Adding example images in preview.

This commit is contained in:
sergiotarxz 2022-11-14 00:30:05 +01:00
parent 4ad79e94b4
commit 2e4ac26d82
2 changed files with 91 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
<title>Cartel de Cuentacuentos Infantil "Don Juan Tenorio".</title>
<ogdesc>Cartel de Cuentacuentos Infantil "Don Juan Tenorio".</ogdesc>
<img src="/img/mairami-preview.jpg"/>
<p>Hoy os traemos información de una representación teatral que se ha producido este mismo día en Alcalá del Rio.</p>

View File

@ -15,12 +15,15 @@ use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
use SVG;
use Capture::Tiny qw/capture/;
const my $CURRENT_FILE => __FILE__;
const my $POSTS_DIR =>
const my $BURGUILLOS_LOGO =>
const my $ROOT_PROJECT => path($CURRENT_FILE)->parent->parent->parent;
const my $PUBLIC_DIR => $ROOT_PROJECT->child('public');
const my $POSTS_DIR => $ROOT_PROJECT->child('content/posts');
const my $BURGUILLOS_LOGO => $PUBLIC_DIR->child('img/burguillos.png');
const my $SVG_WIDTH => 1200;
const my $SVG_HEIGHT => 627;
my $iso8601 = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new;
@ -55,6 +58,11 @@ sub Retrieve {
or die "Missing slug at $post_file.";
my $content = $dom->at(':root > content')->content
or die "Missing content at $post_file.";
my $image_element = $dom->at(':root > img');
my $image;
if (defined $image_element) {
$image = $image_element->attr->{src};
my $post = {
title => $title,
@ -64,6 +72,7 @@ sub Retrieve {
category => $category,
slug => $slug,
content => $content,
( ( defined $image ) ? ( image => $image ) : () ),
$cached_posts_by_category->{$category} //= [];
my $category_posts = $cached_posts_by_category->{$category};
@ -102,7 +111,8 @@ sub PostPreviewOg {
my $svg = $self->_GenerateSVGPostPreview( $title, \@new_content );
my $svg =
$self->_GenerateSVGPostPreview( $title, \@new_content, $post->{image} );
my ( $stdout, $stderr ) = capture {
open my $fh, '|-', qw{convert /dev/stdin png:fd:1};
print $fh $svg;
@ -112,12 +122,55 @@ sub PostPreviewOg {
return $stdout;
sub _AttachImageSVG {
my $self = shift;
my $svg = shift;
my $image = shift;
$image = $PUBLIC_DIR->child( './' . $image );
my ( $stdout, $stderr, $error ) = capture {
system qw/identify -format "%wx%h"/, $image;
if ($error) {
warn "$image not recognized by identify.";
my ( $width, $height ) = $stdout =~ /^"(\d+)x(\d+)"$/;
$width /= $height / $SVG_EMBEDDED_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT;
$width = int($width);
$height /= $width / $SVG_EMBEDDED_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH;
$height = int($height);
my $x = int(($SVG_EMBEDDED_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH/2) - ($width / 2));
my $y = 90;
my ($output) = capture {
system qw/file --mime-type/, $image;
my ($format) = $output =~ /(\S+)$/;
x => $x,
y => $y,
width => $width,
height => $height,
-href => "data:$format;base64,"
. encode_base64( $image->slurp )
return $y + $height + 50;
sub _GenerateSVGPostPreview {
my $self = shift;
my $title = shift;
my $content = shift;
my $image = shift;
my @content = @$content;
my $svg = SVG->new( width => 1200, height => 627 );
my $svg = SVG->new( width => $SVG_WIDTH, height => $SVG_HEIGHT );
x => 0,
y => 0,
@ -146,17 +199,23 @@ sub _GenerateSVGPostPreview {
y => 5,
width => 40,
height => 40,
-href => 'data:image/png;base64,'.encode_base64($BURGUILLOS_LOGO->slurp)
-href => 'data:image/png;base64,'
. encode_base64( $BURGUILLOS_LOGO->slurp )
x => 60,
y => 40,
style => { 'font-size' => 50, fill => '#f2eb8c' }
my $new_y;
if ( defined $image ) {
$new_y = $self->_AttachImageSVG( $group, $image );
$new_y //= 100;
x => 10,
y => 100,
y => $new_y,
style => { 'font-size' => 50 }
@ -164,11 +223,12 @@ sub _GenerateSVGPostPreview {
for my $line (@content) {
x => 10,
y => 140 + ( 30 * $n ),
y => $new_y + 40 + ( 30 * $n ),
style => { 'font-size' => 38 }
return $svg->xmlify;