While we're at it, remove unnecessary `tearDown()` code. See #30017, #33968. git-svn-id: https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@35244 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
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159 lines
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* just make sure the test framework is working
* @group testsuite
class Tests_Basic extends WP_UnitTestCase {
function test_license() {
$license = file_get_contents( ABSPATH . 'license.txt' );
preg_match( '#Copyright (\d+) by the contributors#', $license, $matches );
$this_year = date( 'Y' );
$this->assertEquals( $this_year, trim( $matches[1] ), "license.txt's year needs to be updated to $this_year." );
function test_package_json() {
$package_json = file_get_contents( dirname( ABSPATH ) . '/package.json' );
$package_json = json_decode( $package_json, true );
list( $version ) = explode( '-', $GLOBALS['wp_version'] );
// package.json uses x.y.z, so fill cleaned $wp_version for .0 releases
if ( 1 == substr_count( $version, '.' ) ) {
$version .= '.0';
$this->assertEquals( $version, $package_json['version'], "package.json's version needs to be updated to $version." );
// two tests for a lame bug in PHPUnit that broke the $GLOBALS reference
function test_globals() {
global $test_foo;
$test_foo = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
function test_globals_foo() {
$this->assertEquals($test_foo, array(0=>'foo', 2=>'baz'));
$this->assertEquals($test_foo, $GLOBALS['test_foo']);
function test_globals_bar() {
global $test_bar;
$test_bar = array('a', 'b', 'c');
$this->assertEquals($test_bar, $GLOBALS['test_bar']);
// test some helper utility functions
function test_strip_ws() {
$this->assertEquals('', strip_ws(''));
$this->assertEquals('foo', strip_ws('foo'));
$this->assertEquals('', strip_ws("\r\n\t \n\r\t"));
$in = "asdf\n";
$in .= "asdf asdf\n";
$in .= "asdf asdf\n";
$in .= "\tasdf\n";
$in .= "\tasdf\t\n";
$in .= "\t\tasdf\n";
$in .= "foo bar\n\r\n";
$in .= "foo\n";
$expected = "asdf\n";
$expected .= "asdf asdf\n";
$expected .= "asdf asdf\n";
$expected .= "asdf\n";
$expected .= "asdf\n";
$expected .= "asdf\n";
$expected .= "foo bar\n";
$expected .= "foo";
$this->assertEquals($expected, strip_ws($in));
function test_mask_input_value() {
$in = <<<EOF
<h2>Assign Authors</h2>
<p>To make it easier for you to edit and save the imported posts and drafts, you may want to change the name of the author of the posts. For example, you may want to import all the entries as <code>admin</code>s entries.</p>
<p>If a new user is created by WordPress, the password will be set, by default, to "changeme". Quite suggestive, eh? ;)</p>
<ol id="authors"><form action="?import=wordpress&step=2&id=" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="855ae98911" /><input type="hidden" name="_wp_http_referer" value="wp-test.php" /><li>Current author: <strong>Alex Shiels</strong><br />Create user <input type="text" value="Alex Shiels" name="user[]" maxlength="30"> <br /> or map to existing<select name="userselect[0]">
// _wpnonce value should be replaced with 'xxx'
$expected = <<<EOF
<h2>Assign Authors</h2>
<p>To make it easier for you to edit and save the imported posts and drafts, you may want to change the name of the author of the posts. For example, you may want to import all the entries as <code>admin</code>s entries.</p>
<p>If a new user is created by WordPress, the password will be set, by default, to "changeme". Quite suggestive, eh? ;)</p>
<ol id="authors"><form action="?import=wordpress&step=2&id=" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="***" /><input type="hidden" name="_wp_http_referer" value="wp-test.php" /><li>Current author: <strong>Alex Shiels</strong><br />Create user <input type="text" value="Alex Shiels" name="user[]" maxlength="30"> <br /> or map to existing<select name="userselect[0]">
$this->assertEquals($expected, mask_input_value($in));
function test_setting_nonexistent_arrays() {
$page = 1;
$field = 'settings';
$empty_array[$page][$field] = 'foo';
unset( $empty_array[$page]['bar']['baz'] );
function test_magic_getter() {
$basic = new Basic_Object();
$this->assertEquals( 'bar', $basic->foo );
function test_subclass_magic_getter() {
$basic = new Basic_Subclass();
$this->assertEquals( 'bar', $basic->foo );
function test_call_method() {
$basic = new Basic_Object();
$this->assertEquals( 'maybe', $basic->callMe() );
function test_subclass_call_method() {
$basic = new Basic_Subclass();
$this->assertEquals( 'maybe', $basic->callMe() );
function test_subclass_isset() {
$basic = new Basic_Subclass();
$this->assertTrue( isset( $basic->foo ) );
function test_subclass_unset() {
$basic = new Basic_Subclass();
unset( $basic->foo );
$this->assertFalse( isset( $basic->foo ) );
function test_switch_order() {
$return = $this->_switch_order_helper( 1 );
$this->assertEquals( 'match', $return );
function _switch_order_helper( $var ) {
$return = 'no match';
switch ( $var ) {
case 1:
$return = 'match';
return $return;