Send back setting validities with full refreshes and selective refreshes so that invalid settings can have notifications displayed immediately before attempting save, and so that these notifications can be cleared as soon as the input is corrected. * Splits out JS logic for listing controls into separate methods `wp.customize.Setting.prototype.findControls()` and `wp.customize.findControlsForSettings()`. * Adds a `setting` property to the `data` on notifications added to controls that are synced from their settings. * Adds `selective-refresh-setting-validities` message sent from preview to pane. * Changes `WP_Customize_Manager::validate_setting_values()` to return when settings are valid as well as invalid. * Adds `WP_Customize_Manager::prepare_setting_validity_for_js()`. * Add setting validities to data exported to JS in Customizer Preview and in selective refresh responses. Fixes #36944. git-svn-id: 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
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/* global wp, test, ok, equal, module */
wp.customize.settingConstructor.abbreviation = wp.customize.Setting.extend({
validate: function( value ) {
return value.toUpperCase();
jQuery( window ).load( function (){
'use strict';
var controlId, controlLabel, controlType, controlContent, controlDescription, controlData, mockControl,
mockControlInstance, controlExpectedValues, sectionId, sectionContent, sectionData, mockSection,
sectionInstance, sectionExpectedValues, panelId, panelTitle, panelDescription, panelContent, panelData,
mockPanel, panelExpectedValues, testCustomizerModel, settingId, settingValue, mockSetting;
testCustomizerModel = function( model, expectedValues ) {
if ( ! expectedValues.type || ! wp.customize[ expectedValues.type ] ) {
throw new Error( 'Must pass value type in expectedValues.' );
var type = expectedValues.type;
test( 'Model extends proper type', function () {
ok( model.extended( wp.customize[ type ] ) );
} );
if ( expectedValues.hasOwnProperty( 'id' ) ) {
test( type + ' instance has the right id', function () {
equal(, );
if ( expectedValues.hasOwnProperty( 'title') ) {
test( type + ' instance has the right title.', function () {
equal( model.params.title, expectedValues.title );
if ( expectedValues.hasOwnProperty( 'description' ) ) {
test( type + ' instance has the right description.', function () {
equal( model.params.description, expectedValues.description );
if ( expectedValues.hasOwnProperty( 'content' ) ) {
test( type + ' instance has the right content.', function () {
equal( model.params.content, expectedValues.content );
if ( expectedValues.hasOwnProperty( 'priority' ) ) {
test( type + ' instance has the right priority.', function () {
equal( model.priority(), expectedValues.priority );
if ( expectedValues.hasOwnProperty( 'active' ) ) {
test( type + ' instance has the right active state.', function () {
equal(, );
test( type + ' can be deactivated', function () {
equal(, false );
equal(, true );
if ( type === 'Panel' || type === 'Section' ) {
if ( expectedValues.hasOwnProperty( 'expanded' ) ) {
test( type + ' instance has the right expanded state.', function () {
equal( model.expanded(), expectedValues.expanded );
} );
test( type + ' instance is collapsed after calling .collapse()', function () {
ok( ! model.expanded() );
test( type + ' instance is expanded after calling .expand()', function () {
ok( model.expanded() );
module( 'Customizer Previewed Device' );
test( 'Previewed device defaults to desktop.', function () {
equal( wp.customize.previewedDevice.get(), 'desktop' );
} );
module( 'Customizer Setting in Fixture' );
test( 'Setting has fixture value', function () {
equal( wp.customize( 'fixture-setting' )(), 'Lorem Ipsum' );
} );
test( 'Setting has notifications', function () {
var setting = wp.customize( 'fixture-setting' );
ok( setting.notifications.extended( wp.customize.Values ) );
equal( wp.customize.Notification, setting.notifications.prototype.constructor.defaultConstructor );
