WordPress no longer supports many old old browsers: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2017/04/23/target-browser-coverage/ This also removes alot of no longer necessary CSS. It served us well, but we are never getting back together with IE8,9,10. So, in the (paraphrased) words of Taylor Swift: I remember when we dropped support the first time Saying, "This is it, I've had enough, " 'cause like We hadn't seen many users in a month When you said you needed flexbox. (What?) Then you postMessage again and say "IE8, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me." Remember how that lasted for a day? I say, "I hate the box model, " we break up, you call me, "I love css-grids." Ooh, we called it off again last night But ooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you We are never ever ever supporting IE 8,9,10, We are never ever ever supporting IE 8,9,10, You go talk to EDGE, talk to my FIREFOX, talk to CHROME But we are never ever ever ever getting back together Like, ever... Fixes #37651. Props stunnedbeast, netweb, jorbin. git-svn-id: https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@41062 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
983 lines
25 KiB
983 lines
25 KiB
/* jshint node:true */
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var path = require('path'),
fs = require( 'fs' ),
SOURCE_DIR = 'src/',
BUILD_DIR = 'build/',
autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer'),
mediaConfig = {},
mediaBuilds = ['audiovideo', 'grid', 'models', 'views'];
// Load tasks.
require('matchdep').filterDev(['grunt-*', '!grunt-legacy-util']).forEach( grunt.loadNpmTasks );
// Load legacy utils
grunt.util = require('grunt-legacy-util');
mediaBuilds.forEach( function ( build ) {
var path = SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/media';
mediaConfig[ build ] = { files : {} };
mediaConfig[ build ].files[ path + '-' + build + '.js' ] = [ path + '/' + build + '.manifest.js' ];
} );
// Project configuration.
postcss: {
options: {
processors: [
browsers: [
'> 1%',
'ie >= 11',
'last 1 Android versions',
'last 1 ChromeAndroid versions',
'last 2 Chrome versions',
'last 2 Firefox versions',
'last 2 Safari versions',
'last 2 iOS versions',
'last 2 Edge versions',
'last 2 Opera versions'
cascade: false
core: {
expand: true,
src: [
colors: {
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
src: [
clean: {
all: [BUILD_DIR],
dynamic: {
dot: true,
expand: true,
src: []
tinymce: ['<%= concat.tinymce.dest %>'],
qunit: ['tests/qunit/compiled.html']
copy: {
files: {
files: [
dot: true,
expand: true,
src: [
'!**/.{svn,git}/**', // Ignore version control directories.
// Ignore unminified versions of external libs we don't ship:
'!wp-includes/version.php' // Exclude version.php
src: 'wp-config-sample.php',
'wp-admin-css-compat-rtl': {
options: {
processContent: function( src ) {
return src.replace( /\.css/g, '-rtl.css' );
src: SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-admin/css/wp-admin.css',
dest: BUILD_DIR + 'wp-admin/css/wp-admin-rtl.css'
'wp-admin-css-compat-min': {
options: {
processContent: function( src ) {
return src.replace( /\.css/g, '.min.css' );
files: [
src: SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-admin/css/wp-admin.css',
dest: BUILD_DIR + 'wp-admin/css/wp-admin.min.css'
src: BUILD_DIR + 'wp-admin/css/wp-admin-rtl.css',
dest: BUILD_DIR + 'wp-admin/css/wp-admin-rtl.min.css'
version: {
options: {
processContent: function( src ) {
return src.replace( /^\$wp_version = '(.+?)';/m, function( str, version ) {
version = version.replace( /-src$/, '' );
// If the version includes an SVN commit (-12345), it's not a released alpha/beta. Append a timestamp.
version = version.replace( /-[\d]{5}$/, '-' + grunt.template.today( 'yyyymmdd.HHMMss' ) );
/* jshint quotmark: true */
return "$wp_version = '" + version + "';";
src: SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-includes/version.php',
dest: BUILD_DIR + 'wp-includes/version.php'
dynamic: {
dot: true,
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
src: []
qunit: {
src: 'tests/qunit/index.html',
dest: 'tests/qunit/compiled.html',
options: {
processContent: function( src ) {
return src.replace( /(\".+?\/)src(\/.+?)(?:.min)?(.js\")/g , function( match, $1, $2, $3 ) {
// Don't add `.min` to files that don't have it.
