
509 lines
14 KiB

* WordPress SSH2 Filesystem.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Filesystem
* WordPress Filesystem Class for implementing SSH2.
* To use this class you must follow these steps for PHP 5.2.6+
* @contrib http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/make_ssh_connections_with_php/ - Installation Notes
* Complie libssh2 (Note: Only 0.14 is officaly working with PHP 5.2.6+ right now.)
* cd /usr/src
* wget http://surfnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/libssh2/libssh2-0.14.tar.gz
* tar -zxvf libssh2-0.14.tar.gz
* cd libssh2-0.14/
* ./configure
* make all install
* Note: No not leave the directory yet!
* Enter: pecl install -f ssh2
* Copy the ssh.so file it creates to your PHP Module Directory.
* Open up your PHP.INI file and look for where extensions are placed.
* Add in your PHP.ini file: extension=ssh2.so
* Restart Apache!
* Check phpinfo() streams to confirm that: ssh2.shell, ssh2.exec, ssh2.tunnel, ssh2.scp, ssh2.sftp exist.
* @since 2.7
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Filesystem
* @uses WP_Filesystem_Base Extends class
class WP_Filesystem_SSH2 extends WP_Filesystem_Base {
var $debugtest = false; // set this to true only if your a debuging your connection
var $link = null;
var $sftp_link = null;
var $keys = false;
* This is the timeout value for ssh results to comeback.
* Slower servers might need this incressed, but this number otherwise should not change.
* @parm $timeout int
var $timeout = 15;
var $errors = array();
var $options = array();
var $permission = 0644;
function WP_Filesystem_SSH2($opt='') {
$this->method = 'ssh2';
$this->errors = new WP_Error();
//Check if possible to use ssh2 functions.
if ( ! extension_loaded('ssh2') ) {
$this->errors->add('no_ssh2_ext', __('The ssh2 PHP extension is not available'));
return false;
// Set defaults:
if ( empty($opt['port']) )
$this->options['port'] = 22;
$this->options['port'] = $opt['port'];
if ( empty($opt['hostname']) )
$this->errors->add('empty_hostname', __('SSH2 hostname is required'));
$this->options['hostname'] = $opt['hostname'];
if ( isset($opt['base']) && ! empty($opt['base']) )
$this->wp_base = $opt['base'];
// Check if the options provided are OK.
if ( empty ($opt['username']) )
$this->errors->add('empty_username', __('SSH2 username is required'));
$this->options['username'] = $opt['username'];
if ( ( !empty ($opt['public_key']) ) && ( !empty ($opt['private_key']) ) ) {
$this->options['public_key'] = $opt['public_key'];
$this->options['private_key'] = $opt['private_key'];
$this->options['hostkey'] = array("hostkey" => "ssh-rsa");
$this->keys = true;
if ( empty ($opt['password']) ) {
if ( !$this->keys ) // password can be blank if we are using keys
$this->errors->add('empty_password', __('SSH2 password is required'));
} else {
$this->options['password'] = $opt['password'];
function connect() {
if ( ! $this->keys ) {
$this->link = @ssh2_connect($this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port']);
} else {
$this->link = @ssh2_connect($this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port'], $this->options['hostkey']);
if ( ! $this->link ) {
$this->errors->add('connect', sprintf(__('Failed to connect to SSH2 Server %1$s:%2$s'), $this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port']));
return false;
if ( !$this->keys ) {
if ( ! @ssh2_auth_password($this->link, $this->options['username'], $this->options['password']) ) {
$this->errors->add('auth', sprintf(__('Username/Password incorrect for %s'), $this->options['username']));
return false;
} else {
if ( ! @ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($this->link, $this->options['username'], $this->options['public_key'], $this->options['private_key'], $this->options['password'] ) ) {
$this->errors->add('auth', sprintf(__('Public and Private keys incorrent for %s'), $this->options['username']));
return false;
$this->sftp_link = ssh2_sftp($this->link);
return true;
function run_command($link, $command, $returnbool = false) {
if(!($stream = @ssh2_exec( $link, $command . "; echo \"__COMMAND_FINISHED__\";"))) {
$this->errors->add('command', sprintf(__('Unable to perform command: %s'), $command));
} else {
stream_set_blocking( $stream, true );
$time_start = time();
$data = null;
while( true ) {
if (strpos($data,"__COMMAND_FINISHED__") !== false){
break; // the command has finshed!
