Merge branch 'master' into add-extra-dzsave-tiles
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- vips_image_write() severs all links between images, when it can ... thanks
Warren and Nakilon
- vector path for convolution is more accurate and can handle larger masks
- linear and cubic kernels for reduce are higer quality
- linear and cubic kernels for reduce are higher quality
- added vips_value_set_blob_free()
- "--size Nx" to vipsthumbnail was broken, thanks jrochkind
- fix build with gcc 7
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
- add dispose handling to gifload
- dzsave outputs extra right and bottom overlap-only tiles, for closer spec
- deprecate the "centre" option for vips_resize(): it's now always on
- setting the EXIF data block automatically sets other image tags
29/8/17 started 8.5.9
- make --fail stop jpeg read on any libjpeg warning, thanks @mceachen
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// headers for vips operations
// Fri 6 Oct 16:31:27 BST 2017
// Sun 26 Nov 17:44:41 GMT 2017
// this file is generated automatically, do not edit!
static void system( char * cmd_format , VOption *options = 0 );
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ VImage linecache( VOption *options = 0 );
VImage sequential( VOption *options = 0 );
VImage cache( VOption *options = 0 );
VImage embed( int x , int y , int width , int height , VOption *options = 0 );
VImage gravity( VipsCompassDirection direction , int width , int height , VOption *options = 0 );
VImage flip( VipsDirection direction , VOption *options = 0 );
VImage insert( VImage sub , int x , int y , VOption *options = 0 );
VImage join( VImage in2 , VipsDirection direction , VOption *options = 0 );
@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ VImage morph( VImage mask , VipsOperationMorphology morph , VOption *options = 0
VImage rank( int width , int height , int index , VOption *options = 0 );
double countlines( VipsDirection direction , VOption *options = 0 );
VImage labelregions( VOption *options = 0 );
VImage fill_nearest( VOption *options = 0 );
void draw_rect( std::vector<double> ink , int left , int top , int width , int height , VOption *options = 0 );
void draw_mask( std::vector<double> ink , VImage mask , int x , int y , VOption *options = 0 );
void draw_line( std::vector<double> ink , int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 , VOption *options = 0 );
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// bodies for vips operations
// Fri 6 Oct 16:30:42 BST 2017
// Sun 26 Nov 17:44:23 GMT 2017
// this file is generated automatically, do not edit!
void VImage::system( char * cmd_format , VOption *options )
@ -578,6 +578,21 @@ VImage VImage::embed( int x , int y , int width , int height , VOption *options
return( out );
VImage VImage::gravity( VipsCompassDirection direction , int width , int height , VOption *options )
VImage out;
call( "gravity" ,
(options ? options : VImage::option()) ->
set( "in", *this ) ->
set( "out", &out ) ->
set( "direction", direction ) ->
set( "width", width ) ->
set( "height", height ) );
return( out );
VImage VImage::flip( VipsDirection direction , VOption *options )
VImage out;
@ -2863,6 +2878,18 @@ VImage VImage::labelregions( VOption *options )
return( mask );
VImage VImage::fill_nearest( VOption *options )
VImage out;
call( "fill_nearest" ,
(options ? options : VImage::option()) ->
set( "in", *this ) ->
set( "out", &out ) );
return( out );
void VImage::draw_rect( std::vector<double> ink , int left , int top , int width , int height , VOption *options )
call( "draw_rect" ,
@ -22,16 +22,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import gi
gi.require_version('Vips', '8.0')
from gi.repository import Vips
import pyvips
left = 10
top = 10
width = 64
height = 64
image = Vips.Image.new_from_file(sys.argv[1])
image = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(sys.argv[1])
roi = image.crop(left, top, width, height)
print 'average:', roi.avg()
@ -39,146 +37,80 @@ print 'average:', roi.avg()
<refsect3 id="libvips-and-numpy">
<title>libvips and numpy</title>
You can use <literal>Vips.Image.new_from_memory_copy()</literal> to make a vips image from an area of memory. The memory array needs to be laid out band-interleaved, as a set of scanlines, with no padding between lines.
