<?php require_once('admin.php'); $title = __('Posts'); $parent_file = 'edit.php'; wp_enqueue_script( 1 == $_GET['c'] ? 'admin-comments' : 'listman' ); require_once('admin-header.php'); $_GET['m'] = (int) $_GET['m']; $_GET['cat'] = (int) $_GET['cat']; $post_stati = array( // array( adj, noun ) 'publish' => array(__('Published'), __('Published posts')), 'future' => array(__('Scheduled'), __('Scheduled posts')), 'pending' => array(__('Pending Review'), __('Pending posts')), 'draft' => array(__('Draft'), _c('Drafts|manage posts header')), 'private' => array(__('Private'), __('Private posts')) ); $avail_post_stati = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT DISTINCT post_status FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'post'"); $post_status_q = ''; $post_status_label = __('Posts'); if ( isset($_GET['post_status']) && in_array( $_GET['post_status'], array_keys($post_stati) ) ) { $post_status_label = $post_stati[$_GET['post_status']][1]; $post_status_q = '&post_status=' . $_GET['post_status']; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php if ( 'pending' === $_GET['post_status'] ) { $order = 'ASC'; $orderby = 'modified'; } elseif ( 'draft' === $_GET['post_status'] ) { $order = 'DESC'; $orderby = 'modified'; } else { $order = 'DESC'; $orderby = 'date'; } wp("what_to_show=posts$post_status_q&posts_per_page=15&order=$order&orderby=$orderby"); // define the columns to display, the syntax is 'internal name' => 'display name' $posts_columns = array(); $posts_columns['id'] = '<div style="text-align: center">' . __('ID') . '</div>'; if ( 'draft' === $_GET['post_status'] ) $posts_columns['modified'] = __('Modified'); elseif ( 'pending' === $_GET['post_status'] ) $posts_columns['modified'] = __('Submitted'); else $posts_columns['date'] = __('When'); $posts_columns['title'] = __('Title'); $posts_columns['categories'] = __('Categories'); if ( !in_array($_GET['post_status'], array('pending', 'draft', 'future')) ) $posts_columns['comments'] = '<div style="text-align: center">' . __('Comments') . '</div>'; $posts_columns['author'] = __('Author'); $posts_columns = apply_filters('manage_posts_columns', $posts_columns); // you can not edit these at the moment $posts_columns['control_view'] = ''; $posts_columns['control_edit'] = ''; $posts_columns['control_delete'] = ''; ?> <h2><?php if ( is_single() ) { printf(__('Comments on %s'), apply_filters( "the_title", $post->post_title)); } else { if ( $post_listing_pageable && !is_archive() && !is_search() ) $h2_noun = is_paged() ? sprintf(__( 'Previous %s' ), $post_status_label) : sprintf(__('Latest %s'), $post_status_label); else $h2_noun = $post_status_label; // Use $_GET instead of is_ since they can override each other $h2_author = ''; $_GET['author'] = (int) $_GET['author']; if ( $_GET['author'] != 0 ) { if ( $_GET['author'] == '-' . $user_ID ) { // author exclusion $h2_author = ' ' . __('by other authors'); } else { $author_user = get_userdata( get_query_var( 'author' ) ); $h2_author = ' ' . sprintf(__('by %s'), wp_specialchars( $author_user->display_name )); } } $h2_search = isset($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] ? ' ' . sprintf(__('matching “%s”'), wp_specialchars( get_search_query() ) ) : ''; $h2_cat = isset($_GET['cat']) && $_GET['cat'] ? ' ' . sprintf( __('in “%s”'), single_cat_title('', false) ) : ''; $h2_month = isset($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] ? ' ' . sprintf( __('during %s'), single_month_title(' ', false) ) : ''; printf( _c( '%1$s%2$s%3$s%4$s%5$s|You can reorder these: 1: Posts, 2: by {s}, 3: matching {s}, 4: in {s}, 5: during {s}' ), $h2_noun, $h2_author, $h2_search, $h2_cat, $h2_month ); } ?></h2> <form name="searchform" id="searchform" action="" method="get"> <fieldset><legend><?php _e('Search terms…'); ?></legend> <input type="text" name="s" id="s" value="<?php the_search_query(); ?>" size="17" /> </fieldset> <fieldset><legend><?php _e('Status…'); ?></legend> <select name='post_status'> <option<?php selected( @$_GET['post_status'], 0 ); ?> value='0'><?php _e('Any'); ?></option> <?php foreach ( $post_stati as $status => $label ) : if ( !in_array($status, $avail_post_stati) ) continue; ?> <option<?php selected( @$_GET['post_status'], $status ); ?> value='<?php echo $status; ?>'><?php echo $label[0]; ?></option> <?php endforeach; ?> </select> </fieldset> <?php $editable_ids = get_editable_user_ids( $user_ID ); if ( $editable_ids && count( $editable_ids ) > 1 ) : ?> <fieldset><legend><?php _e('Author…'); ?></legend> <?php wp_dropdown_users( array('include' => $editable_ids, 'show_option_all' => __('Any'), 'name' => 'author', 'selected' => isset($_GET['author']) ? $_GET['author'] : 0) ); ?