if( (time()-$time_start) > $this->timeout ){
$this->errors->add('command', sprintf(__('Connection to the server has timeout after %s seconds.'), $this->timeout));
unset($this->sftp_link); // close connections
return false;
while( $buf = fread( $stream, strlen($stream) ) )
$data .= $buf;
$data = str_replace("__COMMAND_FINISHED__", "", $data);
if (($returnbool) && ( (int) $data )) {
return true;
} elseif (($returnbool) && (! (int) $data )) {
return false;
} else {
return $data;
return false;
function debug($text)
if ($this->debugtest)
echo "<br/>" . $text . "<br/>";
function setDefaultPermissions($perm) {
if ( $perm )
$this->permission = $perm;
function get_contents($file, $type = '', $resumepos = 0 ) {
$tempfile = wp_tempnam( $file );
if ( ! $tempfile )
return false;
if( ! ssh2_scp_recv($this->link, $file, $tempfile) )
return false;
$contents = file_get_contents($tempfile);
return $contents;
function get_contents_array($file) {
return explode("\n", $this->get_contents($file));
function put_contents($file, $contents, $type = '' ) {
$tempfile = wp_tempnam( $file );
$temp = fopen($tempfile, 'w');
if ( ! $temp )
return false;
fwrite($temp, $contents);
$ret = ssh2_scp_send($this->link, $tempfile, $file, $this->permission);
return $ret;
function cwd() {
$cwd = $this->run_command($this->link, 'pwd');
if( $cwd )
$cwd = trailingslashit($cwd);
return $cwd;
function chdir($dir) {
return $this->run_command($this->link, 'cd ' . $dir, true);
function chgrp($file, $group, $recursive = false ) {
if ( ! $this->exists($file) )
return false;
if ( ! $recursive || ! $this->is_dir($file) )
return $this->run_command($this->link, sprintf('chgrp %o %s', $mode, $file), true);
return $this->run_command($this->link, sprintf('chgrp -R %o %s', $mode, $file), true);
function chmod($file, $mode = false, $recursive = false) {
if( ! $mode )
$mode = $this->permission;
if( ! $mode )
return false;
if ( ! $this->exists($file) )
return false;
if ( ! $recursive || ! $this->is_dir($file) )
return $this->run_command($this->link, sprintf('chmod %o %s', $mode, $file), true);
return $this->run_command($this->link, sprintf('chmod -R %o %s', $mode, $file), true);
function chown($file, $owner, $recursive = false ) {
if ( ! $this->exists($file) )
return false;
if ( ! $recursive || ! $this->is_dir($file) )
return $this->run_command($this->link, sprintf('chown %o %s', $mode, $file), true);
return $this->run_command($this->link, sprintf('chown -R %o %s', $mode, $file), true);
function owner($file) {
$dir = $this->dirlist($file);
return $dir[$file]['owner'];
function getchmod($file) {
$dir = $this->dirlist($file);
return $dir[$file]['permsn'];
function group($file) {
$dir = $this->dirlist($file);
return $dir[$file]['group'];
function copy($source, $destination, $overwrite = false ) {
if( ! $overwrite && $this->exists($destination) )
return false;
$content = $this->get_contents($source);
if( false === $content)
return false;
return $this->put_contents($destination, $content);
function move($source, $destination, $overwrite = false) {
return @ssh2_sftp_rename($this->link, $source, $destination);
function delete($file, $recursive = false) {
if ( $this->is_file($file) )
return ssh2_sftp_unlink($this->sftp_link, $file);
if ( ! $recursive )
return ssh2_sftp_rmdir($this->sftp_link, $file);
$filelist = $this->dirlist($file);
if ( is_array($filelist) ) {
foreach ( $filelist as $filename => $fileinfo) {
$this->delete($file . '/' . $filename, $recursive);
return ssh2_sftp_rmdir($this->sftp_link, $file);
function exists($file) {
$list = $this->run_command($this->link, sprintf('ls -lad %s', $file));
return (bool) $list;
function is_file($file) {
//DO NOT RELY ON dirlist()!
$list = $this->run_command($this->link, sprintf('ls -lad %s', $file));
$list = $this->parselisting($list);
if ( ! $list )
return false;
return ( !$list['isdir'] && !$list['islink'] ); //ie. not a file or link, yet exists, must be file.
function is_dir($path) {
//DO NOT RELY ON dirlist()!
