function footer() {
echo '';
function greet() {
out of memory error try splitting up the import file into pieces.'); ?>
function users_form($n) {
global $wpdb, $testing;
$users = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users ORDER BY ID");
mtnames))) { //a new mt author name is found
++ $this->j;
$this->mtnames[$this->j] = $author; //add that new mt author name to an array
$user_id = username_exists($this->newauthornames[$j]); //check if the new author name defined by the user is a pre-existing wp user
if (!$user_id) { //banging my head against the desk now.
if ($newauthornames[$this->j] == 'left_blank') { //check if the user does not want to change the authorname
$user_id = wp_create_user($author, $pass);
$this->newauthornames[$this->j] = $author; //now we have a name, in the place of left_blank.
} else {
$user_id = wp_create_user($this->newauthornames[$this->j], $pass);
} else {
return $user_id; // return pre-existing wp username if it exists
} else {
$key = array_search($author, $this->mtnames); //find the array key for $author in the $mtnames array
$user_id = username_exists($this->newauthornames[$key]); //use that key to get the value of the author's name from $newauthornames
return $user_id;
function get_entries() {
$importdata = file($this->file); // Read the file into an array
$importdata = implode('', $importdata); // squish it
$importdata = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", "\n", $importdata);
$importdata = preg_replace("/\n--------\n/", "--MT-ENTRY--\n", $importdata);
$this->posts = explode("--MT-ENTRY--", $importdata);
function get_mt_authors() {
$temp = array ();
$i = -1;
foreach ($this->posts as $post) {
if ('' != trim($post)) {
++ $i;
preg_match("|AUTHOR:(.*)|", $post, $thematch);
$thematch = trim($thematch[1]);
array_push($temp, "$thematch"); //store the extracted author names in a temporary array
//we need to find unique values of author names, while preserving the order, so this function emulates the unique_value(); php function, without the sorting.
$authors[0] = array_shift($temp);
$y = count($temp) + 1;
for ($x = 1; $x < $y; $x ++) {
$next = array_shift($temp);
if (!(in_array($next, $authors)))
array_push($authors, "$next");
return $authors;
function get_authors_from_post() {
$formnames = array ();
$selectnames = array ();
foreach ($_POST['user'] as $key => $line) {
$newname = trim(stripslashes($line));
if ($newname == '')
$newname = 'left_blank'; //passing author names from step 1 to step 2 is accomplished by using POST. left_blank denotes an empty entry in the form.
array_push($formnames, "$newname");
} // $formnames is the array with the form entered names
foreach ($_POST['userselect'] as $user => $key) {
$selected = trim(stripslashes($key));
array_push($selectnames, "$selected");
$count = count($formnames);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++) {
if ($selectnames[$i] != '#NONE#') { //if no name was selected from the select menu, use the name entered in the form
array_push($this->newauthornames, "$selectnames[$i]");
} else {
array_push($this->newauthornames, "$formnames[$i]");
function mt_authors_form() {
admins entries.'); ?>
italics. For each of these names, you can either pick an author in your WordPress installation from the menu, or enter a name for the author in the textbox.'); ?>