> </fieldset> <?php endif; $arc_query = "SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date) AS yyear, MONTH(post_date) AS mmonth FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'post' ORDER BY post_date DESC"; $arc_result = $wpdb->get_results( $arc_query ); $month_count = count($arc_result); if ( $month_count && !( 1 == $month_count && 0 == $arc_result[0]->mmonth ) ) { ?> <fieldset><legend><?php _e('Month…') ?></legend> <select name='m'> <option<?php selected( @$_GET['m'], 0 ); ?> value='0'><?php _e('Any'); ?></option> <?php foreach ($arc_result as $arc_row) { if ( $arc_row->yyear == 0 ) continue; $arc_row->mmonth = zeroise($arc_row->mmonth, 2); if ( $arc_row->yyear . $arc_row->mmonth == $_GET['m'] ) $default = ' selected="selected"'; else $default = ''; echo "<option$default value='$arc_row->yyear$arc_row->mmonth'>"; echo $wp_locale->get_month($arc_row->mmonth) . " $arc_row->yyear"; echo "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </fieldset> <?php } ?> <fieldset><legend><?php _e('Category…') ?></legend> <?php wp_dropdown_categories('show_option_all='.__('All').'&hide_empty=1&hierarchical=1&show_count=1&selected='.$cat);?> </fieldset> <input type="submit" id="post-query-submit" value="<?php _e('Filter »'); ?>" class="button" /> </form> <?php do_action('restrict_manage_posts'); ?> <br style="clear:both;" /> <?php include( 'edit-post-rows.php' ); ?> <div id="ajax-response"></div> <div class="navigation"> <div class="alignleft"><?php next_posts_link(__('« Previous Entries')) ?></div> <div class="alignright"><?php previous_posts_link(__('Next Entries »')) ?></div> </div> <?php if ( 1 == count($posts) ) { $comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = $id AND comment_approved != 'spam' ORDER BY comment_date"); if ($comments) { update_comment_cache($comments); ?> <h3 id="comments"><?php _e('Comments') ?></h3> <ol id="the-comment-list" class="commentlist"> <?php $i = 0; foreach ($comments as $comment) { ++$i; $class = ''; $post = get_post($comment->comment_post_ID); $authordata = get_userdata($post->post_author); $comment_status = wp_get_comment_status($comment->comment_ID); if ('unapproved' == $comment_status) $class .= ' unapproved'; if ($i % 2) $class .= ' alternate'; echo "<li id='comment-$comment->comment_ID' class='$class'>"; ?> <p><strong><?php comment_author() ?></strong> <?php if ($comment->comment_author_email) { ?>| <?php comment_author_email_link() ?> <?php } if ($comment->comment_author_url && 'http://' != $comment->comment_author_url) { ?> | <?php comment_author_url_link() ?> <?php } ?>| <?php _e('IP:') ?> <a href="edit-comments.php?s=<?php comment_author_IP() ?>&mode=edit"><?php comment_author_IP() ?></a></p> <?php comment_text() ?> <p><?php comment_date(__('M j, g:i A')); ?> — [ <?php if ( current_user_can('edit_post', $comment->comment_post_ID) ) { echo " <a href='comment.php?action=editcomment&c=".$comment->comment_ID."'>" . __('Edit') . '</a>'; echo ' | <a href="' . wp_nonce_url('comment.php?action=deletecomment&p=' . $comment->comment_post_ID . '&c=' . $comment->comment_ID, 'delete-comment_' . $comment->comment_ID) . '" onclick="return deleteSomething( \'comment\', ' . $comment->comment_ID . ', \'' . js_escape(sprintf(__("You are about to delete this comment by '%s'.\n'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."), $comment->comment_author)) . "', theCommentList );\">" . __('Delete') . '</a> '; if ( ('none' != $comment_status) && ( current_user_can('moderate_comments') ) ) { echo '<span class="unapprove"> | <a href="' . wp_nonce_url('comment.php?action=unapprovecomment&p=' . $comment->comment_post_ID . '&c=' . $comment->comment_ID, 'unapprove-comment_' . $comment->comment_ID) . '" onclick="return dimSomething( \'comment\', ' . $comment->comment_ID . ', \'unapproved\', theCommentList );">' . __('Unapprove') . '</a> </span>'; echo '<span class="approve"> | <a href="' . wp_nonce_url('comment.php?action=approvecomment&p=' . $comment->comment_post_ID . '&c=' . $comment->comment_ID, 'approve-comment_' . $comment->comment_ID) . '" onclick="return dimSomething( \'comment\', ' . $comment->comment_ID . ', \'unapproved\', theCommentList );">' . __('Approve') . '</a> </span>'; } echo " | <a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url("comment.php?action=deletecomment&dt=spam&p=" . $comment->comment_post_ID . "&c=" . $comment->comment_ID, 'delete-comment_' . $comment->comment_ID) . "\" onclick=\"return deleteSomething( 'comment-as-spam', $comment->comment_ID, '" . js_escape(sprintf(__("You are about to mark as spam this comment by '%s'.\n'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to mark as spam."), $comment->comment_author)) . "', theCommentList );\">" . __('Spam') . "</a> "; } ?> ] </p> </li> <?php //end of the loop, don't delete } // end foreach echo '</ol>'; }//end if comments ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php include('admin-footer.php'); ?>