This example moves an image from numpy to vips, but it’s simple to move the other way (use <literal>Vips.Image.write_to_memory()</literal>) to to move images into or out of PIL.
You can use <literal>pyvips.Image.new_from_memory()</literal> to make a vips image from an area of memory. The memory array needs to be laid out band-interleaved, as a set of scanlines, with no padding between lines.
<programlisting language="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy
import scipy.ndimage
import gi
gi.require_version('Vips', '8.0')
from gi.repository import Vips
def np_dtype_to_vips_format(np_dtype):
Map numpy data types to VIPS data formats.
np_dtype: numpy.dtype
lookup = {
numpy.dtype('int8'): Vips.BandFormat.CHAR,
numpy.dtype('uint8'): Vips.BandFormat.UCHAR,
numpy.dtype('int16'): Vips.BandFormat.SHORT,
numpy.dtype('uint16'): Vips.BandFormat.USHORT,
numpy.dtype('int32'): Vips.BandFormat.INT,
numpy.dtype('float32'): Vips.BandFormat.FLOAT,
numpy.dtype('float64'): Vips.BandFormat.DOUBLE
return lookup[np_dtype]
def np_array_to_vips_image(array):
Convert a `numpy` array to a `Vips` image object.
nparray: numpy.ndarray
# Look up what VIPS format corresponds to the type of this np array
vips_format = np_dtype_to_vips_format(array.dtype)
dims = array.shape
height = dims[0]
width = 1
bands = 1
if len(dims) > 1:
width = dims[1]
if len(dims) > 2:
bands = dims[2]
img = Vips.Image.new_from_memory_copy(,
width, height, bands, vips_format)
return img
array = numpy.random.random((10,10))
vips_image = np_array_to_vips_image(array)
print 'avg =', vips_image.avg()
array = scipy.ndimage.imread("test.jpg")
vips_image = np_array_to_vips_image(array)
print 'avg =', vips_image.avg()
<refsect3 id="watermarking">
This example renders a simple watermark on an image. Use it like this:
./ somefile.png output.jpg "hello <i>world</i>"
The text is rendered in transparent red pixels all over the image. It knows about transparency, CMYK, and 16-bit images.
<programlisting language="python">
import sys
import gi
gi.require_version('Vips', '8.0')
from gi.repository import Vips
im = Vips.Image.new_from_file(sys.argv[1], access = Vips.Access.SEQUENTIAL)
text = Vips.Image.text(sys.argv[3], width = 500, dpi = 300)
text = (text * 0.3).cast("uchar")
text = text.embed(100, 100, text.width + 200, text.width + 200)
text = text.replicate(1 + im.width / text.width, 1 + im.height / text.height)
text = text.crop(0, 0, im.width, im.height)
import time
# we want to blend into the visible part of the image and leave any alpha
# channels untouched ... we need to split im into two parts
import pyvips
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
# 16-bit images have 65535 as white
if im.format == Vips.BandFormat.USHORT:
white = 65535
white = 255
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print('usage: {0} input-filename output-filename'.format(sys.argv[0]))
# guess how many bands from the start of im contain visible colour information
if im.bands >= 4 and im.interpretation == Vips.Interpretation.CMYK:
# cmyk image ... put the white into the magenta channel
n_visible_bands = 4
text_colour = [0, white, 0, 0]
elif im.bands >= 3:
# colour image ... put the white into the red channel
n_visible_bands = 3
text_colour = [white, 0, 0]
# mono image
n_visible_bands = 1
text_colour = white
# map vips formats to np dtypes
format_to_dtype = {
