widget_id]['name'] : $wp_registered_widgets[$widget_id]['name'] . " " . __('View all') . ''; wp_add_dashboard_widget( $widget_id, $name, $wp_registered_widgets[$widget_id]['callback'], $wp_registered_widget_controls[$widget_id]['callback'] ); } if ( 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && isset($_POST['widget_id']) ) { ob_start(); // hack - but the same hack wp-admin/widgets.php uses wp_dashboard_trigger_widget_control( $_POST['widget_id'] ); ob_end_clean(); wp_redirect( remove_query_arg( 'edit' ) ); exit; } if ( $update ) update_option( 'dashboard_widget_options', $widget_options ); do_action('do_meta_boxes', $screen->id, 'normal', ''); do_action('do_meta_boxes', $screen->id, 'side', ''); } function wp_add_dashboard_widget( $widget_id, $widget_name, $callback, $control_callback = null ) { $screen = get_current_screen(); global $wp_dashboard_control_callbacks; if ( $control_callback && current_user_can( 'edit_dashboard' ) && is_callable( $control_callback ) ) { $wp_dashboard_control_callbacks[$widget_id] = $control_callback; if ( isset( $_GET['edit'] ) && $widget_id == $_GET['edit'] ) { list($url) = explode( '#', add_query_arg( 'edit', false ), 2 ); $widget_name .= ' ' . __( 'Cancel' ) . ''; $callback = '_wp_dashboard_control_callback'; } else { list($url) = explode( '#', add_query_arg( 'edit', $widget_id ), 2 ); $widget_name .= ' ' . __( 'Configure' ) . ''; } } if ( is_blog_admin () ) $side_widgets = array('dashboard_quick_press', 'dashboard_recent_drafts', 'dashboard_primary', 'dashboard_secondary'); else if (is_network_admin() ) $side_widgets = array('dashboard_primary', 'dashboard_secondary'); else $side_widgets = array(); $location = 'normal'; if ( in_array($widget_id, $side_widgets) ) $location = 'side'; $priority = 'core'; if ( 'dashboard_browser_nag' === $widget_id ) $priority = 'high'; add_meta_box( $widget_id, $widget_name, $callback, $screen, $location, $priority ); } function _wp_dashboard_control_callback( $dashboard, $meta_box ) { echo '
'; } /** * Displays the dashboard. * * @since 2.5.0 */ function wp_dashboard() { global $screen_layout_columns; $screen = get_current_screen(); $hide2 = $hide3 = $hide4 = ''; switch ( $screen_layout_columns ) { case 4: $width = 'width:25%;'; break; case 3: $width = 'width:33.333333%;'; $hide4 = 'display:none;'; break; case 2: $width = 'width:50%;'; $hide3 = $hide4 = 'display:none;'; break; default: $width = 'width:100%;'; $hide2 = $hide3 = $hide4 = 'display:none;'; } ?>' . __('Content') . '
'."\n\t".'' . $num . ' | '; echo '' . $text . ' | '; echo '
' . $num . ' | '; echo '' . $text . ' | '; echo '
' . $num . ' | '; echo '' . $text . ' | '; echo '
' . $num . ' | '; echo '' . $text . ' | '; echo "
' . __('Discussion') . '
'."\n\t".'' . $num . ' | '; echo '' . $text . ' | '; echo '
' . $num . ' | '; echo '' . $text . ' | '; echo "
' . $num . ' | '; echo '' . $text . ' | '; echo "
' . $num . ' | '; echo '' . $text . ' | '; echo "
"; if ( empty( $ct->stylesheet_dir ) ) { if ( ! is_multisite() || is_super_admin() ) echo '' . $switch_themes . ''; if ( current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) { printf(_n('Theme %1$s with %2$s Widget', 'Theme %1$s with %2$s Widgets', $num_widgets), $switch_themes, $num); } else { printf(_n('Theme %1$s with %2$s Widget', 'Theme %1$s with %2$s Widgets', $num_widgets), $switch_themes, $num); } } else { if ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) printf( __('Theme %1$s'), $ct->title ); else printf( __('Theme %1$s'), $ct->title ); } echo '
'; // Check if search engines are blocked. if ( !is_network_admin() && !is_user_admin() && current_user_can('manage_options') && '1' != get_option('blog_public') ) { $title = apply_filters('privacy_on_link_title', __('Your site is asking search engines not to index its content') ); $content = apply_filters('privacy_on_link_text', __('Search Engines Blocked') ); echo " '; } elseif ( ! empty($wp_registered_sidebars) ) { $sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets(); $num_widgets = 0; foreach ( (array) $sidebars_widgets as $k => $v ) { if ( 'wp_inactive_widgets' == $k ) continue; if ( is_array($v) ) $num_widgets = $num_widgets + count($v); } $num = number_format_i18n( $num_widgets ); $switch_themes = $ct->title; if ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes') ) $switch_themes = '"; } update_right_now_message(); echo "\n\t".'' . __( 'Post published. View post | Edit post' ) . '
