

This drop down list contains all the link categories you have defined. When used in conjunction with the 'Delete' or 'Edit' button it allows you to delete or edit (rename) the selected category.
Here you can create a new link category. There is an input box for the name of the category. There is a checkbox for the auto-toggle state of the new link. Type in the name, click the check box if you want this category to be auto-toggle, then click on the 'Add it!' button.
Auto toggle is a setting for a link category. Setting this to on means that whenever you edit links in this category, the system will only allow one link at a time to be visible. If you set a link to be visible, or create a new link with a visible state, the system will automatically turn off the visibility of all the other links in that category. Some suggestions for this functionality include a set of 'Mood' links, only one of which is 'active' at any time; or a collection of links to CD's and set the one to which you are currently listening to visible. All the other links will automatically be made invisible.