
309 lines
8.8 KiB

* @group cache
class Tests_Cache extends WP_UnitTestCase {
var $cache = NULL;
function setUp() {
// create two cache objects with a shared cache dir
// this simulates a typical cache situation, two separate requests interacting
$this->cache =& $this->init_cache();
function tearDown() {
function &init_cache() {
$cache = new WP_Object_Cache();
$cache->add_global_groups( array( 'global-cache-test', 'users', 'userlogins', 'usermeta', 'user_meta', 'site-transient', 'site-options', 'site-lookup', 'blog-lookup', 'blog-details', 'rss', 'global-posts', 'blog-id-cache' ) );
return $cache;
function test_miss() {
$this->assertEquals(NULL, $this->cache->get(rand_str()));
function test_add_get() {
$key = rand_str();
$val = rand_str();
$this->cache->add($key, $val);
$this->assertEquals($val, $this->cache->get($key));
function test_add_get_0() {
$key = rand_str();
$val = 0;
// you can store zero in the cache
$this->cache->add($key, $val);
$this->assertEquals($val, $this->cache->get($key));
function test_add_get_null() {
$key = rand_str();
$val = null;
$this->assertTrue( $this->cache->add($key, $val) );
// null is converted to empty string
$this->assertEquals( '', $this->cache->get($key) );
function test_add() {
$key = rand_str();
$val1 = rand_str();
$val2 = rand_str();
// add $key to the cache
$this->assertTrue($this->cache->add($key, $val1));
$this->assertEquals($val1, $this->cache->get($key));
// $key is in the cache, so reject new calls to add()
$this->assertFalse($this->cache->add($key, $val2));
$this->assertEquals($val1, $this->cache->get($key));
function test_replace() {
$key = rand_str();
$val = rand_str();
$val2 = rand_str();
// memcached rejects replace() if the key does not exist
$this->assertFalse($this->cache->replace($key, $val));
$this->assertTrue($this->cache->add($key, $val));
$this->assertEquals($val, $this->cache->get($key));
$this->assertTrue($this->cache->replace($key, $val2));
$this->assertEquals($val2, $this->cache->get($key));
function test_set() {
$key = rand_str();
$val1 = rand_str();
$val2 = rand_str();
// memcached accepts set() if the key does not exist
$this->assertTrue($this->cache->set($key, $val1));
$this->assertEquals($val1, $this->cache->get($key));
// Second set() with same key should be allowed
$this->assertTrue($this->cache->set($key, $val2));
$this->assertEquals($val2, $this->cache->get($key));
function test_flush() {
global $_wp_using_ext_object_cache;
if ( $_wp_using_ext_object_cache )
$key = rand_str();
$val = rand_str();
$this->cache->add($key, $val);
// item is visible to both cache objects
$this->assertEquals($val, $this->cache->get($key));
// If there is no value get returns false.
// Make sure objects are cloned going to and from the cache
function test_object_refs() {
$key = rand_str();
$object_a = new stdClass;
$object_a->foo = 'alpha';
$this->cache->set( $key, $object_a );
$object_a->foo = 'bravo';
$object_b = $this->cache->get( $key );
$this->assertEquals( 'alpha', $object_b->foo );
$object_b->foo = 'charlie';
$this->assertEquals( 'bravo', $object_a->foo );
$key = rand_str();
$object_a = new stdClass;
$object_a->foo = 'alpha';
$this->cache->add( $key, $object_a );
$object_a->foo = 'bravo';
$object_b = $this->cache->get( $key );
$this->assertEquals( 'alpha', $object_b->foo );
$object_b->foo = 'charlie';
$this->assertEquals( 'bravo', $object_a->foo );
function test_incr() {
$key = rand_str();
$this->assertFalse( $this->cache->incr( $key ) );
$this->cache->set( $key, 0 );
$this->cache->incr( $key );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->cache->incr( $key, 2 );
$this->assertEquals( 3, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
function test_wp_cache_incr() {
$key = rand_str();
$this->assertFalse( wp_cache_incr( $key ) );
wp_cache_set( $key, 0 );
wp_cache_incr( $key );
$this->assertEquals( 1, wp_cache_get( $key ) );
wp_cache_incr( $key, 2 );
$this->assertEquals( 3, wp_cache_get( $key ) );
function test_decr() {
$key = rand_str();
$this->assertFalse( $this->cache->decr( $key ) );
$this->cache->set( $key, 0 );
$this->cache->decr( $key );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->cache->set( $key, 3 );
$this->cache->decr( $key );
$this->assertEquals( 2, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->cache->decr( $key, 2 );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