', esc_url( $view ), $edit ); else printf( '' . __( 'Post submitted. Preview post | Edit post' ) . '
' . __( 'Draft saved. Preview post | Edit post' ) . '
' . __('You can also try %s, easy blogging from anywhere on the Web.') . '
', '' . __('Press This') . '' ); $_REQUEST = array(); // hack for get_default_post_to_edit() } /* Check if a new auto-draft (= no new post_ID) is needed or if the old can be used */ $last_post_id = (int) get_user_option( 'dashboard_quick_press_last_post_id' ); // Get the last post_ID if ( $last_post_id ) { $post = get_post( $last_post_id ); if ( empty( $post ) || $post->post_status != 'auto-draft' ) { // auto-draft doesn't exists anymore $post = get_default_post_to_edit('post', true); update_user_option( (int) $GLOBALS['current_user']->ID, 'dashboard_quick_press_last_post_id', (int) $post->ID ); // Save post_ID } else { $post->post_title = ''; // Remove the auto draft title } } else { $post = get_default_post_to_edit('post', true); update_user_option( (int) $GLOBALS['current_user']->ID, 'dashboard_quick_press_last_post_id', (int) $post->ID ); // Save post_ID } $post_ID = (int) $post->ID; ?> 'post', 'post_status' => 'draft', 'author' => $GLOBALS['current_user']->ID, 'posts_per_page' => 5, 'orderby' => 'modified', 'order' => 'DESC' ) ); $drafts =& $drafts_query->posts; } if ( $drafts && is_array( $drafts ) ) { $list = array(); foreach ( $drafts as $draft ) { $url = get_edit_post_link( $draft->ID ); $title = _draft_or_post_title( $draft->ID ); $item = "' . join( ' ', array_slice( $the_content, 0, 10 ) ) . ( 10 < count( $the_content ) ? '…' : '' ) . '
'; $list[] = $item; } ?>
' . get_comment_author_link() . '', $comment_post_link.' '.$comment_link, ' ' . __( '[Pending]' ) . '' ); ?>
comment_type ) : case 'pingback' : $type = __( 'Pingback' ); break; case 'trackback' : $type = __( 'Trackback' ); break; default : $type = ucwords( $comment->comment_type ); endswitch; $type = esc_html( $type ); ?>$type", $comment_post_link." ".$comment_link ); ?>
'; printf(__('RSS Error: %s'), $rss->get_error_message()); echo '
'; } return; } if ( !$rss->get_item_quantity() ) { echo '' . __('This dashboard widget queries Google Blog Search so that when another blog links to your site it will show up here. It has found no incoming links… yet. It’s okay — there is no rush.') . "
\n"; $rss->__destruct(); unset($rss); return; } echo "\n"; if ( !isset($items) ) $items = 10; foreach ( $rss->get_items(0, $items) as $item ) { $publisher = ''; $site_link = ''; $link = ''; $content = ''; $date = ''; $link = esc_url( strip_tags( $item->get_link() ) ); $author = $item->get_author(); if ( $author ) { $site_link = esc_url( strip_tags( $author->get_link() ) ); if ( !$publisher = esc_html( strip_tags( $author->get_name() ) ) ) $publisher = __( 'Somebody' ); } else { $publisher = __( 'Somebody' ); } if ( $site_link ) $publisher = "$publisher"; else $publisher = "$publisher"; $content = $item->get_content(); $content = wp_html_excerpt($content, 50) . ' ...'; if ( $link ) /* translators: incoming links feed, %1$s is other person, %3$s is content */ $text = __( '%1$s linked here saying, "%3$s"' ); else /* translators: incoming links feed, %1$s is other person, %3$s is content */ $text = __( '%1$s linked here saying, "%3$s"' ); if ( !empty($show_date) ) { if ( !empty($show_author) || !empty($show_summary) ) /* translators: incoming links feed, %4$s is the date */ $text .= ' ' . __( 'on %4$s' ); $date = esc_html( strip_tags( $item->get_date() ) ); $date = strtotime( $date ); $date = gmdate( get_option( 'date_format' ), $date ); } echo "\t- " . sprintf( $text, $publisher, $link, $content, $date ) . "
echo "
