- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages. - Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3. - Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script. - Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`. - Fixes undefined notices in some blocks. - Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain. Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk. Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber. See #45145. git-svn-id: https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
277 lines
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277 lines
7.4 KiB
* External dependencies
const LiveReloadPlugin = require( 'webpack-livereload-plugin' );
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require( 'copy-webpack-plugin' );
const postcss = require( 'postcss' );
const UglifyJS = require( 'uglify-js' );
const { join, basename } = require( 'path' );
const { get } = require( 'lodash' );
* WordPress dependencies
const CustomTemplatedPathPlugin = require( '@wordpress/custom-templated-path-webpack-plugin' );
const LibraryExportDefaultPlugin = require( '@wordpress/library-export-default-webpack-plugin' );
const baseDir = join( __dirname, '../../' );
* Given a string, returns a new string with dash separators converedd to
* camel-case equivalent. This is not as aggressive as `_.camelCase` in
* converting to uppercase, where Lodash will convert letters following
* numbers.
* @param {string} string Input dash-delimited string.
* @return {string} Camel-cased string.
function camelCaseDash( string ) {
return string.replace(
( match, letter ) => letter.toUpperCase()
* Maps vendors to copy commands for the CopyWebpackPlugin.
* @param {Object} vendors Vendors to include in the vendor folder.
* @param {string} buildTarget The folder in which to build the packages.
* @return {Object[]} Copy object suitable for the CopyWebpackPlugin.
function mapVendorCopies( vendors, buildTarget ) {
return Object.keys( vendors ).map( ( filename ) => ( {
from: join( baseDir, `node_modules/${ vendors[ filename ] }` ),
to: join( baseDir, `${ buildTarget }/js/dist/vendor/${ filename }` ),
} ) );
module.exports = function( env = { environment: 'production', watch: false, forceBuildTarget: false } ) {
const mode = env.environment;
const suffix = mode === 'production' ? '.min' : '';
const buildTarget = env.forceBuildTarget ? env.forceBuildTarget : ( mode === 'production' ? 'build' : 'src' ) + '/wp-includes';
const packages = [
const vendors = {
'lodash.js': 'lodash/lodash.js',
'wp-polyfill.js': '@babel/polyfill/dist/polyfill.js',
'wp-polyfill-fetch.js': 'whatwg-fetch/dist/fetch.umd.js',
'wp-polyfill-element-closest.js': 'element-closest/element-closest.js',
'wp-polyfill-node-contains.js': 'polyfill-library/polyfills/Node/prototype/contains/polyfill.js',
'wp-polyfill-formdata.js': 'formdata-polyfill/FormData.js',
'moment.js': 'moment/moment.js',
'react.js': 'react/umd/react.development.js',
'react-dom.js': 'react-dom/umd/react-dom.development.js',
const minifiedVendors = {
'lodash.min.js': 'lodash/lodash.min.js',
'wp-polyfill.min.js': '@babel/polyfill/dist/polyfill.min.js',
'wp-polyfill-formdata.min.js': 'formdata-polyfill/formdata.min.js',
'moment.min.js': 'moment/min/moment.min.js',
'react.min.js': 'react/umd/react.production.min.js',
'react-dom.min.js': 'react-dom/umd/react-dom.production.min.js',
const minifyVendors = {
'wp-polyfill-fetch.min.js': 'whatwg-fetch/dist/fetch.umd.js',
'wp-polyfill-element-closest.min.js': 'element-closest/element-closest.js',
'wp-polyfill-node-contains.min.js': 'polyfill-library/polyfills/Node/prototype/contains/polyfill.js',
const phpFiles = {
'block-serialization-default-parser/parser.php': 'wp-includes/class-wp-block-parser.php',
'block-library/src/archives/index.php': 'wp-includes/blocks/archives.php',
'block-library/src/block/index.php': 'wp-includes/blocks/block.php',
'block-library/src/categories/index.php': 'wp-includes/blocks/categories.php',
'block-library/src/latest-comments/index.php': 'wp-includes/blocks/latest-comments.php',
'block-library/src/latest-posts/index.php': 'wp-includes/blocks/latest-posts.php',
'block-library/src/shortcode/index.php': 'wp-includes/blocks/shortcode.php',
const externals = {
react: 'React',
'react-dom': 'ReactDOM',
tinymce: 'tinymce',
moment: 'moment',
jquery: 'jQuery',
lodash: 'lodash',
'lodash-es': 'lodash',
packages.forEach( ( name ) => {
externals[ `@wordpress/${ name }` ] = {
this: [ 'wp', camelCaseDash( name ) ],
} );
const developmentCopies = mapVendorCopies( vendors, buildTarget );
const minifiedCopies = mapVendorCopies( minifiedVendors, buildTarget );
const minifyCopies = mapVendorCopies( minifyVendors, buildTarget ).map( ( copyCommand ) => {
return {
transform: ( content ) => {
return UglifyJS.minify( content.toString() ).code;
} );
let vendorCopies = mode === "development" ? developmentCopies : [ ...minifiedCopies, ...minifyCopies ];
let cssCopies = packages.map( ( packageName ) => ( {
from: join( baseDir, `node_modules/@wordpress/${ packageName }/build-style/*.css` ),
to: join( baseDir, `${ buildTarget }/css/dist/${ packageName }/` ),
flatten: true,
transform: ( content ) => {
if ( config.mode === 'production' ) {
return postcss( [
require( 'cssnano' )( {
preset: 'default',
} ),
] )
.process( content, { from: 'src/app.css', to: 'dest/app.css' } )
.then( ( result ) => result.css );
return content;
} ) );
const phpCopies = Object.keys( phpFiles ).map( ( filename ) => ( {
from: join( baseDir, `node_modules/@wordpress/${ filename }` ),
to: join( baseDir, `src/${ phpFiles[ filename ] }` ),
} ) );
const config = {
entry: packages.reduce( ( memo, packageName ) => {
const name = camelCaseDash( packageName );
memo[ name ] = join( baseDir, `node_modules/@wordpress/${ packageName }` );
return memo;
}, {} ),
output: {
filename: `[basename]${ suffix }.js`,
path: join( baseDir, `${ buildTarget }/js/dist` ),
library: {
root: [ 'wp', '[name]' ]
libraryTarget: 'this',
resolve: {
modules: [
alias: {
'lodash-es': 'lodash',
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
use: [ 'source-map-loader' ],
enforce: 'pre',
plugins: [
new LibraryExportDefaultPlugin( [
].map( camelCaseDash ) ),
new CustomTemplatedPathPlugin( {
basename( path, data ) {
let rawRequest;
const entryModule = get( data, [ 'chunk', 'entryModule' ], {} );
switch ( entryModule.type ) {
case 'javascript/auto':
rawRequest = entryModule.rawRequest;
case 'javascript/esm':
rawRequest = entryModule.rootModule.rawRequest;
if ( rawRequest ) {
return basename( rawRequest );
return path;
} ),
new CopyWebpackPlugin(
stats: {
children: false,
watch: env.watch,
if ( config.mode !== 'production' ) {
config.devtool = process.env.SOURCEMAP || 'source-map';
if ( config.mode === 'development' ) {
config.plugins.push( new LiveReloadPlugin( { port: process.env.WORDPRESS_LIVE_RELOAD_PORT || 35729 } ) );
return config;