'uchar': np.uint8,
'char': np.int8,
'ushort': np.uint16,
'short': np.int16,
'uint': np.uint32,
'int': np.int32,
'float': np.float32,
'double': np.float64,
'complex': np.complex64,
'dpcomplex': np.complex128,
# split into image and alpha
if im.bands - n_visible_bands > 0:
alpha = im.extract_band(n_visible_bands, n = im.bands - n_visible_bands)
im = im.extract_band(0, n = n_visible_bands)
alpha = None
# map np dtypes to vips
dtype_to_format = {
'uint8': 'uchar',
'int8': 'char',
'uint16': 'ushort',
'int16': 'short',
'uint32': 'uint',
'int32': 'int',
'float32': 'float',
'float64': 'double',
'complex64': 'complex',
'complex128': 'dpcomplex',
# blend means do a smooth fade using the 0 - 255 values in the condition channel
# (test in this case) ... this will render the anit-aliasing
im = text.ifthenelse(text_colour, im, blend = True)
# load with PIL
start_pillow = time.time()
pillow_img = np.asarray([1]))
print('Pillow Time:', time.time()-start_pillow)
print('original shape', pillow_img.shape)
# reattach alpha
if alpha:
im = im.bandjoin(alpha)
# load with vips to a memory array
start_vips = time.time()
img = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(sys.argv[1], access='sequential')
mem_img = img.write_to_memory()
# then make a numpy array from that buffer object
np_3d = np.ndarray(buffer=mem_img,
shape=[img.height, img.width, img.bands])
print('Vips Time:', time.time()-start_vips)
print('final shape', np_3d.shape)
# verify we have the same result
print('Sum of the Differences:', np.sum(np_3d-pillow_img))
# make a vips image from the numpy array
height, width, bands = np_3d.shape
linear = np_3d.reshape(width * height * bands)
vi = pyvips.Image.new_from_memory(, width, height, bands,
# and write back to disc for checking
<refsect3 id="build-huge-image-mosaic">
@ -219,19 +151,13 @@ sys 0m8.936s
import sys
import random
import gi
gi.require_version('Vips', '8.0')
from gi.repository import Vips
# turn on progress reporting
import pyvips
# this makes a 8-bit, mono image of 100,000 x 100,000 pixels, each pixel zero
im =, 100000)
im =, 100000)
for filename in sys.argv[2:]:
tile = Vips.Image.new_from_file(filename, access = Vips.Access.SEQUENTIAL)
tile = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(filename, access='sequential')
im = im.insert(tile,
random.randint(0, im.width - tile.width),
@ -240,82 +166,6 @@ for filename in sys.argv[2:]:
<refsect3 id="rename-dicom-images-using-header-fields">
<title>Rename DICOM images using header fields</title>
DICOM images commonly come in an awful directory hierarchy named as something like <literal>images/a/b/e/z04</literal>. There can be thousands of files and it can be very hard to find the one you want.
This utility copies files to a single flat directory, naming them using fields from the DICOM header. You can actually find stuff! Useful.
<programlisting language="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import re
import os
import shutil
import gi
gi.require_version('Vips', '8.0')
from gi.repository import Vips
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print 'rename DICOM files using tags from the header'
srcdir = sys.argv[1]
destdir = sys.argv[2]
if not os.access(destdir, os.F_OK | os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK):
def get_field(vim, field):
result = vim.get_value(field)
