package GTSRSSApi; use v5.34.1; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious', -signatures; use Mojo::JSON; use Mojo::UserAgent; use Mojo::Util qw/url_unescape url_escape b64_decode/; use Data::Dumper; use Encode qw/encode decode is_utf8/; use DateTime::Format::Strptime qw/strptime/; use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::Pg; use JSON; use UUID::URandom qw/create_uuid_string/; use GTSRSSApi::DB; my $ua; my $html_origin; my $viewstate; my $viewstate_generator; my $event_validation; my $pg_date_formatter = DateTime::Format::Pg->new; # This method will run once at server start sub startup ($self) { # Load configuration from config file my $config = $self->plugin('NotYAMLConfig'); # Configure the application $self->secrets( $config->{secrets} ); # Router my $r = $self->routes; $self->config( hypnotoad => { proxy => 1, listen => [ $self->config('listen') // 'http://localhost:3000' ] } ); # Normal route to controller $r->get('/')->to('Page#index'); $r->get('/all.rss')->to('Page#all_rss'); $r->get('/shiny.rss')->to('Page#shiny_rss'); $r->get('/pokerus.rss')->to('Page#pokerus_rss'); $r->get('/computer-all.rss')->to('Page#computer_all_rss'); $r->get('/computer-shiny.rss')->to('Page#computer_shiny_rss'); $r->get('/computer-pokerus.rss')->to('Page#computer_pokerus_rss'); $self->start_gts_bot; } sub start_gts_bot ($self) { Mojo::IOLoop->next_tick( sub ($loop) { $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; $ua->cookie_jar->ignore(0); $ua->transactor->name('Sergiotarxz GTS Crawler'); $html_origin = $ua->get('')->result->dom; $viewstate = $html_origin->at('#__VIEWSTATE')->attr('value'); $viewstate_generator = $html_origin->at('#__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR')->attr('value'); $event_validation = $html_origin->at('#__EVENTVALIDATION')->attr('value'); $self->fetch_gts_data; Mojo::IOLoop->recurring( 120 => sub ($loop) { $self->fetch_gts_data; } ); } ); } my $first_run = 0; sub fetch_gts_data { eval { my $html = Mojo::DOM->new( $ua->post( '', form => { __VIEWSTATE => $viewstate, __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR => $viewstate_generator, __EVENTVALIDATION => $event_validation, 'ctl00$cpMain$ppSpecies$theLookup$txtInput' => '', 'cpMain$ppSpecies$theLookup$hdSelectedValue' => '', 'ctl00$cpMain$grpGeneration' => 'rbGen4', 'ctl00$cpMain$btnSearch' => 'Search', 'ctl00$cpMain$txtLevelMin' => 1, 'ctl00$cpMain$txtLevelMax' => 100, 'ctl00$cpMain$chkMale' => 'on', 'ctl00$cpMain$chkFemale' => 'on', } )->result->body ); $viewstate = $html->at('#__VIEWSTATE')->attr('value'); $viewstate_generator = $html->at('#__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR')->attr('value'); $event_validation = $html->at('#__EVENTVALIDATION')->attr('value'); my @offers = $html->find('.gtsPokemonSummary.gtsOffer.pfBoxThin.pfFormGroup') ->each; my $db = GTSRSSApi::DB->connect; $db->do( <<'EOF', undef ); UPDATE offers SET marked_to_check_is_available = true WHERE is_available = true; EOF for my $offer (@offers) { eval { my $species = $offer->at('.pfFormValue.colPortrait .sprite.species') ->attr('alt'); my $species_img = $offer->at('.pfFormValue.colPortrait .sprite.species') ->attr('src'); my $is_shiny = $species_img =~ m@^/images/pkmn-lg-s/\d+(?:-.*?)?\.png@; my $pokeball_element = $offer->at('.pfFormValue.colPortrait .sprite.item'); my $pokeball = 'Glitch Ball'; if ( defined $pokeball_element ) { $pokeball = $pokeball_element->attr('alt'); } my $level_container = $offer->at('.pfFormValue.colPortrait li.portrait')->next; # my $level_string = decode( 'utf-8', $level_container->text ); my $level_string = $level_container->text; my ($level) = $level_string =~ /(\d+)/; my ($gender) = $level_string =~ /(♂|♀)/; my $has_pokerus = $offer->at('span.pkrs'); $has_pokerus = !!