return $1 + 'build' + $2 + ( /jquery$/.test( $2 ) ? '' : '.min' ) + $3;
} );
browserify: mediaConfig,
sass: {
colors: {
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
ext: '.css',
src: ['wp-admin/css/colors/*/colors.scss'],
options: {
outputStyle: 'expanded'
cssmin: {
options: {
compatibility: 'ie7'
core: {
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
ext: '.min.css',
src: [
rtl: {
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
ext: '.min.css',
src: [
colors: {
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
ext: '.min.css',
src: [
rtlcss: {
options: {
// rtlcss options
opts: {
clean: false,
processUrls: { atrule: true, decl: false },
stringMap: [
name: 'import-rtl-stylesheet',
priority: 10,
exclusive: true,
search: [ '.css' ],
replace: [ '-rtl.css' ],
options: {
scope: 'url',
ignoreCase: false
saveUnmodified: false,
plugins: [
name: 'swap-dashicons-left-right-arrows',
priority: 10,
directives: {
control: {},
value: []
processors: [
expr: /content/im,
action: function( prop, value ) {
if ( value === '"\\f141"' ) { // dashicons-arrow-left
value = '"\\f139"';
} else if ( value === '"\\f340"' ) { // dashicons-arrow-left-alt
value = '"\\f344"';
} else if ( value === '"\\f341"' ) { // dashicons-arrow-left-alt2
value = '"\\f345"';
} else if ( value === '"\\f139"' ) { // dashicons-arrow-right
value = '"\\f141"';
} else if ( value === '"\\f344"' ) { // dashicons-arrow-right-alt
value = '"\\f340"';
} else if ( value === '"\\f345"' ) { // dashicons-arrow-right-alt2
value = '"\\f341"';
return { prop: prop, value: value };
core: {
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
ext: '-rtl.css',
src: [
// Exceptions
colors: {
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
ext: '-rtl.css',
src: [
dynamic: {
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
ext: '-rtl.css',
src: []
jshint: {
options: grunt.file.readJSON('.jshintrc'),
grunt: {
src: ['Gruntfile.js']
tests: {
src: [
options: grunt.file.readJSON('tests/qunit/.jshintrc')
themes: {
expand: true,
cwd: SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-content/themes',
src: [
// Third party scripts
media: {
options: {
browserify: true
src: [
SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/media/**/*.js'
core: {
expand: true,
src: [
// Built scripts.
// WordPress scripts inside directories
// Third party scripts
// Remove once other JSHint errors are resolved
options: {
curly: false,
eqeqeq: false
// Limit JSHint's run to a single specified file:
// grunt jshint:core --file=filename.js
// Optionally, include the file path:
// grunt jshint:core --file=path/to/filename.js
filter: function( filepath ) {
var index, file = grunt.option( 'file' );
// Don't filter when no target file is specified
if ( ! file ) {
return true;
// Normalize filepath for Windows
filepath = filepath.replace( /\\/g, '/' );
index = filepath.lastIndexOf( '/' + file );
// Match only the filename passed from cli
if ( filepath === file || ( -1 !== index && index === filepath.length - ( file.length + 1 ) ) ) {
return true;
return false;
plugins: {
expand: true,
cwd: SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-content/plugins',
src: [
// Limit JSHint's run to a single specified plugin directory:
// grunt jshint:plugins --dir=foldername
filter: function( dirpath ) {
var index, dir = grunt.option( 'dir' );
// Don't filter when no target folder is specified
if ( ! dir ) {
return true;
dirpath = dirpath.replace( /\\/g, '/' );
index = dirpath.lastIndexOf( '/' + dir );
// Match only the folder name passed from cli
if ( -1 !== index ) {
return true;
return false;
qunit: {
files: [
phpunit: {
'default': {
cmd: 'phpunit',
args: ['--verbose', '-c', 'phpunit.xml.dist']
ajax: {
cmd: 'phpunit',
args: ['--verbose', '-c', 'phpunit.xml.dist', '--group', 'ajax']
multisite: {
cmd: 'phpunit',
args: ['--verbose', '-c', 'tests/phpunit/multisite.xml']
'external-http': {
cmd: 'phpunit',
args: ['--verbose', '-c', 'phpunit.xml.dist', '--group', 'external-http']
'restapi-jsclient': {
cmd: 'phpunit',
args: ['--verbose', '-c', 'phpunit.xml.dist', '--group', 'restapi-jsclient']
uglify: {
options: {
ASCIIOnly: true,
screwIE8: false
core: {
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
ext: '.min.js',
src: [
// Exceptions
'!wp-admin/js/bookmarklet.*', // Minified and updated in /src with the precommit task. See uglify:bookmarklet.
