2005-08-09 08:16:29 +00:00

220 lines
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@header('Content-type: ' . get_option('html_type') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'));
if (!isset($_GET["page"])) require_once('admin.php'); ?>
<?php get_admin_page_title(); ?>
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<?php do_action('admin_head'); ?>
<div id="wphead">
<h1><?php echo wptexturize(get_settings(('blogname'))); ?> <span>(<a href="<?php echo get_settings('home') . '/'; ?>"><?php _e('View site') ?> &raquo;</a>)</span></h1>
<div id="user_info"><p><?php printf(__('Howdy, <strong>%s</strong>.'), $user_identity) ?> [<a href="<?php echo get_settings('siteurl')
?>/wp-login.php?action=logout" title="<?php _e('Log out of this account') ?>"><?php _e('Sign Out'); ?></a>, <a href="profile.php"><?php _e('My Account'); ?></a>] </p></div>
require(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/menu-header.php');
if ( $parent_file == 'options-general.php' ) {
require(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/options-head.php');