} );
test( 'Setting has findControls method', function() {
var controls, setting = wp.customize( 'fixture-setting' );
equal( 'function', typeof setting.findControls );
controls = setting.findControls();
equal( 1, controls.length );
equal( 'fixture-control', controls[0].id );
} );
test( 'Setting constructor object exists', function( assert ) {
assert.ok( _.isObject( wp.customize.settingConstructor ) );
} );
test( 'Custom setting constructor is used', function( assert ) {
var setting = wp.customize( 'fixture-setting-abbr' );
assert.ok( setting.extended( wp.customize.settingConstructor.abbreviation ) );
setting.set( 'usa' );
assert.equal( 'USA', setting.get() );
} );
module( 'Customizer Control in Fixture' );
test( 'Control exists', function () {
ok( wp.customize.control.has( 'fixture-control' ) );
} );
test( 'Control has the fixture setting', function () {
var control = wp.customize.control( 'fixture-control' );
equal( control.setting(), 'Lorem Ipsum' );
equal(, 'fixture-setting' );
} );
test( 'Control has the section fixture section ID', function () {
var control = wp.customize.control( 'fixture-control' );
equal( control.section(), 'fixture-section' );
} );
test( 'Control has notifications', function ( assert ) {
var control = wp.customize.control( 'fixture-control' ), settingNotification, controlOnlyNotification, doneEmbedded;
assert.ok( control.notifications.extended( wp.customize.Values ) );
assert.equal( wp.customize.Notification, control.notifications.prototype.constructor.defaultConstructor );
assert.ok( _.isFunction( control.getNotificationsContainerElement ) );
assert.ok( _.isFunction( control.renderNotifications ) );
doneEmbedded = assert.async();
control.deferred.embedded.done( function() {
var notificationContainerElement;
assert.equal( 0, _.size( control.notifications._value ) );
assert.equal( 0, _.size( control.settings['default'].notifications._value ) );
notificationContainerElement = control.getNotificationsContainerElement();
assert.equal( 1, notificationContainerElement.length );
assert.ok( '.customize-control-notifications-container' ) );
assert.equal( 0, notificationContainerElement.find( '> ul > li' ).length );
assert.equal( 'none', notificationContainerElement.css( 'display' ) );
settingNotification = new wp.customize.Notification( 'setting_invalidity', 'Invalid setting' );
controlOnlyNotification = new wp.customize.Notification( 'control_invalidity', 'Invalid control' );
control.settings['default'].notifications.add( settingNotification.code, settingNotification );
control.notifications.add( controlOnlyNotification.code, controlOnlyNotification );
// Note that renderNotifications is being called manually here since rendering normally happens asynchronously.
assert.equal( 2, notificationContainerElement.find( '> ul > li' ).length );
assert.notEqual( 'none', notificationContainerElement.css( 'display' ) );
assert.equal( 2, _.size( control.notifications._value ) );
assert.equal( 1, _.size( control.settings['default'].notifications._value ) );
control.notifications.remove( controlOnlyNotification.code );
assert.equal( 1, notificationContainerElement.find( '> ul > li' ).length );
assert.notEqual( 'none', notificationContainerElement.css( 'display' ) );
control.settings['default'].notifications.remove( settingNotification.code );
assert.equal( 0, notificationContainerElement.find( '> ul > li' ).length );
assert.ok( ':animated' ) ); // It is being slid down.
notificationContainerElement.stop().hide(); // Clean up.
} );
} );
module( 'Customizer control without associated settings' );
test( 'Control can be created without settings', function() {
var control = new wp.customize.Control( 'settingless', {
params: {
content: jQuery( '<li class="settingless">Hello World</li>' ),
section: 'fixture-section'
} );
wp.customize.control.add(, control );
equal( control.deferred.embedded.state(), 'resolved' );
ok( null === control.setting );
ok( jQuery.isEmptyObject( control.settings ) );
} );
// Begin sections.
