#!/bin/bash # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 debgerme # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # define the colors info_color="\e[1;34m" # tasks color comple_color="\e[1;32m" # Ok color reset_colors="\e[0m" # this resets the coloring # Check dependencies # If you are having trobule with a dependency that IS in your system but # the script can't continue, please add this to your command: --ignore-dependency-check case "$@" in *-k*|*--ignore-deps*) IGNOREDEPS=ok esac # this checks for that option and if it is ok, skip this process if [ "$IGNOREDEPS" != ok ] then # It mutes the output but verifies if the command returns an error # if that's true, then the process can't continue command -v inkscape >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Missing dependency: inkscape"; DEPSCOMPLETE=n; } command -v parallel >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Missing dependency: parallel"; DEPSCOMPLETE=n; } command -v bash >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Missing dependency: bash"; DEPSCOMPLETE=n; } fi # Check for --help # This is the help message case "$@" in *-h*|*help*) printf "${info_color}Aleta's build script help${reset_colors}\\n\ Usage: ./tasks/build.sh [args]... ${info_color}Examples:${reset_colors} ./tasks/build.sh -r -e Start the build from cero ./tasks/build.sh -r -e -i Same but now it autoinstalls (recommended) ./tasks/build.sh -e Continue building. useful if you cancelled the build ${info_color}Arguments:${reset_colors} -h --help help Show this help. -e --export Export the remaining icons -o --use-optipng Launch optipng process* -v --verbose Show more info. useful for debugging -r --from-cero Copy the SVG again and start the build again -i --autoinstall Autoinstall to User directory -k --ignore-deps Don't check for dependencies. This software is licensed under the GPLv3 and the CC-BY-SA 4.0 licenses. See README and LICENSE for more information\\n" exit 0; esac # check if you written verbose and set that variable case "$@" in *-v*|*--verbose*) VERBOSE=yes esac # here is the checking. it is sepparated for practicy if [ "$DEPSCOMPLETE" = n ]; then echo Please install the missing dependencies to start building exit 1 fi # begin exportation and stuff printf "${info_color}This script runs the build tasks and performs an install (or an update) of aleta to your home${reset_colors}\\n\\n" # check if there is a valid option, if it is, continue. if not, mark the variable NOTOPTIONS and stop the process case "$@" in *-e*|*--export*|*-h*|*--help*|*help*|*-r*|*--from-cero*|*-o*|*--use-optipng*|*-i*|*--autoinstall*) NOTOPTIONS=thereis esac # if there is no options, say that and stop with an error if [ "$NOTOPTIONS" != thereis ]; then printf "please add at least one argument. (-k does not count.) type ${comple_color}./tasks/build.sh --help${reset_colors} to see all the arguments available ERROR: there is no options, exit.\\n" exit 1 fi case "$@" in *-r*|*--from-cero*) RESTART=yes if [ "$VERBOSE" = yes ] ; then printf "${info_color}Detected \"restart\" option, this will remove the last build and start agin...${reset_colors}\\n" fi esac if [ "$RESTART" = yes ]; then # this deletes the build directory printf "${info_color}cleaning up the build directory...${reset_colors}\\n" rm _build/ -rf # this creates the folder structure used in the build and while the building printf "${info_color}rebuilding folder structure...${reset_colors}\\n" ./tasks/rebuildfolders.sh # this copies the "SVG in" to the build folders printf "${info_color}copying the files to build in the build dir${reset_colors}\\n" if [ "$VERBOSE" = yes ] ; then ./tasks/copysvg.sh else ./tasks/copysvg.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi # Check if you written the export option case "$@" in *-e*|*--export*) # I dont want to conflict with the export command XD EXPOR=yes esac if [ "$EXPOR" = yes ]; then printf "${info_color}exporting all the icons... this will take a long time.${reset_colors}\\n" ./tasks/runexport.sh fi case "$@" in *--use-optipng*|*-o*) OPTIPNG=use esac # checks if you have optipng, if you have it, launch opticall. if not, exit if [ "$OPTIPNG" = use ]; then if [ "$IGNOREDEPS" != ok ]; then command -v optipng >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Missing dependency: optipng"; DEPSCOMPLETE=n; } if [ "$DEPSCOMPLETE" = n ]; then echo To optimize the build, please install optipng exit 2 fi fi printf "${info_color}Using optipng to reduce the size of the build...${reset_colors}\\n" ./tasks/opticall.sh; fi # copy the index.theme file to the build. necesary to interpretate the icon pack in the settings cp other/index.theme _build/aleta/ && printf "${info_color}copied index.theme to the build${reset_colors}\\n" printf "${info_color}starting link process...${reset_colors}\\n" if [ "$VERBOSE" = yes ] ; then ./tasks/runlink.sh else ./tasks/runlink.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 fi case "$@" in *--autoinstall*|*-i*) printf "${info_color}Note that the route of the autoinstall has changed from ${reset_colors}~/.icons/aleta${info_color} to ${reset_colors}~/.local/share/icons/aleta\\n" # checks if the install route is there, if not, creates it. if [ ! -d ~/.local/share/icons/ ] ; then mkdir ~/.local/ mkdir ~/.local/share/ mkdir ~/.local/share/icons/ fi # this makes a copy before removing the installation. this reduces significantly the time without an installation. cp -r ./_build/aleta _build/tmpaleta # this two IFs checks if there is an old installation of aleta and then removes them if [ -d ~/.icons/aleta ] ; then rm -rf ~/.icons/aleta PREVIOUSLYINSTALLED=yes fi if [ -d ~/.local/share/icons/aleta ] ; then rm -rf ~/.local/share/icons/aleta PREVIOUSLYINSTALLED=yes fi # if there was a previous installation of aleta, say Updating instead of Installing if [ "$PREVIOUSLYINSTALLED" = yes ]; then printf "${info_color}Updating aleta icon pack${reset_colors}\\n" else printf "${info_color}Installing aleta icon pack${reset_colors}\\n" fi # moves the copy to the actual destination. mv _build/tmpaleta ~/.local/share/icons/aleta # updates the icon cache printf "${info_color}Updating gtk icon cache...${reset_colors}\\n" if [ "$VERBOSE" = yes ] ; then gtk-update-icon-cache ~/.local/share/icons/aleta else gtk-update-icon-cache ~/.local/share/icons/aleta >/dev/null 2>&1 fi esac printf "${comple_color}\\nCOMPLETED! The icon pack is builded.${reset_colors}\\n"