\n"; $rss->__destruct(); unset($rss); } function wp_dashboard_incoming_links_control() { wp_dashboard_rss_control( 'dashboard_incoming_links', array( 'title' => false, 'show_summary' => false, 'show_author' => false ) ); } function wp_dashboard_primary() { wp_dashboard_cached_rss_widget( 'dashboard_primary', 'wp_dashboard_rss_output' ); } function wp_dashboard_primary_control() { wp_dashboard_rss_control( 'dashboard_primary' ); } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string $widget_id */ function wp_dashboard_rss_output( $widget_id ) { $widgets = get_option( 'dashboard_widget_options' ); echo ''; printf(__('RSS Error: %s'), $rss->get_error_message()); echo '
\n"; echo "$title
(" . __( 'Install' ) . ")\n"; echo "$description
\n"; $$feed->__destruct(); unset($$feed); } } /** * Checks to see if all of the feed url in $check_urls are cached. * * If $check_urls is empty, look for the rss feed url found in the dashboard * widget options of $widget_id. If cached, call $callback, a function that * echoes out output for this widget. If not cache, echo a "Loading..." stub * which is later replaced by AJAX call (see top of /wp-admin/index.php) * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string $widget_id * @param callback $callback * @param array $check_urls RSS feeds * @return bool False on failure. True on success. */ function wp_dashboard_cached_rss_widget( $widget_id, $callback, $check_urls = array() ) { $loading = '' . __( 'Loading…' ) . '
' . __( 'This widget requires JavaScript.' ) . '
'; $doing_ajax = ( defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX ); if ( empty($check_urls) ) { $widgets = get_option( 'dashboard_widget_options' ); if ( empty($widgets[$widget_id]['url']) && ! $doing_ajax ) { echo $loading; return false; } $check_urls = array( $widgets[$widget_id]['url'] ); } $cache_key = 'dash_' . md5( $widget_id ); if ( false !== ( $output = get_transient( $cache_key ) ) ) { echo $output; return true; } if ( ! $doing_ajax ) { echo $loading; return false; } if ( $callback && is_callable( $callback ) ) { $args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 2 ); array_unshift( $args, $widget_id ); ob_start(); call_user_func_array( $callback, $args ); set_transient( $cache_key, ob_get_flush(), 43200); // Default lifetime in cache of 12 hours (same as the feeds) } return true; } /* Dashboard Widgets Controls */ // Calls widget_control callback /** * Calls widget control callback. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param int $widget_control_id Registered Widget ID. */ function wp_dashboard_trigger_widget_control( $widget_control_id = false ) { global $wp_dashboard_control_callbacks; if ( is_scalar($widget_control_id) && $widget_control_id && isset($wp_dashboard_control_callbacks[$widget_control_id]) && is_callable($wp_dashboard_control_callbacks[$widget_control_id]) ) { call_user_func( $wp_dashboard_control_callbacks[$widget_control_id], '', array( 'id' => $widget_control_id, 'callback' => $wp_dashboard_control_callbacks[$widget_control_id] ) ); } } /** * The RSS dashboard widget control. * * Sets up $args to be used as input to wp_widget_rss_form(). Handles POST data * from RSS-type widgets. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string $widget_id * @param array $form_inputs */ function wp_dashboard_rss_control( $widget_id, $form_inputs = array() ) { if ( !$widget_options = get_option( 'dashboard_widget_options' ) ) $widget_options = array(); if ( !isset($widget_options[$widget_id]) ) $widget_options[$widget_id] = array(); $number = 1; // Hack to use wp_widget_rss_form() $widget_options[$widget_id]['number'] = $number; if ( 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && isset($_POST['widget-rss'][$number]) ) { $_POST['widget-rss'][$number] = stripslashes_deep( $_POST['widget-rss'][$number] ); $widget_options[$widget_id] = wp_widget_rss_process( $_POST['widget-rss'][$number] ); // title is optional. If black, fill it if possible if ( !$widget_options[$widget_id]['title'] && isset($_POST['widget-rss'][$number]['title']) ) { $rss = fetch_feed($widget_options[$widget_id]['url']); if ( is_wp_error($rss) ) { $widget_options[$widget_id]['title'] = htmlentities(__('Unknown Feed')); } else { $widget_options[$widget_id]['title'] = htmlentities(strip_tags($rss->get_title())); $rss->__destruct(); unset($rss); } } update_option( 'dashboard_widget_options', $widget_options ); $cache_key = 'dash_' . md5( $widget_id ); delete_transient( $cache_key ); } wp_widget_rss_form( $widget_options[$widget_id], $form_inputs ); } // Display File upload quota on dashboard function wp_dashboard_quota() { if ( !is_multisite() || !current_user_can('upload_files') || get_site_option( 'upload_space_check_disabled' ) ) return true; $quota = get_space_allowed(); $used = get_dirsize( BLOGUPLOADDIR ) / 1024 / 1024; if ( $used > $quota ) $percentused = '100'; else $percentused = ( $used / $quota ) * 100; $used_color = ( $percentused >= 70 ) ? ' spam' : ''; $used = round( $used, 2 ); $percentused = number_format( $percentused ); ?