module( 'Customizer Section in Fixture' );
test( 'Fixture section exists', function () {
ok( wp.customize.section.has( 'fixture-section' ) );
} );
test( 'Fixture section has control among controls()', function () {
var section = wp.customize.section( 'fixture-section' );
ok( -1 !== _.pluck( section.controls(), 'id' ).indexOf( 'fixture-control' ) );
} );
test( 'Fixture section has has expected panel', function () {
var section = wp.customize.section( 'fixture-section' );
equal( section.panel(), 'fixture-panel' );
} );
module( 'Customizer Default Section with Template in Fixture' );
test( 'Fixture section exists', function () {
ok( wp.customize.section.has( 'fixture-section-default-templated' ) );
} );
test( 'Fixture section has expected content', function () {
var id = 'fixture-section-default-templated', section;
section = wp.customize.section( id );
ok( ! section.params.content );
ok( !! section.container );
ok( '.control-section.control-section-default' ) );
ok( 1 === section.container.find( '> .accordion-section-title' ).length );
ok( 1 === section.container.find( '> .accordion-section-content' ).length );
} );
module( 'Customizer Custom Type (titleless) Section with Template in Fixture' );
test( 'Fixture section exists', function () {
ok( wp.customize.section.has( 'fixture-section-titleless-templated' ) );
} );
test( 'Fixture section has expected content', function () {
var id = 'fixture-section-titleless-templated', section;
section = wp.customize.section( id );
ok( ! section.params.content );
ok( !! section.container );
ok( '.control-section.control-section-titleless' ) );
ok( 0 === section.container.find( '> .accordion-section-title' ).length );
ok( 1 === section.container.find( '> .accordion-section-content' ).length );
} );
module( 'Customizer Custom Type Section Lacking Specific Template' );
test( 'Fixture section has expected content', function () {
var id = 'fixture-section-reusing-default-template', section;
section = wp.customize.section( id );
ok( ! section.params.content );
ok( !! section.container );
ok( '.control-section.control-section-' + section.params.type ) );
ok( 1 === section.container.find( '> .accordion-section-title' ).length );
ok( 1 === section.container.find( '> .accordion-section-content' ).length );
} );
module( 'Customizer Section lacking any params' );
test( 'Fixture section has default params supplied', function () {
var id = 'fixture-section-without-params', section, defaultParams;
section = wp.customize.section( id );
defaultParams = {
title: '',
description: '',
priority: 100,
panel: null,
type: 'default',
content: null,
active: true,
instanceNumber: null,
customizeAction: ''
jQuery.each( defaultParams, function ( key, value ) {
ok( 'undefined' !== typeof section.params[ key ] );
equal( value, section.params[ key ] );
} );
} );
// Begin panels.
module( 'Customizer Panel in Fixture' );
test( 'Fixture panel exists', function () {
ok( wp.customize.panel.has( 'fixture-panel' ) );
} );
test( 'Fixture panel has content', function () {
var panel = wp.customize.panel( 'fixture-panel' );
ok( !! panel.params.content );
ok( !! panel.container );
} );
test( 'Fixture panel has section among its sections()', function () {
var panel = wp.customize.panel( 'fixture-panel' );
ok( -1 !== _.pluck( panel.sections(), 'id' ).indexOf( 'fixture-section' ) );
} );
test( 'Panel is not expanded by default', function () {
var panel = wp.customize.panel( 'fixture-panel' );
ok( ! panel.expanded() );
} );
test( 'Panel is not expanded by default', function () {
var panel = wp.customize.panel( 'fixture-panel' );
ok( ! panel.expanded() );
} );
test( 'Focusing on a control will expand the panel and section', function () {
var panel, section, control;
panel = wp.customize.panel( 'fixture-panel' );
section = wp.customize.section( 'fixture-section' );
control = wp.customize.control( 'fixture-control' );
ok( ! panel.expanded() );
ok( ! section.expanded() );
ok( section.expanded() );
ok( panel.expanded() );
} );
module( 'Customizer Default Panel with Template in Fixture' );
test( 'Fixture section exists', function () {