'!wp-admin/js/custom-header.js', // Why? We should minify this.
'!wp-includes/js/wp-embed.js' // We have extra options for this, see uglify:embed
embed: {
options: {
compress: {
conditionals: false
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
ext: '.min.js',
src: ['wp-includes/js/wp-embed.js']
media: {
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
ext: '.min.js',
src: [
jqueryui: {
options: {
// Preserve comments that start with a bang.
preserveComments: /^!/
expand: true,
dest: BUILD_DIR,
ext: '.min.js',
src: ['wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/*.js']
bookmarklet: {
options: {
compress: {
negate_iife: false
src: SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-admin/js/bookmarklet.js',
dest: SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-admin/js/bookmarklet.min.js'
masonry: {
options: {
// Preserve comments that start with a bang.
preserveComments: /^!/
src: SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.masonry.js',
dest: SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.masonry.min.js'
concat: {
tinymce: {
options: {
separator: '\n',
process: function( src, filepath ) {
return '// Source: ' + filepath.replace( BUILD_DIR, '' ) + '\n' + src;
src: [
BUILD_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js',
BUILD_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.min.js',
BUILD_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/*/plugin.min.js'
dest: BUILD_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.js'
emoji: {
options: {
separator: '\n',
process: function( src, filepath ) {
return '// Source: ' + filepath.replace( BUILD_DIR, '' ) + '\n' + src;
src: [
BUILD_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/twemoji.min.js',
BUILD_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/wp-emoji.min.js'
dest: BUILD_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/wp-emoji-release.min.js'
compress: {
tinymce: {
options: {
mode: 'gzip',
level: 9
src: '<%= concat.tinymce.dest %>',
dest: BUILD_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.js.gz'
options: {
globals: {},
verbose: false
build: {
files: {
src: [
BUILD_DIR + 'wp-{admin,includes}/**/*.js',
BUILD_DIR + 'wp-content/themes/twenty*/**/*.js'
imagemin: {
core: {
expand: true,
src: [
includes: {
emoji: {
src: BUILD_DIR + 'wp-includes/formatting.php',
dest: '.'
embed: {
src: BUILD_DIR + 'wp-includes/embed.php',
dest: '.'
replace: {
emojiRegex: {
options: {
patterns: [
match: /\/\/ START: emoji regex[\S\s]*\/\/ END: emoji regex/g,
replacement: function () {
var twemoji = grunt.file.read( SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/twemoji.js' ),
found = twemoji.match( /re = \/(.*)\/g,/ ),
emojiRegex = found[1],
regex = '',
entities = '';
* Twemoji does some nifty regex optimisations, splitting up surrogate pairs unit, searching by
* ranges of individual units, and compressing sets of individual units. This is super useful for
* reducing the size of the regex.
* Unfortunately, PCRE doesn't allow regexes to search for individual units, so we can't just
* blindly copy the Twemoji regex.
* The good news is, we don't have to worry about size restrictions, so we can just unravel the
* entire regex, and convert it to a PCRE-friendly format.