>%s. Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe. For the best WordPress experience, please update your browser." ), esc_attr( $response['update_url'] ), esc_html( $response['name'] ) ); } else { $msg = sprintf( __( "It looks like you're using an old version of %s. For the best WordPress experience, please update your browser." ), esc_attr( $response['update_url'] ), esc_html( $response['name'] ) ); } $browser_nag_class = ''; if ( !empty( $response['img_src'] ) ) { $img_src = ( is_ssl() && ! empty( $response['img_src_ssl'] ) )? $response['img_src_ssl'] : $response['img_src']; $notice .= '
"; $notice .= '' . sprintf( __( 'Update %2$s or learn how to browse happy' ), esc_attr( $response['update_url'] ), esc_html( $response['name'] ), 'http://browsehappy.com/' ) . '
'; $notice .= '' . __( 'Dismiss' ) . '
'; $notice .= ''; } echo apply_filters( 'browse-happy-notice', $notice, $response ); } function dashboard_browser_nag_class( $classes ) { $response = wp_check_browser_version(); if ( $response && $response['insecure'] ) $classes[] = 'browser-insecure'; return $classes; } /** * Check if the user needs a browser update * * @since 3.2.0 * * @return array|bool False on failure, array of browser data on success. */ function wp_check_browser_version() { if ( empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) return false; $key = md5( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ); if ( false === ($response = get_site_transient('browser_' . $key) ) ) { global $wp_version; $options = array( 'body' => array( 'useragent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ), 'user-agent' => 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); $response = wp_remote_post( 'http://api.wordpress.org/core/browse-happy/1.0/', $options ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) || 200 != wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) ) return false; /** * Response should be an array with: * 'name' - string - A user friendly browser name * 'version' - string - The most recent version of the browser * 'current_version' - string - The version of the browser the user is using * 'upgrade' - boolean - Whether the browser needs an upgrade * 'insecure' - boolean - Whether the browser is deemed insecure * 'upgrade_url' - string - The url to visit to upgrade * 'img_src' - string - An image representing the browser * 'img_src_ssl' - string - An image (over SSL) representing the browser */ $response = unserialize( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) ); if ( ! $response ) return false; set_site_transient( 'browser_' . $key, $response, 604800 ); // cache for 1 week } return $response; } /** * Empty function usable by plugins to output empty dashboard widget (to be populated later by JS). */ function wp_dashboard_empty() {} /** * Displays a welcome panel to introduce users to WordPress. * * @since 3.3 */ function wp_welcome_panel() { global $wp_version; if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) return; $classes = 'welcome-panel'; if ( ! get_user_option( 'show_welcome_panel' ) ) $classes .= ' hidden'; list( $display_version ) = explode( '-', $wp_version ); ?>First Steps with WordPress. If you’d rather dive right in, here are a few things most people do first when they set up a new WordPress site. If you need help, use the Help tabs in the upper right corner to get information on how to use your current screen and where to go for more assistance.' ); ?>
choose a new one. If you stick with %3$s, here are a few ways to make your site look unique.' ), __( 'Twenty Eleven' ), esc_url( admin_url( 'themes.php' ) ), __( 'Twenty Eleven' ) ); ?>
Dismiss this message.' ), '#' ) ?>