# remove any \n etc.
result = re.sub("\n", "", result)
# remove any leading or trailing spaces
result = re.sub(" $", "", result)
result = re.sub("^ ", "", result)
return result
modality_name = "magick-dcm:Modality"
series_name = "magick-dcm:SeriesNumber"
instance_name = "magick-dcm:Instance(formerlyImage)Number"
date_name = "magick-dcm:ImageDate"
for(dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(srcdir):
for file in filenames:
path = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
vim = Vips.Image.new_from_file(path)
except Vips.Error, e:
print 'unable to open', path
print e
modality = get_field(vim, modality_name)
series = get_field(vim, series_name)
instance = get_field(vim, instance_name)
date = get_field(vim, date_name)
except Vips.Error, e:
print 'unable to get fields from header', path
print e
match = re.match("(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)", date)
date = + "." + + "." +
newname = "lan." + modality + "." + instance + "." + date + ".IMA"
shutil.copyfile(path, os.path.join(destdir, newname))
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ typedef struct {
int size; /* Length of bins */
int mx; /* Maximum value we have seen */
double *bins; /* All the bins! */
int *init; /* TRUE for bin has been initialised */
} Histogram;
typedef struct _VipsHistFindIndexed {
@ -108,12 +109,15 @@ histogram_new( VipsHistFindIndexed *indexed )
256 : 65536;
hist->mx = 0;
hist->bins = NULL;
hist->init = NULL;
if( !(hist->bins = VIPS_ARRAY( indexed, bands * hist->size, double )) ||
!(hist->init = VIPS_ARRAY( indexed, hist->size, int )) ||
!(hist->reg = vips_region_new( indexed->index_ready )) )
return( NULL );
memset( hist->bins, 0, bands * hist->size * sizeof( double ) );
memset( hist->init, 0, hist->size * sizeof( int ) );
return( hist );
@ -233,13 +237,34 @@ vips_hist_find_indexed_stop( VipsStatistic *statistic, void *seq )
Histogram *hist = indexed->hist;
int bands = statistic->ready->Bands;
int i;
int i, j;
double *bins;
double *sub_bins;
int *init;
int *sub_init;
/* Add on sub-data.
hist->mx = VIPS_MAX( hist->mx, sub_hist->mx );
for( i = 0; i < bands * hist->size; i++ )
COMBINE( indexed->combine, hist->bins[i], sub_hist->bins[i] );
bins = hist->bins;
sub_bins = sub_hist->bins;
init = hist->init;
sub_init = sub_hist->init;
for( i = 0; i <= sub_hist->mx; i++ ) {
if( sub_init[i] ) {
if( init[i] )
for( j = 0; j < bands; j++ )
COMBINE( indexed->combine,
bins[j], sub_bins[j] );
else {
for( j = 0; j < bands; j++ )
bins[j] = sub_bins[j];
init[i] = TRUE;
bins += bands;
sub_bins += bands;
VIPS_UNREF( sub_hist->reg );
@ -253,10 +278,17 @@ vips_hist_find_indexed_stop( VipsStatistic *statistic, void *seq )
TYPE *tv = (TYPE *) in; \
for( x = 0; x < n; x++ ) { \
double *bin = hist->bins + i[x] * bands; \
int ix = i[x]; \
double *bin = hist->bins + ix * bands; \
for( z = 0; z < bands; z++ ) \
COMBINE( indexed->combine, bin[z], tv[z] ); \
if( hist->init[ix] ) \
for( z = 0; z < bands; z++ ) \
COMBINE( indexed->combine, bin[z], tv[z] ); \
else { \
for( z = 0; z < bands; z++ ) \
bin[z] = tv[z]; \
hist->init[ix] = TRUE; \
} \
tv += bands; \
} \
@ -312,8 +344,14 @@ vips_hist_find_indexed_uchar_scan( VipsHistFindIndexed *indexed,
if( ix > mx ) \
mx = ix; \
for( z = 0; z < bands; z++ ) \
COMBINE( indexed->combine, bin[z], tv[z] ); \
if( hist->init[ix] ) \
for( z = 0; z < bands; z++ ) \
COMBINE( indexed->combine, bin[z], tv[z] ); \
else { \
for( z = 0; z < bands; z++ ) \
bin[z] = tv[z]; \
hist->init[ix] = TRUE; \
} \
tv += bands; \
} \
@ -75,21 +75,21 @@ G_DEFINE_TYPE( VipsLabQ2sRGB, vips_LabQ2sRGB, VIPS_TYPE_COLOUR_CODE );
* There's an extra element at the end to let us do a +1 for interpolation.
static int vips_Y2v_8[256 + 1];
int vips_Y2v_8[256 + 1];
/* 8-bit sRGB -> linear lut.
static float vips_v2Y_8[256];
float vips_v2Y_8[256];
/* 16-bit linear -> sRGB lut.