// Convert ranges: "\udc68-\udc6a" becomes "\udc68\udc69\udc6a".
emojiRegex = emojiRegex.replace( /(\\u\w{4})\-(\\u\w{4})/g, function ( match, first, last ) {
var start = parseInt( first.substr( 2 ), 16 );
var end = parseInt( last.substr( 2 ), 16 );
var replace = '';
for( var counter = start; counter <= end; counter++ ) {
replace += '\\u' + counter.toString( 16 );
return replace;
} );
// Convert sets: "\u200d[\u2640\u2642]\ufe0f" becomes "\u200d\u2640\ufe0f|\u200d\u2642\ufe0f".
emojiRegex = emojiRegex.replace( /((?:\\u\w{4})*)\[((?:\\u\w{4})+)\]((?:\\u\w{4})*)/g, function ( match, before, middle, after ) {
//return params[1].split( '\\u' ).join( '|' + params[0] + '\\u' ).substr( 1 );
if ( ! before && ! after ) {
return match;
var set = middle.match( /.{1,6}/g );
return before + set.join( after + '|' + before ) + after;
} );
// Convert surrogate pairs to their equivalent unicode scalar: "\ud83d\udc68" becomes "\u1f468".
emojiRegex = emojiRegex.replace( /(\\ud[89a-f][0-9a-f]{2})(\\ud[89a-f][0-9a-f]{2})/g, function ( match, first, second ) {
var high = parseInt( first.substr( 2 ), 16 );
var low = parseInt( second.substr( 2 ), 16 );
var scalar = ( ( high - 0xD800 ) * 0x400 ) + ( low - 0xDC00 ) + 0x10000;
return '\\u' + scalar.toString( 16 );
} );
// Convert JavaScript-style code points to PHP-style: "\u1f468" becomes "\x{1f468}".
emojiRegex = emojiRegex.replace( /\\u(\w+)/g, '\\x{$1}' );
// Convert PHP-style code points to HTML entities: "\x{1f468}" becomes "👨".
entities = emojiRegex.replace( /\\x{(\w+)}/g, '&#x$1;' );
entities = entities.replace( /\[([^\]]+)\]/g, function( match, codepoint ) {
return '(?:' + codepoint.replace( /;&/g, ';|&' ) + ')';
} );
regex += '// START: emoji regex\n';
regex += '\t$codepoints = \'/(' + emojiRegex + ')/u\';\n';
regex += '\t$entities = \'/(' + entities + ')/u\';\n';
regex += '\t// END: emoji regex';
return regex;
files: [
expand: true,
flatten: true,
src: [
SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-includes/formatting.php'
dest: SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-includes/'
_watch: {
all: {
files: [
SOURCE_DIR + '**',
'!' + SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/media/**',
// Ignore version control directories.
'!' + SOURCE_DIR + '**/.{svn,git}/**'
tasks: ['clean:dynamic', 'copy:dynamic'],
options: {
dot: true,
spawn: false,
interval: 2000
config: {
files: 'Gruntfile.js'
colors: {
files: [SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-admin/css/colors/**'],
tasks: ['sass:colors']
rtl: {
files: [
SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-admin/css/*.css',
SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-includes/css/*.css'
tasks: ['rtlcss:dynamic'],
options: {
spawn: false,
interval: 2000
test: {
files: [
tasks: ['qunit']
// Allow builds to be minimal
if( grunt.option( 'minimal-copy' ) ) {
var copyFilesOptions = grunt.config.get( 'copy.files.files' );
copyFilesOptions[0].src.push( '!wp-content/plugins/**' );
copyFilesOptions[0].src.push( '!wp-content/themes/!(twenty*)/**' );
grunt.config.set( 'copy.files.files', copyFilesOptions );
// Register tasks.
// RTL task.
grunt.registerTask('rtl', ['rtlcss:core', 'rtlcss:colors']);
// Color schemes task.
grunt.registerTask('colors', ['sass:colors', 'postcss:colors']);
// JSHint task.