$has_pokerus; my $date; my $offerer; my $nature; my $ability; my $held_item; my $wanted_species; my $requirements; my $nick; for my $keyElement ( $offer->find('.pfFormKey')->each ) { my $key = $keyElement->text; my $valueElement = $keyElement->next; my $value = $valueElement->text; # $value = decode 'utf-8', $value; ($key) = $key =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/m; ($value) = $value =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/m; $value //= ''; if ( $key eq 'Date' ) { $date = strptime( "%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %P", $value ); } if ( $key eq 'Offered by' ) { $offerer = $value; } if ( $key eq 'Ability' ) { $ability = $value; } if ( $key eq 'Name' ) { $nick = $value; } if ( $key eq 'Nature' ) { $nature = $value; my $requirementsElement = $valueElement->next; $requirements = $requirementsElement->text; $requirements = decode 'utf-8', $requirements; $requirements =~ s/\n//g; ($requirements) = $requirements =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/m; $requirements =~ s/[^♂♀. a-zA-Z0-9]//gu; $requirements =~ s/ +/ /g; } if ( $key eq 'Held item' ) { $held_item = $value; } if ( $key eq 'Wanted' ) { $wanted_species = $value; $wanted_species =~ s/\s*\(.*$//; } } my $line = "At $date @{[decode 'utf-8', $offerer]} offers $species named @{[decode 'utf-8', $nick]} caught in $pokeball with level $level, gender" . " @{[$gender // 'unknown']}, nature $nature and ability $ability"; if ($is_shiny) { $line .= ' is Shiny'; } if ($has_pokerus) { $line .= ' with Pokerus'; } if ($held_item) { $line .= " holds item $held_item"; } $line .= " wants $wanted_species matching this requirements $requirements"; $is_shiny = $is_shiny ? $JSON::true : $JSON::false; $has_pokerus = $has_pokerus ? $JSON::true : $JSON::false; my $pg_date = $pg_date_formatter->format_datetime($date); my $query = <<'EOF'; SELECT * FROM offers WHERE date IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND offerer IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND species IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND nickname IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND pokeball IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND level IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND gender IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND nature IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND ability IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND is_shiny IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND has_pokerus IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND held_item IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND wanted_species IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND wanted_requirements IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND is_available EOF my @matching_rows = $db->selectall_array( $query, {}, $pg_date, decode( 'utf-8', $offerer ), $species, decode( 'utf-8', $nick ), $pokeball, $level, $gender, $nature, $ability, $is_shiny, $has_pokerus, $held_item, $wanted_species, $requirements, ); if (@matching_rows) { my $matching_row_confirm_query = <<'EOF'; UPDATE offers SET marked_to_check_is_available = false WHERE date IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND offerer IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND species IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND nickname IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND pokeball IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND level IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND gender IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND nature IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND ability IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND is_shiny IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND has_pokerus IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND held_item IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND wanted_species IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND wanted_requirements IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ? AND is_available AND marked_to_check_is_available