ok( wp.customize.panel.has( 'fixture-panel-default-templated' ) );
} );
test( 'Fixture panel has expected content', function () {
var id = 'fixture-panel-default-templated', panel;
panel = wp.customize.panel( id );
ok( ! panel.params.content );
ok( !! panel.container );
ok( '.control-panel.control-panel-default' ) );
ok( 1 === panel.container.find( '> .accordion-section-title' ).length );
ok( 1 === panel.container.find( '> .control-panel-content' ).length );
} );
module( 'Customizer Custom Type Panel (titleless) with Template in Fixture' );
test( 'Fixture panel exists', function () {
ok( wp.customize.panel.has( 'fixture-panel-titleless-templated' ) );
} );
test( 'Fixture panel has expected content', function () {
var id = 'fixture-panel-titleless-templated', panel;
panel = wp.customize.panel( id );
ok( ! panel.params.content );
ok( !! panel.container );
ok( '.control-panel.control-panel-titleless' ) );
ok( 0 === panel.container.find( '> .accordion-section-title' ).length );
ok( 1 === panel.container.find( '> .control-panel-content' ).length );
} );
module( 'Customizer Custom Type Panel Lacking Specific Template' );
test( 'Fixture panel has expected content', function () {
var id = 'fixture-panel-reusing-default-template', panel;
panel = wp.customize.panel( id );
ok( ! panel.params.content );
ok( !! panel.container );
ok( '.control-panel.control-panel-' + panel.params.type ) );
ok( 1 === panel.container.find( '> .accordion-section-title' ).length );
ok( 1 === panel.container.find( '> .control-panel-content' ).length );
} );
module( 'Customizer Panel lacking any params' );
test( 'Fixture panel has default params supplied', function () {
var id = 'fixture-panel-without-params', panel, defaultParams;
panel = wp.customize.panel( id );
defaultParams = {
title: '',
description: '',
priority: 100,
type: 'default',
content: null,
active: true,
instanceNumber: null
jQuery.each( defaultParams, function ( key, value ) {
ok( 'undefined' !== typeof panel.params[ key ] );
equal( value, panel.params[ key ] );
} );
} );
module( 'Dynamically-created Customizer Setting Model' );
settingId = 'new_blogname';
settingValue = 'Hello World';
test( 'Create a new setting', function () {
mockSetting = wp.customize.create(
transport: 'refresh',
previewer: wp.customize.previewer
equal( mockSetting(), settingValue );
equal(, settingId );
} );
module( 'Dynamically-created Customizer Section Model' );
sectionId = 'mock_title_tagline';
sectionContent = '<li id="accordion-section-mock_title_tagline" class="accordion-section control-section control-section-default"> <h3 class="accordion-section-title" tabindex="0"> Section Fixture <span class="screen-reader-text">Press return or enter to open</span> </h3> <ul class="accordion-section-content"> <li class="customize-section-description-container"> <div class="customize-section-title"> <button class="customize-section-back" tabindex="-1"> <span class="screen-reader-text">Back</span> </button> <h3> <span class="customize-action">Customizing ▸ Fixture Panel</span> Section Fixture </h3> </div> </li> </ul> </li>';
sectionData = {
content: sectionContent,
active: true,
type: 'default'
mockSection = new wp.customize.Section( sectionId, { params: sectionData } );
sectionExpectedValues = {
type: 'Section',
id: sectionId,
content: sectionContent,
priority: 100,
active: true // @todo This should default to true
testCustomizerModel( mockSection, sectionExpectedValues );
test( 'Section has been embedded', function () {
equal( mockSection.deferred.embedded.state(), 'resolved' );
} );
wp.customize.section.add( sectionId, mockSection );
test( 'Section instance added to the wp.customize.section object', function () {
ok( wp.customize.section.has( sectionId ) );
sectionInstance = wp.customize.section( sectionId );
test( 'Section instance has right content when accessed from wp.customize.section()', function () {
equal( sectionInstance.params.content, sectionContent );
test( 'Section instance has no children yet', function () {
equal( sectionInstance.controls().length, 0 );
module( 'Dynamically-created Customizer Control Model' );
controlId = 'new_blogname';
