modified highscore

This commit is contained in:
germedeb 2022-02-05 13:06:43 -03:00
parent f5c1b2eef2
commit 151451d20c
1 changed files with 8 additions and 7 deletions

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10.072266 C 7.4932263 10.072266 7.5722657 10.151306 7.5722656 10.25 L 7.5722656 10.785156 L 8.1074219 10.785156 C 8.2061159 10.785156 8.2871094 10.866156 8.2871094 10.964844 L 8.2871094 11.322266 C 8.2871094 11.420966 8.2061164 11.5 8.1074219 11.5 L 7.5722656 11.5 L 7.5722656 12.035156 C 7.5722657 12.133856 7.4932256 12.214844 7.3945312 12.214844 L 7.0371094 12.214844 C 6.9384144 12.214844 6.859375 12.133844 6.859375 12.035156 L 6.859375 11.5 L 6.3222656 11.5 C 6.2235716 11.5 6.1445312 11.42096 6.1445312 11.322266 L 6.1445312 10.964844 C 6.1445312 10.866144 6.2235712 10.785156 6.3222656 10.785156 L 6.859375 10.785156 L 6.859375 10.25 C 6.859375 10.15747 6.927609 10.081453 7.0175781 10.072266 z M 11.294922 10.25 C 11.304042 10.249537 11.313066 10.25 11.322266 10.25 C 11.618 10.25 11.857422 10.489422 11.857422 10.785156 C 11.857422 11.080891 11.618 11.322266 11.322266 11.322266 C 11.026532 11.322266 10.787109 11.080891 10.787109 10.785156 C 10.787109 10.498664 11.011982 10.26435 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