EOF $db->do( $matching_row_confirm_query, undef, $pg_date, decode( 'utf-8', $offerer ), $species, decode( 'utf-8', $nick ), $pokeball, $level, $gender, $nature, $ability, $is_shiny, $has_pokerus, $held_item, $wanted_species, $requirements, ); return; } my $uuid = create_uuid_string; my $offer_uuid = $uuid; my $query_create_offer = <<'EOF'; INSERT INTO offers (uuid, date, offerer, species, nickname, pokeball, level, gender, nature, ability, is_shiny, has_pokerus, held_item, wanted_species, wanted_requirements) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) EOF $db->do( $query_create_offer, {}, $uuid, $pg_date, decode( 'utf-8', $offerer ), $species, decode( 'utf-8', $nick ), $pokeball, $level, $gender, $nature, $ability, $is_shiny, $has_pokerus, $held_item, $wanted_species, $requirements, ); my $query_create_news = <<'EOF'; INSERT INTO news (uuid, date, offerer, species, is_shiny, has_pokerus, news_text, held_item) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ); EOF $uuid = create_uuid_string; $db->do( $query_create_news, undef, $uuid, $pg_date, decode( 'utf-8', $offerer ), $species, $is_shiny, $has_pokerus, $line, $held_item, ); my $query_create_computer_news = <<'EOF'; INSERT INTO news_computer (uuid, date, offerer, species, is_shiny, has_pokerus, news_text, held_item) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ); EOF my ($offer) = $db->selectall_array( 'SELECT * FROM offers WHERE uuid = ?', { Slice => {} }, $offer_uuid ); $offer->{is_available} = 1; $uuid = create_uuid_string; $db->do( $query_create_computer_news, undef, $uuid, $pg_date, decode( 'utf-8', $offerer ), $species, $is_shiny, $has_pokerus, Mojo::JSON::encode_json($offer), $held_item, ); }; if ($@) { warn $@; } } my @no_longer_available_pokemon = $db->selectall_array( <<'EOF', { Slice => {} } ); SELECT * FROM offers WHERE is_available and marked_to_check_is_available; EOF for my $pokemon (@no_longer_available_pokemon) { my $species = $pokemon->{species}; my $nick = $pokemon->{nickname}; my $offerer = $pokemon->{offerer}; my $pokeball = $pokemon->{pokeball}; my $level = $pokemon->{level}; my $gender = $pokemon->{gender}; my $nature = $pokemon->{nature}; my $ability = $pokemon->{ability}; my $is_shiny = $pokemon->{is_shiny}; my $has_pokerus = $pokemon->{has_pokerus}; my $pg_date = $pokemon->{date}; my $date = DateTime->now() . ''; my $held_item = $pokemon->{held_item}; my $wanted_species = $pokemon->{wanted_species}; my $requirements = $pokemon->{wanted_requirements}; $is_shiny = $is_shiny ? $JSON::true : $JSON::false; $has_pokerus = $has_pokerus ? $JSON::true : $JSON::false; my $line = "(NO LONGER AVAILABLE) At $date $offerer offers $species named $nick caught in $pokeball with level $level, gender" . " @{[$gender // 'unknown']}, nature $nature and ability $ability"; if ($is_shiny) { $line .= ' is Shiny'; } if ($has_pokerus) { $line .= ' with Pokerus'; } if ($held_item) { $line .= " holds item $held_item"; } $line .= " wants $wanted_species matching this requirements $requirements"; my $query_create_news = <<'EOF'; INSERT INTO news (uuid, date, offerer, species, is_shiny, has_pokerus, news_text, held_item) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ); EOF my $query_create_computer_news = <<'EOF'; INSERT INTO news_computer (uuid, date, offerer, species, is_shiny, has_pokerus, news_text, held_item) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ); EOF my $uuid = create_uuid_string; $db->do( $query_create_news, undef, $uuid, $pg_date, $offerer, $species, $is_shiny, $has_pokerus, $line, $held_item, ); $pokemon->{is_available} = 0; $uuid = create_uuid_string; $db->do( $query_create_computer_news, undef, $uuid, $pg_date, decode( 'utf-8', $offerer ), $species, $is_shiny, $has_pokerus, Mojo::JSON::encode_json($pokemon), $held_item, ); } $db->do( <<'EOF', undef ); UPDATE offers SET is_available = false, marked_to_check_is_available = false = true WHERE is_available and marked_to_check_is_available; EOF }; if ($@) { warn $@; } } 1;