* There's an extra element at the end to let us do a +1 for interpolation.
static int vips_Y2v_16[65536 + 1];
int vips_Y2v_16[65536 + 1];
/* 16-bit sRGB -> linear lut.
static float vips_v2Y_16[65536];
float vips_v2Y_16[65536];
/* Do our own indexing of the arrays below to make sure we get efficient mults.
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ calcul_tables_8( void *client )
return( NULL );
static void
vips_col_make_tables_RGB_8( void )
static GOnce once = G_ONCE_INIT;
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ calcul_tables_16( void *client )
return( NULL );
static void
vips_col_make_tables_RGB_16( void )
static GOnce once = G_ONCE_INIT;
@ -205,6 +205,17 @@ GType vips_colour_difference_get_type( void );
void vips__pythagoras_line( VipsColour *colour,
VipsPel *out, VipsPel **in, int width );
/* Colour tables for Y<->v conversion. Call vips_col_make_tables_RGB_8() and
* vips_col_make_tables_RGB_16() before use to initialize.
extern int vips_Y2v_8[256 + 1];
extern float vips_v2Y_8[256];
extern int vips_Y2v_16[65536 + 1];
extern float vips_v2Y_16[65536];
void vips_col_make_tables_RGB_8( void );
void vips_col_make_tables_RGB_16( void );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__cplusplus*/
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
* - add 16-bit alpha handling
* 26/2/16
* - look for RGB16 tag, not just ushort, for the 16-bit path
* 24/11/17 lovell
* - special path for 3 and 4 band images
@ -81,27 +83,41 @@ vips_sRGB2scRGB_line_8( float * restrict q, VipsPel * restrict p,
int i, j;
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ ) {
int r = p[0];
int g = p[1];
int b = p[2];
if( extra_bands == 0 ) {
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ ) {
q[0] = vips_v2Y_8[p[0]];
q[1] = vips_v2Y_8[p[1]];
q[2] = vips_v2Y_8[p[2]];
float R, G, B;
p += 3;
q += 3;
else if( extra_bands == 1 ) {
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ ) {
q[0] = vips_v2Y_8[p[0]];
q[1] = vips_v2Y_8[p[1]];
q[2] = vips_v2Y_8[p[2]];
q[3] = p[3];
p += 3;
p += 4;
q += 4;
else {
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ ) {
q[0] = vips_v2Y_8[p[0]];
q[1] = vips_v2Y_8[p[1]];
q[2] = vips_v2Y_8[p[2]];
vips_col_sRGB2scRGB_8( r, g, b, &R, &G, &B );
p += 3;
q += 3;
q[0] = R;
q[1] = G;
q[2] = B;
q += 3;
for( j = 0; j < extra_bands; j++ )
q[j] = p[j];
p += extra_bands;
q += extra_bands;
for( j = 0; j < extra_bands; j++ )
q[j] = p[j];
p += extra_bands;
q += extra_bands;
@ -113,27 +129,41 @@ vips_sRGB2scRGB_line_16( float * restrict q, unsigned short * restrict p,
int i, j;
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ ) {
int r = p[0];
int g = p[1];
int b = p[2];
if( extra_bands == 0 ) {
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ ) {
q[0] = vips_v2Y_16[p[0]];
q[1] = vips_v2Y_16[p[1]];
q[2] = vips_v2Y_16[p[2]];
float R, G, B;
p += 3;
q += 3;
else if( extra_bands == 1 ) {
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ ) {
q[0] = vips_v2Y_16[p[0]];
q[1] = vips_v2Y_16[p[1]];
q[2] = vips_v2Y_16[p[2]];
q[3] = p[3] / 256.0;
p += 3;
p += 4;
q += 4;
else {
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ ) {
q[0] = vips_v2Y_16[p[0]];
q[1] = vips_v2Y_16[p[1]];
q[2] = vips_v2Y_16[p[2]];
vips_col_sRGB2scRGB_16( r, g, b, &R, &G, &B );
p += 3;
q += 3;
q[0] = R;
q[1] = G;
q[2] = B;
q += 3;
for( j = 0; j < extra_bands; j++ )
q[j] = p[j] / 256.0;
p += extra_bands;