controlLabel = 'Site Title';
controlType = 'text';
controlContent = '<li id="customize-control-blogname" class="customize-control customize-control-text"></li>';
controlDescription = 'Test control description';
controlData = {
content: controlContent,
description: controlDescription,
label: controlLabel,
settings: { 'default': 'new_blogname' },
type: controlType,
active: true // @todo This should default to true
mockControl = new wp.customize.Control( controlId, {
params: controlData,
previewer: wp.customize.previewer
controlExpectedValues = {
type: 'Control',
content: controlContent,
description: controlDescription,
label: controlLabel,
id: controlId,
priority: 10
testCustomizerModel( mockControl, controlExpectedValues );
test( 'Control instance does not yet belong to a section.', function () {
equal( mockControl.section(), undefined );
test( 'Control has not been embedded yet', function () {
equal( mockControl.deferred.embedded.state(), 'pending' );
} );
test( 'Control instance has the right selector.', function () {
equal( mockControl.selector, '#customize-control-new_blogname' );
wp.customize.control.add( controlId, mockControl );
test( 'Control instance was added to the control class.', function () {
ok( wp.customize.control.has( controlId ) );
mockControlInstance = wp.customize.control( controlId );
test( 'Control instance has the right id when accessed from api.control().', function () {
equal(, controlId );
test( 'Control section can be set as expected', function () {
mockControl.section( );
equal( mockControl.section(), );
test( 'Associating a control with a section allows it to be embedded', function () {
equal( mockControl.deferred.embedded.state(), 'resolved' );
test( 'Control is now available on section.controls()', function () {
equal( sectionInstance.controls().length, 1 );
equal( sectionInstance.controls()[0], mockControl );
module( 'Dynamically-created Customizer Panel Model' );
panelId = 'mockPanelId';
panelTitle = 'Mock Panel Title';
panelDescription = 'Mock panel description';
panelContent = '<li id="accordion-panel-mockPanelId" class="accordion-section control-section control-panel control-panel-default"> <h3 class="accordion-section-title" tabindex="0"> Fixture Panel <span class="screen-reader-text">Press return or enter to open this panel</span> </h3> <ul class="accordion-sub-container control-panel-content"> <li class="panel-meta customize-info accordion-section cannot-expand"> <button class="customize-panel-back" tabindex="-1"><span class="screen-reader-text">Back</span></button> <div class="accordion-section-title"> <span class="preview-notice">You are customizing <strong class="panel-title">Fixture Panel</strong></span> <button class="customize-help-toggle dashicons dashicons-editor-help" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false"><span class="screen-reader-text">Help</span></button> </div> </li> </ul> </li>';
panelData = {
content: panelContent,
title: panelTitle,
description: panelDescription,
active: true, // @todo This should default to true
type: 'default'
mockPanel = new wp.customize.Panel( panelId, { params: panelData } );
panelExpectedValues = {
type: 'Panel',
id: panelId,
title: panelTitle,
description: panelDescription,
content: panelContent,
priority: 100,
active: true
testCustomizerModel( mockPanel, panelExpectedValues );
test( 'Panel instance is not contextuallyActive', function () {
equal( mockPanel.isContextuallyActive(), false );
module( 'Test wp.customize.findControlsForSettings' );
test( 'findControlsForSettings(blogname)', function() {
var controlsForSettings, settingId = 'fixture-setting', controlId = 'fixture-control';
ok( wp.customize.control.has( controlId ) );
ok( wp.customize.has( settingId ) );
controlsForSettings = wp.customize.findControlsForSettings( [ settingId ] );
ok( _.isObject( controlsForSettings ), 'Response is object' );
ok( _.isArray( controlsForSettings['fixture-setting'] ), 'Response has a fixture-setting array' );
equal( 1, controlsForSettings['fixture-setting'].length );
equal( wp.customize.control( controlId ), controlsForSettings['fixture-setting'][0] );
} );