2014-10-27 18:17:49 +00:00
# walk vips and generate headers for all operators
# sample member declaration :
# VImage invert( VOption *options = 0 )
# throw( VError );
import sys
import re
import logging
#logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)
from gi.repository import Vips, GObject
vips_type_image = GObject.GType.from_name("VipsImage")
vips_type_operation = GObject.GType.from_name("VipsOperation")
param_enum = GObject.GType.from_name("GParamEnum")
# turn a GType into a C++ type
gtype_to_cpp = {
"VipsImage" : "VImage",
"gint" : "int",
"gdouble" : "double",
"gboolean" : "bool",
"gchararray" : "char *",
"VipsArrayDouble" : "std::vector<double>",
"VipsArrayImage" : "std::vector<VImage>",
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"VipsBlob" : "VipsBlob *"
2014-10-27 18:17:49 +00:00
def get_ctype(prop):
# enum params use the C name as their name
if GObject.type_is_a(param_enum, prop):
return prop.value_type.name
return gtype_to_cpp[prop.value_type.name]
def find_required(op):
required = []
for prop in op.props:
flags = op.get_argument_flags(prop.name)
if not flags & Vips.ArgumentFlags.REQUIRED:
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if flags & Vips.ArgumentFlags.DEPRECATED:
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2014-11-16 12:19:04 +00:00
def priority_sort(a, b):
pa = op.get_argument_priority(a.name)
pb = op.get_argument_priority(b.name)
return pa - pb
2014-10-27 18:17:49 +00:00
return required
# find the first input image ... this will be used as "this"
def find_first_input_image(op, required):
found = False
for prop in required:
flags = op.get_argument_flags(prop.name)
if not flags & Vips.ArgumentFlags.INPUT:
if GObject.type_is_a(vips_type_image, prop.value_type):
found = True
if not found:
return None
return prop
# find the first output arg ... this will be used as the result
def find_first_output(op, required):
found = False
for prop in required:
flags = op.get_argument_flags(prop.name)
if not flags & Vips.ArgumentFlags.OUTPUT:
found = True
if not found:
return None
return prop
# swap any "-" for "_"
def cppize(name):
return re.sub('-', '_', name)
2015-01-06 11:51:53 +00:00
def gen_arg_list(op, required):
2014-10-27 18:17:49 +00:00
first = True
for prop in required:
if not first:
print ',',
first = False
print get_ctype(prop),
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# output params are passed by reference
flags = op.get_argument_flags(prop.name)
if flags & Vips.ArgumentFlags.OUTPUT:
print '*',
2014-10-27 18:17:49 +00:00
print cppize(prop.name),
if not first:
print ',',
print 'VOption *options = 0',
def gen_operation(cls):
op = Vips.Operation.new(cls.name)
gtype = Vips.type_find("VipsOperation", cls.name)
nickname = Vips.nickname_find(gtype)
all_required = find_required(op)
result = find_first_output(op, all_required)
this = find_first_input_image(op, all_required)
# shallow copy
required = all_required[:]
if result != None:
if this != None:
# no "this" available, it's a class method
if this == None:
print 'static',
if result == None:
print 'void',
print '%s' % gtype_to_cpp[result.value_type.name],
print '%s(' % nickname,
2015-01-06 11:51:53 +00:00
gen_arg_list(op, required)
2014-10-27 18:17:49 +00:00
print ')'
print ' throw( VError );'
# we have a few synonyms ... don't generate twice
generated = {}
def find_class_methods(cls):
if not cls.is_abstract():
gtype = Vips.type_find("VipsOperation", cls.name)
nickname = Vips.nickname_find(gtype)
if not nickname in generated:
generated[nickname] = True
if len(cls.children) > 0:
for child in cls.children:
2014-11-16 12:19:04 +00:00
2014-10-27 18:17:49 +00:00
if __name__ == '__main__':