q += extra_bands;
for( j = 0; j < extra_bands; j++ )
q[j] = p[j] / 256.0;
p += extra_bands;
q += extra_bands;
@ -152,17 +182,28 @@ vips_sRGB2scRGB_gen( VipsRegion *or,
VIPS_GATE_START( "vips_sRGB2scRGB_gen: work" );
for( y = 0; y < r->height; y++ ) {
VipsPel *p = VIPS_REGION_ADDR( ir, r->left, r->top + y );
float *q = (float *)
VIPS_REGION_ADDR( or, r->left, r->top + y );
if( in->BandFmt == VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR ) {
for( y = 0; y < r->height; y++ ) {
VipsPel *p = VIPS_REGION_ADDR( ir, r->left, r->top + y );
float *q = (float *)
VIPS_REGION_ADDR( or, r->left, r->top + y );
vips_sRGB2scRGB_line_8( q, p, in->Bands - 3, r->width );
else {
for( y = 0; y < r->height; y++ ) {
VipsPel *p = VIPS_REGION_ADDR( ir, r->left, r->top + y );
float *q = (float *)
VIPS_REGION_ADDR( or, r->left, r->top + y );
if( in->BandFmt == VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR )
vips_sRGB2scRGB_line_8( q, p,
in->Bands - 3, r->width );
vips_sRGB2scRGB_line_16( q, (unsigned short *) p,
in->Bands - 3, r->width );
VIPS_GATE_STOP( "vips_sRGB2scRGB_gen: work" );
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
* - fix RGBA path
* 25/5/16
* - max_alpha defaults to 65535 for RGB16/GREY16
* 24/11/17 lovell
* - match normalised alpha to output type
@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ G_DEFINE_TYPE( VipsPremultiply, vips_premultiply, VIPS_TYPE_CONVERSION );
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { \
IN alpha = p[bands - 1]; \
IN clip_alpha = VIPS_CLIP( 0, alpha, max_alpha ); \
double nalpha = (double) clip_alpha / max_alpha; \
OUT nalpha = (OUT) clip_alpha / max_alpha; \
for( i = 0; i < bands - 1; i++ ) \
q[i] = p[i] * nalpha; \
@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ G_DEFINE_TYPE( VipsPremultiply, vips_premultiply, VIPS_TYPE_CONVERSION );
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { \
IN alpha = p[3]; \
IN clip_alpha = VIPS_CLIP( 0, alpha, max_alpha ); \
double nalpha = (double) clip_alpha / max_alpha; \
OUT nalpha = (OUT) clip_alpha / max_alpha; \
q[0] = p[0] * nalpha; \
q[1] = p[1] * nalpha; \
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
* 25/5/16
* - max_alpha defaults to 65535 for RGB16/GREY16
* 24/11/17 lovell
* - match normalised alpha to output type
@ -75,8 +77,8 @@ G_DEFINE_TYPE( VipsUnpremultiply, vips_unpremultiply, VIPS_TYPE_CONVERSION );
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { \
IN alpha = p[bands - 1]; \
int clip_alpha = VIPS_CLIP( 0, alpha, max_alpha ); \
double nalpha = (double) clip_alpha / max_alpha; \
IN clip_alpha = VIPS_CLIP( 0, alpha, max_alpha ); \
OUT nalpha = (OUT) clip_alpha / max_alpha; \
if( clip_alpha == 0 ) \
for( i = 0; i < bands - 1; i++ ) \
@ -99,8 +101,8 @@ G_DEFINE_TYPE( VipsUnpremultiply, vips_unpremultiply, VIPS_TYPE_CONVERSION );
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { \
IN alpha = p[3]; \
int clip_alpha = VIPS_CLIP( 0, alpha, max_alpha ); \
double nalpha = (double) clip_alpha / max_alpha; \
IN clip_alpha = VIPS_CLIP( 0, alpha, max_alpha ); \
OUT nalpha = (OUT) clip_alpha / max_alpha; \
if( clip_alpha == 0 ) { \
q[0] = 0; \
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ vips__exif_parse( VipsImage *image )
return( -1 );
/* Make sure all required fields are there before we attach to vips
/* Make sure all required fields are there before we attach the vips
* metadata.
