registered_block_names ) ) { $block_name = array_pop( $this->registered_block_names ); unregister_block_type( $block_name ); } } /** * Registers a block type. * * @param string|WP_Block_Type $name Block type name including namespace, or alternatively a * complete WP_Block_Type instance. In case a WP_Block_Type * is provided, the $args parameter will be ignored. * @param array $args { * Optional. Array of block type arguments. Any arguments may be defined, however the * ones described below are supported by default. Default empty array. * * @type callable $render_callback Callback used to render blocks of this block type. * } */ protected function register_block_type( $name, $args ) { register_block_type( $name, $args ); $this->registered_block_names[] = $name; } /** * Retrieves attribute such as 'class' or 'style' from the rendered block string. * * @param string $attribute Name of attribute to get. * @param string $block String of rendered block to check. */ private function get_attribute_from_block( $attribute, $block ) { $start_index = strpos( $block, $attribute . '="' ) + strlen( $attribute ) + 2; $split_arr = substr( $block, $start_index ); $end_index = strpos( $split_arr, '"' ); return substr( $split_arr, 0, $end_index ); } /** * Retrieves block content from the rendered block string * (i.e. what's wrapped by the block wrapper `
`). * * @param string $block String of rendered block to check. */ private function get_content_from_block( $block ) { $start_index = strpos( $block, '>' ) + 1; // First occurrence of '>'. $split_arr = substr( $block, $start_index ); $end_index = strrpos( $split_arr, '<' ); // Last occurrence of '<'. return substr( $split_arr, 0, $end_index ); // String between first '>' and last '<'. } /** * Block content to test with (i.e. what's wrapped by the block wrapper `
`). * * @var string */ const BLOCK_CONTENT = '





Example <p>Test!</p>

'; /** * Returns the rendered output for the current block. * * @param array $block Block to render. */ private function render_example_block( $block ) { global $current_parsed_block; $current_parsed_block = $block; $wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes( array( 'class' => 'foo-bar-class', 'style' => 'test: style;', ) ); return '
' . self::BLOCK_CONTENT . '
'; } /** * Runs assertions that the rendered output has expected class/style attrs. * * @param array $block Block to render. * @param string $expected_classes Expected output class attr string. * @param string $expected_styles Expected output styles attr string. */ private function assert_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ) { $styled_block = $this->render_example_block( $block ); $class_list = $this->get_attribute_from_block( 'class', $styled_block ); $style_list = $this->get_attribute_from_block( 'style', $styled_block ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_classes, $class_list ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_styles, $style_list ); } /** * Runs assertions that the rendered output has expected content and class/style attrs. * * @param array $block Block to render. * @param string $expected_classes Expected output class attr string. * @param string $expected_styles Expected output styles attr string. */ private function assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ) { $styled_block = $this->render_example_block( $block ); // Ensure blocks to not add extra whitespace. $this->assertEquals( $styled_block, trim( $styled_block ) ); $content = $this->get_content_from_block( $styled_block ); $class_list = $this->get_attribute_from_block( 'class', $styled_block ); $style_list = $this->get_attribute_from_block( 'style', $styled_block ); $this->assertEquals( self::BLOCK_CONTENT, $content ); $this->assertEqualSets( explode( ' ', $expected_classes ), explode( ' ', $class_list ) ); $this->assertEquals( array_map( 'trim', explode( ';', $expected_styles ) ), array_map( 'trim', explode( ';', $style_list ) ) ); } /** * Tests color support for named color support for named colors. */ function test_named_color_support() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'color' => true, ), 'render_callback' => true, ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'textColor' => 'red', 'backgroundColor' => 'black', // The following should not be applied (subcatagories of color support). 'gradient' => 'some-gradient', ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example has-text-color has-red-color has-background has-black-background-color'; $expected_styles = 'test: style;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests color support for custom colors. */ function test_custom_color_support() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'color' => true, ), 'render_callback' => true, ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'style' => array( 'color' => array( 'text' => '#000', 'background' => '#fff', // The following should not be applied (subcatagories of color support). 'gradient' => 'some-gradient', 'style' => array( 'color' => array( 'link' => '#fff' ) ), ), ), ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_styles = 'test: style; color: #000; background-color: #fff;'; $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example has-text-color has-background'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests link color support for named colors. */ function test_named_link_color_support() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'color' => array( 'link' => true, ), ), 'render_callback' => true, ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'style' => array( 'color' => array( 'link' => 'var:preset|color|red' ) ), ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example has-link-color'; $expected_styles = 'test: style; --wp--style--color--link: var(--wp--preset--color--red);'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests link color support for custom colors. */ function test_custom_link_color_support() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'color' => array( 'link' => true, ), ), 'render_callback' => true, ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'style' => array( 'color' => array( 'link' => '#fff' ) ), ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example has-link-color'; $expected_styles = 'test: style; --wp--style--color--link: #fff;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests gradient color support for named gradients. */ function test_named_gradient_support() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'color' => array( 'gradients' => true, ), ), 'render_callback' => true, ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'gradient' => 'red', ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example has-background has-red-gradient-background'; $expected_styles = 'test: style;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests gradient color support for custom gradients. */ function test_custom_gradient_support() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'color' => array( 'gradients' => true, ), ), 'render_callback' => true, ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'style' => array( 'color' => array( 'gradient' => 'some-gradient-style' ) ), ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example