* @group 21327
function test_wp_cache_decr() {
$key = rand_str();
$this->assertFalse( wp_cache_decr( $key ) );
wp_cache_set( $key, 0 );
wp_cache_decr( $key );
$this->assertEquals( 0, wp_cache_get( $key ) );
wp_cache_set( $key, 3 );
wp_cache_decr( $key );
$this->assertEquals( 2, wp_cache_get( $key ) );
wp_cache_decr( $key, 2 );
$this->assertEquals( 0, wp_cache_get( $key ) );
function test_delete() {
$key = rand_str();
$val = rand_str();
// Verify set
$this->assertTrue( $this->cache->set( $key, $val ) );
$this->assertEquals( $val, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
// Verify successful delete
$this->assertTrue( $this->cache->delete( $key ) );
$this->assertFalse( $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->assertFalse( $this->cache->delete( $key, 'default') );
function test_wp_cache_delete() {
$key = rand_str();
$val = rand_str();
// Verify set
$this->assertTrue( wp_cache_set( $key, $val ) );
$this->assertEquals( $val, wp_cache_get( $key ) );
// Verify successful delete
$this->assertTrue( wp_cache_delete( $key ) );
$this->assertFalse( wp_cache_get( $key ) );
// wp_cache_delete() does not have a $force method.
// Delete returns (bool) true when key is not set and $force is true
// $this->assertTrue( wp_cache_delete( $key, 'default', true ) );
$this->assertFalse( wp_cache_delete( $key, 'default') );
function test_switch_to_blog() {
if ( ! method_exists( $this->cache, 'switch_to_blog' ) )
$key = rand_str();
$val = rand_str();
$val2 = rand_str();
if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
// Single site ingnores switch_to_blog().
$this->assertTrue( $this->cache->set( $key, $val ) );
$this->assertEquals( $val, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->cache->switch_to_blog( 999 );
$this->assertEquals( $val, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->assertTrue( $this->cache->set( $key, $val2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( $val2, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->cache->switch_to_blog( get_current_blog_id() );
$this->assertEquals( $val2, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
} else {
// Multisite should have separate per-blog caches
$this->assertTrue( $this->cache->set( $key, $val ) );
$this->assertEquals( $val, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->cache->switch_to_blog( 999 );
$this->assertFalse( $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->assertTrue( $this->cache->set( $key, $val2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( $val2, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->cache->switch_to_blog( get_current_blog_id() );
$this->assertEquals( $val, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->cache->switch_to_blog( 999 );
$this->assertEquals( $val2, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
$this->cache->switch_to_blog( get_current_blog_id() );
$this->assertEquals( $val, $this->cache->get( $key ) );
// Global group
$this->assertTrue( $this->cache->set( $key, $val, 'global-cache-test' ) );
$this->assertEquals( $val, $this->cache->get( $key, 'global-cache-test' ) );
$this->cache->switch_to_blog( 999 );
$this->assertEquals( $val, $this->cache->get( $key, 'global-cache-test' ) );
$this->assertTrue( $this->cache->set( $key, $val2, 'global-cache-test' ) );
$this->assertEquals( $val2, $this->cache->get( $key, 'global-cache-test' ) );
$this->cache->switch_to_blog( get_current_blog_id() );
$this->assertEquals( $val2, $this->cache->get( $key, 'global-cache-test' ) );
function test_wp_cache_init() {
$new_blank_cache_object = new WP_Object_Cache();
global $wp_object_cache;
$this->assertEquals( $wp_object_cache, $new_blank_cache_object );
function test_wp_cache_replace() {
$key = 'my-key';
$val1 = 'first-val';
$val2 = 'second-val';
$fake_key = 'my-fake-key';
// Save the first value to cache and verify
wp_cache_set( $key, $val1 );
$this->assertEquals( $val1, wp_cache_get( $key ) );
// Replace the value and verify
wp_cache_replace( $key, $val2 );
$this->assertEquals( $val2, wp_cache_get( $key ) );
// Non-existant key should fail
$this->assertFalse( wp_cache_replace( $fake_key, $val1 ) );
// Make sure $fake_key is not stored
$this->assertFalse( wp_cache_get( $fake_key ) );