Andrew Nacin db981a3b27 Switch to .min for compressed JS and CSS files.
* This moves our "development" versions from .dev.js to .js (same for css).
 * The compressed version then moves from .js to .min.js (same for css).

By switching to the standard .min convention, it sets expectations for developers,
and works nicely with existing tools such as ack.

fixes .

git-svn-id: 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
2012-08-23 00:04:18 +00:00

200 lines
5.1 KiB

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var gallerySortable, gallerySortableInit, w, desc = false;
gallerySortableInit = function() {
gallerySortable = $('#media-items').sortable( {
items: '',
placeholder: 'sorthelper',
axis: 'y',
distance: 2,
handle: 'div.filename',
stop: function(e, ui) {
// When an update has occurred, adjust the order for each item
var all = $('#media-items').sortable('toArray'), len = all.length;
$.each(all, function(i, id) {
var order = desc ? (len - i) : (1 + i);
$('#' + id + ' .menu_order input').val(order);
} );
sortIt = function() {
var all = $('.menu_order_input'), len = all.length;
var order = desc ? (len - i) : (1 + i);
clearAll = function(c) {
c = c || 0;
if ( this.value == '0' || c ) this.value = '';
$('#asc').click(function(){desc = false; sortIt(); return false;});
$('#desc').click(function(){desc = true; sortIt(); return false;});
$('#clear').click(function(){clearAll(1); return false;});
$('#sort-buttons span a').toggle();
$('a.describe-toggle-off, table.slidetoggle').show();
return false;
$('#sort-buttons span a').toggle();
$('a.describe-toggle-off, table.slidetoggle').hide();
return false;
// initialize sortable
if ( $('#media-items>*').length > 1 ) {
w = wpgallery.getWin();
$('#save-all, #gallery-settings').show();
if ( typeof w.tinyMCE != 'undefined' && w.tinyMCE.activeEditor && ! w.tinyMCE.activeEditor.isHidden() ) {
wpgallery.mcemode = true;
} else {
jQuery(window).unload( function () { tinymce = tinyMCE = wpgallery = null; } ); // Cleanup
/* gallery settings */
var tinymce = null, tinyMCE, wpgallery;
wpgallery = {
mcemode : false,
editor : {},
dom : {},
is_update : false,
el : {},
I : function(e) {
return document.getElementById(e);
init: function() {
var t = this, li, q, i, it, w = t.getWin();
if ( ! t.mcemode ) return;
li = ('' +^\?/, '').split('&');
q = {};
for (i=0; i<li.length; i++) {
it = li[i].split('=');
q[unescape(it[0])] = unescape(it[1]);
if (q.mce_rdomain)
document.domain = q.mce_rdomain;
// Find window & API
tinymce = w.tinymce;
tinyMCE = w.tinyMCE;
t.editor = tinymce.EditorManager.activeEditor;
getWin : function() {
return window.dialogArguments || opener || parent || top;
setup : function() {
var t = this, a, ed = t.editor, g, columns, link, order, orderby;
if ( ! t.mcemode ) return;
t.el = ed.selection.getNode();
if ( t.el.nodeName != 'IMG' || ! ed.dom.hasClass(t.el, 'wpGallery') ) {
if ( (g ='img.wpGallery')) && g[0] ) {
t.el = g[0];
} else {
if ( getUserSetting('galfile') == '1' ) t.I('linkto-file').checked = "checked";
if ( getUserSetting('galdesc') == '1' ) t.I('order-desc').checked = "checked";
if ( getUserSetting('galcols') ) t.I('columns').value = getUserSetting('galcols');
if ( getUserSetting('galord') ) t.I('orderby').value = getUserSetting('galord');
a = ed.dom.getAttrib(t.el, 'title');
a = ed.dom.decode(a);
if ( a ) {
t.is_update = true;
columns = a.match(/columns=['"]([0-9]+)['"]/);
link = a.match(/link=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/i);
order = a.match(/order=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/i);
orderby = a.match(/orderby=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/i);
if ( link && link[1] ) t.I('linkto-file').checked = "checked";
if ( order && order[1] ) t.I('order-desc').checked = "checked";
if ( columns && columns[1] ) t.I('columns').value = ''+columns[1];
if ( orderby && orderby[1] ) t.I('orderby').value = orderby[1];
} else {
update : function() {
var t = this, ed = t.editor, all = '', s;
if ( ! t.mcemode || ! t.is_update ) {
s = '[gallery'+t.getSettings()+']';
if (t.el.nodeName != 'IMG') return;
all = ed.dom.decode(ed.dom.getAttrib(t.el, 'title'));
all = all.replace(/\s*(order|link|columns|orderby)=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/gi, '');
all += t.getSettings();
ed.dom.setAttrib(t.el, 'title', all);
getSettings : function() {
var I = this.I, s = '';
if ( I('linkto-file').checked ) {
s += ' link="file"';
setUserSetting('galfile', '1');
if ( I('order-desc').checked ) {
s += ' order="DESC"';
setUserSetting('galdesc', '1');
if ( I('columns').value != 3 ) {
s += ' columns="'+I('columns').value+'"';
setUserSetting('galcols', I('columns').value);
if ( I('orderby').value != 'menu_order' ) {
s += ' orderby="'+I('orderby').value+'"';
setUserSetting('galord', I('orderby').value);
return s;