has-background'; $expected_styles = 'test: style; background: some-gradient-style;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests that style attributes for colors are not applied without the support flag. */ function test_color_unsupported() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array(), 'render_callback' => true, ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'textColor' => 'red', 'backgroundColor' => 'black', 'style' => array( 'color' => array( 'text' => '#000', 'background' => '#fff', 'link' => '#ggg', 'gradient' => 'some-gradient', ), ), ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example'; $expected_styles = 'test: style;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests support for named font sizes. */ function test_named_font_size() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'fontSize' => true, ), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'fontSize' => 'large', ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example has-large-font-size'; $expected_styles = 'test: style;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests support for custom font sizes. */ function test_custom_font_size() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'fontSize' => true, ), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'style' => array( 'typography' => array( 'fontSize' => '10' ) ), ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example'; $expected_styles = 'test: style; font-size: 10px;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests that font size attributes are not applied without support flag. */ function test_font_size_unsupported() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array(), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'fontSize' => 'large', 'style' => array( 'typography' => array( 'fontSize' => '10' ) ), ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example'; $expected_styles = 'test: style;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests line height support. */ function test_line_height() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'lineHeight' => true, ), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'style' => array( 'typography' => array( 'lineHeight' => '10' ) ), ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example'; $expected_styles = 'test: style; line-height: 10;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests line height not applied without support flag. */ function test_line_height_unsupported() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array(), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'style' => array( 'typography' => array( 'lineHeight' => '10' ) ), ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example'; $expected_styles = 'test: style;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests support for block alignment. */ function test_block_alignment() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'align' => true, ), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'align' => 'wide', ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example alignwide'; $expected_styles = 'test: style;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests block alignment requires support to be added. */ function test_block_alignment_unsupported() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array(), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'align' => 'wide', ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example'; $expected_styles = 'test: style;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests all support flags together to ensure they work together as expected. */ function test_all_supported() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'color' => array( 'gradients' => true, 'link' => true, ), 'fontSize' => true, 'lineHeight' => true, 'align' => true, ), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'align' => 'wide', 'style' => array( 'color' => array( 'text' => '#000', 'background' => '#fff', 'style' => array( 'color' => array( 'link' => '#fff' ) ), ), 'typography' => array( 'lineHeight' => '20', 'fontSize' => '10', ), ), ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example has-text-color has-background alignwide'; $expected_styles = 'test: style; color: #000; background-color: #fff; font-size: 10px; line-height: 20;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests that only styles for the supported flag are added. * Verify one support enabled does not imply multiple supports enabled. */ function test_one_supported() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'fontSize' => true, ), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'align' => 'wide', 'style' => array( 'color' => array( 'text' => '#000', 'background' => '#fff', 'gradient' => 'some-gradient', 'style' => array( 'color' => array( 'link' => '#fff' ) ), ), 'typography' => array( 'lineHeight' => '20', 'fontSize' => '10', ), ), ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example'; $expected_styles = 'test: style; font-size: 10px;'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests custom classname server-side block support. */ function test_custom_classnames_support() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array(), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'className' => 'my-custom-classname', ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_styles = 'test: style;'; $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example my-custom-classname'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests custom classname server-side block support opt-out. */ function test_custom_classnames_support_opt_out() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'customClassName' => false, ), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array( 'className' => 'my-custom-classname', ), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_styles = 'test: style;'; $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class wp-block-example'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Tests generated classname server-side block support opt-out. */ function test_generatted_classnames_support_opt_out() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array( 'className' => false, ), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array(), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); $expected_styles = 'test: style;'; $expected_classes = 'foo-bar-class'; $this->assert_content_and_styles_and_classes_match( $block, $expected_classes, $expected_styles ); } /** * Ensures libxml_internal_errors is being used instead of @ warning suppression */ public function test_render_block_suppresses_warnings_without_at_suppression() { $block_type_settings = array( 'attributes' => array(), 'supports' => array(), ); $this->register_block_type( 'core/example', $block_type_settings ); $block = array( 'blockName' => 'core/example', 'attrs' => array(), 'innerBlock' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), 'innerHTML' => array(), ); // Custom error handler's see Warnings even if they are suppressed by the @ symbol. $errors = array(); set_error_handler( function ( $errno = 0, $errstr = '' ) use ( &$errors ) { $errors[] = $errstr; return false; } ); // HTML5 elements like