

This drop down list contains all the link categories you have defined. When used in conjunction with the 'Show' button, the list of links displayed will be limited to the selected category.
Order By
This drop down list when used in conjunction with the 'Show' button determines the order of the list of links displayed on this page.
Clicking this button will restrict the list of links displayed on this page to those in the category selected in the 'Link Categories' drop down and sorted by the order selected in the 'Order By' drop down list.
Clicking this link allows you to manage the link categories. Add new ones, edit existing ones and delete old ones.
Import Blogroll
Clicking this link takes you to a page from which you can import your OPML links, for example your blogroll at Blogrolling.com.

The list of links displayed has the following information for each link:

  • Name: The name of the link. Displayed as the click-able words in your template (if not using the image).
  • URL: The url to which the link points.
  • Category: The category to which this link belongs.
  • Relationship: The forward relationship for this link.
  • Image: Yes means an image is defined for this link.
  • Visible: Yes means this link is visible, No means it is not.
  • Description: The description for the link. Displayed after the image or name.

Additionaly, if you have sufficient privileges, Edit and Delete buttons are displayed. Along with a checkbox. The checkboxes are used in conjunction with the function buttons at the bottom of the list of links.

Assign Ownership
This list and button allow you to assign the ownership of links (for which you have administration privileges) to someone else.
Toggle Visibility
This button allow you to toggle the visibility of the checked links (for which you have administration privileges). Visible links become invisible and invisible links become visible.
Move To Category
This list and button allow you to move several links (for which you have administration privileges) at the same time. Check the checkboxes of the links you wish to change, select a category from the drop down list and click the move button.
Toggle Checkboxes
This link allows you to toggle the checked state of all the links in the list. Links which were checked will become unchecked, links which were unchecked will become checked.

This section of the page allows you to add a new link into the system. The following fields are present on the form:

  • URL: The url to which the link will point.
  • Display Name/Alt Text: The name of the link. Displayed as the click-able words in your template (if not using the image), or the alt text for the image if an image is displayed.
  • Image: The path to the image for this link.
  • Description: The description for the link. Displayed after the image or name.
  • Relationship: The forward relationship for this link. Output as part of the anchor tag.
  • Notes: This text area allows you to add a substantial amount of text to be associated with a link. This could be, for example, a review of the website linked to. You can include html in this section too.
  • Rating: The rating for this link. If the rating is displayed, it can be displayed as an image or a number of characters or images of your choice.
  • Target: The target for this link.
    '_blank' means open the link in a new browser window (this setting is regarded as unfriendly to your readers and not recommend).
    '_top' means the main window of the user's browser (only really relevant if your blog is frame based).
    'none' this is the recommended setting.
  • Visible: Yes means this link is visible, No means it is not. This allows you to temporarily remove a link from your blog without having to delete it from the system.
  • Category: The category to which this link will belong.

There is also an Add button which will submit the form and add the new link