$list = $this->parselisting($this->run_command($this->link, sprintf('ls -lad %s', untrailingslashit($path))));
if ( ! $list )
return false;
return $list['isdir'];
function is_readable($file) {
//Not implmented.
function is_writable($file) {
//Not implmented.
function atime($file) {
//Not implmented.
function mtime($file) {
//Not implmented.
function size($file) {
//Not implmented.
function touch($file, $time = 0, $atime = 0) {
//Not implmented.
function mkdir($path, $chmod = null, $chown = false, $chgrp = false) {
$path = untrailingslashit($path);
if( ! ssh2_sftp_mkdir($this->sftp_link, $path, $chmod, true) )
return false;
if( $chown )
$this->chown($path, $chown);
if( $chgrp )
$this->chgrp($path, $chgrp);
return true;
function rmdir($path, $recursive = false) {
return $this->delete($path, $recursive);
function parselisting($line) {
$is_windows = ($this->OS_remote == FTP_OS_Windows);
if ($is_windows && preg_match("/([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) +([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(AM|PM) +([0-9]+|<DIR>) +(.+)/", $line, $lucifer)) {
$b = array();
if ($lucifer[3]<70) { $lucifer[3] +=2000; } else { $lucifer[3]+=1900; } // 4digit year fix
$b['isdir'] = ($lucifer[7]=="<DIR>");
if ( $b['isdir'] )
$b['type'] = 'd';
$b['type'] = 'f';
$b['size'] = $lucifer[7];
$b['month'] = $lucifer[1];
$b['day'] = $lucifer[2];
$b['year'] = $lucifer[3];
$b['hour'] = $lucifer[4];
$b['minute'] = $lucifer[5];
$b['time'] = @mktime($lucifer[4]+(strcasecmp($lucifer[6],"PM")==0?12:0),$lucifer[5],0,$lucifer[1],$lucifer[2],$lucifer[3]);
$b['am/pm'] = $lucifer[6];
$b['name'] = $lucifer[8];
} else if (!$is_windows && $lucifer=preg_split("/[ ]/",$line,9,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)) {
//echo $line."\n";
if ($lcount<8) return '';
$b = array();
$b['isdir'] = $lucifer[0]{0} === "d";
$b['islink'] = $lucifer[0]{0} === "l";
if ( $b['isdir'] )
$b['type'] = 'd';
elseif ( $b['islink'] )
$b['type'] = 'l';
$b['type'] = 'f';
$b['perms'] = $lucifer[0];
$b['number'] = $lucifer[1];
$b['owner'] = $lucifer[2];
$b['group'] = $lucifer[3];
$b['size'] = $lucifer[4];
if ($lcount==8) {
$b['time'] = @mktime($b['hour'],$b['minute'],0,$b['month'],$b['day'],$b['year']);
$b['name'] = $lucifer[7];
} else {
$b['month'] = $lucifer[5];
$b['day'] = $lucifer[6];
if (preg_match("/([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/",$lucifer[7],$l2)) {
$b['year'] = date("Y");
$b['hour'] = $l2[1];
$b['minute'] = $l2[2];
} else {
$b['year'] = $lucifer[7];
$b['hour'] = 0;
$b['minute'] = 0;
$b['time'] = strtotime(sprintf("%d %s %d %02d:%02d",$b['day'],$b['month'],$b['year'],$b['hour'],$b['minute']));
$b['name'] = $lucifer[8];
return $b;
function dirlist($path = '.', $incdot = false, $recursive = false) {
if( $this->is_file($path) ) {
$limitFile = basename($path);
$path = trailingslashit(dirname($path));
} else {
$limitFile = false;
$list = $this->run_command($this->link, sprintf('ls -la %s', $path));
if ( $list === false )
return false;
$list = explode("\n", $list);
$dirlist = array();
foreach ( (array)$list as $k => $v ) {
$entry = $this->parselisting($v);
if ( empty($entry) )
if ( '.' == $entry['name'] || '..' == $entry['name'] )
$dirlist[ $entry['name'] ] = $entry;
if ( ! $dirlist )
return false;
if ( empty($dirlist) )
return array();
$ret = array();
foreach ( $dirlist as $struc ) {
if ( 'd' == $struc['type'] ) {
$struc['files'] = array();
if ( $incdot ){
//We're including the doted starts
if( '.' != $struc['name'] && '..' != $struc['name'] ){ //Ok, It isnt a special folder
if ($recursive)
$struc['files'] = $this->dirlist($path . '/' . $struc['name'], $incdot, $recursive);
} else { //No dots
if ( $recursive )
$struc['files'] = $this->dirlist($path . '/' . $struc['name'], $incdot, $recursive);
$ret[$struc['name']] = $struc;
return $ret;
function __destruct() {
if ( $this->link )
if ( $this->sftp_link )