This ensures that not only the return values match the expected results, but also that their type is the same. Going forward, stricter type checking by using `assertSame()` should generally be preferred to `assertEquals()` where appropriate, to make the tests more reliable. Props johnbillion, jrf, SergeyBiryukov. See #38266. git-svn-id: 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
326 lines
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326 lines
10 KiB
* @group pomo
class Tests_POMO_PO extends WP_UnitTestCase {
function setUp() {
require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/pomo/po.php';
// Not so random wordpress.pot string -- multiple lines.
$this->mail = 'Your new WordPress blog has been successfully set up at:
You can log in to the administrator account with the following information:
Username: %2$s
Password: %3$s
We hope you enjoy your new blog. Thanks!
--The WordPress Team
$this->mail = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $this->mail );
$this->po_mail = '""
"Your new WordPress blog has been successfully set up at:\n"
"You can log in to the administrator account with the following information:\n"
"Username: %2$s\n"
"Password: %3$s\n"
"We hope you enjoy your new blog. Thanks!\n"
"--The WordPress Team\n"
$this->a90 = str_repeat( 'a', 90 );
$this->po_a90 = "\"$this->a90\"";
function test_prepend_each_line() {
$po = new PO();
$this->assertSame( 'baba_', $po->prepend_each_line( '', 'baba_' ) );
$this->assertSame( 'baba_dyado', $po->prepend_each_line( 'dyado', 'baba_' ) );
$this->assertSame( "# baba\n# dyado\n# \n", $po->prepend_each_line( "baba\ndyado\n\n", '# ' ) );
function test_poify() {
$po = new PO();
// Simple.
$this->assertSame( '"baba"', $po->poify( 'baba' ) );
// Long word.
$this->assertSame( $this->po_a90, $po->poify( $this->a90 ) );
// Tab.
$this->assertSame( '"ba\tba"', $po->poify( "ba\tba" ) );
// Do not add leading empty string of one-line string ending on a newline.
$this->assertSame( '"\\\\a\\\\n\\n"', $po->poify( "\a\\n\n" ) );
// Backslash.
$this->assertSame( '"ba\\\\ba"', $po->poify( 'ba\\ba' ) );
// Random wordpress.pot string.
$src = 'Categories can be selectively converted to tags using the <a href="%s">category to tag converter</a>.';
$this->assertSame( '"Categories can be selectively converted to tags using the <a href=\\"%s\\">category to tag converter</a>."', $po->poify( $src ) );
$this->assertSameIgnoreEOL( $this->po_mail, $po->poify( $this->mail ) );
function test_unpoify() {
$po = new PO();
$this->assertSame( 'baba', $po->unpoify( '"baba"' ) );
$this->assertSame( "baba\ngugu", $po->unpoify( '"baba\n"' . "\t\t\t\n" . '"gugu"' ) );
$this->assertSame( $this->a90, $po->unpoify( $this->po_a90 ) );
$this->assertSame( '\\t\\n', $po->unpoify( '"\\\\t\\\\n"' ) );
// Wordwrapped.
$this->assertSame( 'babadyado', $po->unpoify( "\"\"\n\"baba\"\n\"dyado\"" ) );
$this->assertSameIgnoreEOL( $this->mail, $po->unpoify( $this->po_mail ) );
function test_export_entry() {
$po = new PO();
$entry = new Translation_Entry( array( 'singular' => 'baba' ) );
$this->assertSame( "msgid \"baba\"\nmsgstr \"\"", $po->export_entry( $entry ) );
// Plural.
$entry = new Translation_Entry(
'singular' => 'baba',
'plural' => 'babas',
'msgid "baba"
msgid_plural "babas"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""',
$po->export_entry( $entry )
$entry = new Translation_Entry(
'singular' => 'baba',
'translator_comments' => "baba\ndyado",
'# baba
# dyado
msgid "baba"
msgstr ""',
$po->export_entry( $entry )
$entry = new Translation_Entry(
'singular' => 'baba',
'extracted_comments' => 'baba',
'#. baba
msgid "baba"
msgstr ""',
$po->export_entry( $entry )
$entry = new Translation_Entry(
'singular' => 'baba',
'extracted_comments' => 'baba',
'references' => range( 1, 29 ),
'#. baba
#: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
#: 29
msgid "baba"
msgstr ""',
$po->export_entry( $entry )
$entry = new Translation_Entry(
'singular' => 'baba',
'translations' => array(),
$this->assertSame( "msgid \"baba\"\nmsgstr \"\"", $po->export_entry( $entry ) );
$entry = new Translation_Entry(
'singular' => 'baba',
'translations' => array( 'куку', 'буку' ),
$this->assertSame( "msgid \"baba\"\nmsgstr \"куку\"", $po->export_entry( $entry ) );
$entry = new Translation_Entry(
'singular' => 'baba',
'plural' => 'babas',
'translations' => array( 'кукубуку' ),
'msgid "baba"
msgid_plural "babas"
msgstr[0] "кукубуку"',
$po->export_entry( $entry )
$entry = new Translation_Entry(
'singular' => 'baba',
'plural' => 'babas',
'translations' => array( 'кукубуку', 'кукуруку', 'бабаяга' ),
'msgid "baba"
msgid_plural "babas"
msgstr[0] "кукубуку"
msgstr[1] "кукуруку"
msgstr[2] "бабаяга"',
$po->export_entry( $entry )
// Context.