grunt.registerTask( 'jshint:corejs', [
] );
grunt.registerTask( 'restapi-jsclient', [
] );
grunt.renameTask( 'watch', '_watch' );
grunt.registerTask( 'watch', function() {
if ( ! this.args.length || this.args.indexOf( 'browserify' ) > -1 ) {
grunt.config( 'browserify.options', {
browserifyOptions: {
debug: true
watch: true
} );
grunt.task.run( 'browserify' );
grunt.task.run( '_' + this.nameArgs );
} );
grunt.registerTask( 'precommit:image', [
] );
grunt.registerTask( 'precommit:js', [
] );
grunt.registerTask( 'precommit:css', [
] );
grunt.registerTask( 'precommit:php', [
] );
grunt.registerTask( 'precommit:emoji', [
] );
grunt.registerTask( 'precommit', 'Runs test and build tasks in preparation for a commit', function() {
var done = this.async();
var map = {
svn: 'svn status --ignore-externals',
git: 'git status --short'
find( [
__dirname + '/.svn',
__dirname + '/.git',
path.dirname( __dirname ) + '/.svn'
] );
function find( set ) {
var dir;
if ( set.length ) {
fs.stat( dir = set.shift(), function( error ) {
error ? find( set ) : run( path.basename( dir ).substr( 1 ) );
} );
} else {
grunt.fatal( 'This WordPress install is not under version control.' );
function run( type ) {
var command = map[ type ].split( ' ' );
grunt.util.spawn( {
cmd: command.shift(),
args: command
}, function( error, result, code ) {
var taskList = [];
if ( code !== 0 ) {
grunt.fatal( 'The `' + map[ type ] + '` command returned a non-zero exit code.', code );
// Callback for finding modified paths.
function testPath( path ) {
var regex = new RegExp( ' ' + path + '$', 'm' );
return regex.test( result.stdout );
// Callback for finding modified files by extension.
function testExtension( extension ) {
var regex = new RegExp( '\.' + extension + '$', 'm' );
return regex.test( result.stdout );
if ( [ 'package.json', 'Gruntfile.js' ].some( testPath ) ) {
grunt.log.writeln( 'Configuration files modified. Running `prerelease`.' );
taskList.push( 'prerelease' );
} else {
if ( [ 'png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg' ].some( testExtension ) ) {
grunt.log.writeln( 'Image files modified. Minifying.' );
taskList.push( 'precommit:image' );
[ 'js', 'css', 'php' ].forEach( function( extension ) {
if ( testExtension( extension ) ) {
grunt.log.writeln( extension.toUpperCase() + ' files modified. ' + extension.toUpperCase() + ' tests will be run.' );
taskList.push( 'precommit:' + extension );
} );
if ( [ 'twemoji.js' ].some( testPath ) ) {
grunt.log.writeln( 'twemoji.js has updated. Running `precommit:emoji.' );
taskList.push( 'precommit:emoji' );
grunt.task.run( taskList );
} );
} );
grunt.registerTask( 'copy:all', [
] );
grunt.registerTask( 'build', [
] );
grunt.registerTask( 'prerelease', [
] );
// Testing tasks.
grunt.registerMultiTask('phpunit', 'Runs PHPUnit tests, including the ajax, external-http, and multisite tests.', function() {
cmd: this.data.cmd,
args: this.data.args,
opts: {stdio: 'inherit'}
}, this.async());
grunt.registerTask('qunit:compiled', 'Runs QUnit tests on compiled as well as uncompiled scripts.',
['build', 'copy:qunit', 'qunit']);
grunt.registerTask('test', 'Runs all QUnit and PHPUnit tasks.', ['qunit:compiled', 'phpunit']);
// Travis CI tasks.
grunt.registerTask('travis:js', 'Runs Javascript Travis CI tasks.', [ 'jshint:corejs', 'qunit:compiled' ]);
grunt.registerTask('travis:phpunit', 'Runs PHPUnit Travis CI tasks.', 'phpunit');
// Patch task.
grunt.renameTask('patch_wordpress', 'patch');
// Add an alias `apply` of the `patch` task name.
grunt.registerTask('apply', 'patch');
// Default task.
grunt.registerTask('default', ['build']);
* Automatically updates the `:dynamic` configurations
* so that only the changed files are updated.
grunt.event.on('watch', function( action, filepath, target ) {
var src;
if ( [ 'all', 'rtl', 'browserify' ].indexOf( target ) === -1 ) {
src = [ path.relative( SOURCE_DIR, filepath ) ];
if ( action === 'deleted' ) {
grunt.config( [ 'clean', 'dynamic', 'src' ], src );
} else {
grunt.config( [ 'copy', 'dynamic', 'src' ], src );
if ( target === 'rtl' ) {
grunt.config( [ 'rtlcss', 'dynamic', 'src' ], src );