Boone Gorges becae4f492 Query: Allow plugins to supply post results instead of having WP_Query fetch them from the database.
Returning a non-null value from the new `posts_pre_query` filter will cause
`WP_Query` to skip its database query, so that posts data can be provided from
elsewhere. This is useful in cases where post data may be mirrored in a
separate location, such as an external search application.

Developers should note that the `WP_Query` properties generally used to
calculate pagination - specifically, `found_posts` and `max_num_pages`, which
are determined by default in `set_found_posts()` - must be provided explicitly
when using the `posts_pre_query` filter; since `WP_Query` will not be
contacting the database, it will have no access to `SELECT FOUND_ROWS()`.
The `WP_Query` instance is passed to `posts_pre_query` by reference, so that
these properties can be set manually if needed.

Props jpdavoutian, tlovett1.
Fixes #36687.

git-svn-id: 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
2016-06-14 01:59:25 +00:00

The short version:

1. Create a clean MySQL database and user.  DO NOT USE AN EXISTING DATABASE or you will lose data, guaranteed.

2. Copy wp-tests-config-sample.php to wp-tests-config.php, edit it and include your database name/user/password.

3. $ svn up

4. Run the tests from the "trunk" directory:
   To execute a particular test:
      $ phpunit tests/phpunit/tests/test_case.php
   To execute all tests:
      $ phpunit


Test cases live in the 'tests' subdirectory.  All files in that directory will be included by default.  Extend the WP_UnitTestCase class to ensure your test is run.

phpunit will initialize and install a (more or less) complete running copy of WordPress each time it is run.  This makes it possible to run functional interface and module tests against a fully working database and codebase, as opposed to pure unit tests with mock objects and stubs.  Pure unit tests may be used also, of course.

Changes to the test database will be rolled back as tests are finished, to ensure a clean start next time the tests are run.

phpunit is intended to run at the command line, not via a web server.