$entry = new Translation_Entry(
'context' => 'ctxt',
'singular' => 'baba',
'plural' => 'babas',
'translations' => array( 'кукубуку', 'кукуруку', 'бабаяга' ),
'flags' => array( 'fuzzy', 'php-format' ),
'#, fuzzy, php-format
msgctxt "ctxt"
msgid "baba"
msgid_plural "babas"
msgstr[0] "кукубуку"
msgstr[1] "кукуруку"
msgstr[2] "бабаяга"',
$po->export_entry( $entry )
function test_export_entries() {
$entry = new Translation_Entry( array( 'singular' => 'baba' ) );
$entry2 = new Translation_Entry( array( 'singular' => 'dyado' ) );
$po = new PO();
$po->add_entry( $entry );
$po->add_entry( $entry2 );
$this->assertSame( "msgid \"baba\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\nmsgid \"dyado\"\nmsgstr \"\"", $po->export_entries() );
function test_export_headers() {
$po = new PO();
$po->set_header( 'Project-Id-Version', 'WordPress 2.6-bleeding' );
$po->set_header( 'POT-Creation-Date', '2008-04-08 18:00+0000' );
$this->assertSame( "msgid \"\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\"Project-Id-Version: WordPress 2.6-bleeding\\n\"\n\"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-04-08 18:00+0000\\n\"", $po->export_headers() );
function test_export() {
$po = new PO();
$entry = new Translation_Entry( array( 'singular' => 'baba' ) );
$entry2 = new Translation_Entry( array( 'singular' => 'dyado' ) );
$po->set_header( 'Project-Id-Version', 'WordPress 2.6-bleeding' );
$po->set_header( 'POT-Creation-Date', '2008-04-08 18:00+0000' );
$po->add_entry( $entry );
$po->add_entry( $entry2 );
$this->assertSame( "msgid \"baba\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\nmsgid \"dyado\"\nmsgstr \"\"", $po->export( false ) );
$this->assertSame( "msgid \"\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\"Project-Id-Version: WordPress 2.6-bleeding\\n\"\n\"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-04-08 18:00+0000\\n\"\n\nmsgid \"baba\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\nmsgid \"dyado\"\nmsgstr \"\"", $po->export() );
function test_export_to_file() {
$po = new PO();
$entry = new Translation_Entry( array( 'singular' => 'baba' ) );
$entry2 = new Translation_Entry( array( 'singular' => 'dyado' ) );
$po->set_header( 'Project-Id-Version', 'WordPress 2.6-bleeding' );
$po->set_header( 'POT-Creation-Date', '2008-04-08 18:00+0000' );
$po->add_entry( $entry );
$po->add_entry( $entry2 );
$temp_fn = $this->temp_filename();
$po->export_to_file( $temp_fn, false );
$this->assertSame( $po->export( false ), file_get_contents( $temp_fn ) );
$temp_fn2 = $this->temp_filename();
$po->export_to_file( $temp_fn2 );
$this->assertSame( $po->export(), file_get_contents( $temp_fn2 ) );
function test_import_from_file() {
$po = new PO();
$res = $po->import_from_file( DIR_TESTDATA . '/pomo/simple.po' );
$this->assertTrue( $res );
'Project-Id-Version' => 'WordPress 2.6-bleeding',
'Plural-Forms' => 'nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;',
$simple_entry = new Translation_Entry( array( 'singular' => 'moon' ) );
$this->assertEquals( $simple_entry, $po->entries[ $simple_entry->key() ] );
$all_types_entry = new Translation_Entry(
'singular' => 'strut',
'plural' => 'struts',
'context' => 'brum',
'translations' => array( 'ztrut0', 'ztrut1', 'ztrut2' ),
$this->assertEquals( $all_types_entry, $po->entries[ $all_types_entry->key() ] );
$multiple_line_entry = new Translation_Entry(
'singular' => 'The first thing you need to do is tell Blogger to let WordPress access your account. You will be sent back here after providing authorization.',
'translations' => array( "baba\ndyadogugu" ),
$this->assertEquals( $multiple_line_entry, $po->entries[ $multiple_line_entry->key() ] );
$multiple_line_all_types_entry = new Translation_Entry(
'context' => 'context',
'singular' => 'singular',
'plural' => 'plural',
'translations' => array( 'translation0', 'translation1', 'translation2' ),
$this->assertEquals( $multiple_line_all_types_entry, $po->entries[ $multiple_line_all_types_entry->key() ] );
$comments_entry = new Translation_Entry(
'singular' => 'a',
'translator_comments' => "baba\nbrubru",
'references' => array( 'wp-admin/x.php:111', 'baba:333', 'baba' ),
'extracted_comments' => 'translators: buuu',
'flags' => array( 'fuzzy' ),
$this->assertEquals( $comments_entry, $po->entries[ $comments_entry->key() ] );
$end_quote_entry = new Translation_Entry( array( 'singular' => 'a"' ) );
$this->assertEquals( $end_quote_entry, $po->entries[ $end_quote_entry->key() ] );
function test_import_from_entry_file_should_give_false() {
$po = new PO();
$this->assertFalse( $po->import_from_file( DIR_TESTDATA . '/pomo/empty.po' ) );
function test_import_from_file_with_windows_line_endings_should_work_as_with_unix_line_endings() {
$po = new PO();
$this->assertTrue( $po->import_from_file( DIR_TESTDATA . '/pomo/windows-line-endings.po' ) );
$this->assertSame( 1, count( $po->entries ) );
// TODO: Add tests for bad files.