exif_data_fix( ed );
@ -1002,19 +1002,22 @@ vips_exif_update( ExifData *ed, VipsImage *image )
VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "vips_exif_update: \n" );
/* Walk the image and update any stuff that's been changed in image
* metadata.
/* Walk the image and add any exif- that's set in image metadata.
vips_image_map( image, vips_exif_image_field, ed );
/* Walk the exif and look for any fields which are NOT in image
* metadata. They must have been removed ... remove them from exif as
* well.
/* If this exif came from the image (rather than being an exif block we
* have made afresh), then any fields which are in the block but not on
* the image must have been deliberately removed. Remove them from the
* block as well.
ve.image = image;
ve.ed = ed;
exif_data_foreach_content( ed,
(ExifDataForeachContentFunc) vips_exif_exif_content, &ve );
if( vips_image_get_typeof( image, VIPS_META_EXIF_NAME ) ) {
ve.image = image;
ve.ed = ed;
exif_data_foreach_content( ed,
(ExifDataForeachContentFunc) vips_exif_exif_content,
&ve );
/* Examine the metadata tags on the image and update the EXIF block.
@ -514,9 +514,6 @@ read_jpeg_header( ReadJpeg *jpeg, VipsImage *out )
(VipsCallbackFn) vips_free, data, data_length );
if( vips__exif_parse( out ) )
return( -1 );
/* Tell downstream we are reading sequentially.
vips_image_set_area( out, VIPS_META_SEQUENTIAL, NULL, NULL );
@ -239,9 +239,6 @@ int vips__openslide_read( const char *filename, VipsImage *out,
int vips__openslide_read_associated( const char *filename, VipsImage *out,
const char *associated );
int vips__exif_parse( VipsImage *image );
int vips__exif_update( VipsImage *image );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__cplusplus*/
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <vips/vips.h>
#include <vips/internal.h>
#include "pforeign.h"
@ -269,11 +269,6 @@ read_header( Read *read, VipsImage *out )
WebPMuxDelete( mux );
/* We may have read some exif ... parse into the header.
if( vips__exif_parse( out ) )
return( -1 );
@ -204,6 +204,10 @@ float vips_col_Chcmc2h( float C, float hcmc );
int vips_col_sRGB2scRGB_8( int r, int g, int b, float *R, float *G, float *B );
int vips_col_sRGB2scRGB_16( int r, int g, int b, float *R, float *G, float *B );
int vips_col_sRGB2scRGB_8_noclip( int r, int g, int b,
float *R, float *G, float *B );
int vips_col_sRGB2scRGB_16_noclip( int r, int g, int b,
float *R, float *G, float *B );
int vips_col_scRGB2XYZ( float R, float G, float B,
float *X, float *Y, float *Z );
@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ typedef struct _VipsMeta {
GValue value; /* copy of value */
} VipsMeta;
int vips__exif_parse( VipsImage *image );
int vips__exif_update( VipsImage *image );
void vips_check_init( void );
void vips__meta_init_types( void );
@ -962,6 +962,16 @@ vips_image_set( VipsImage *image, const char *name, GValue *value )
meta_init( image );
(void) meta_new( image, name, value );
/* If we're setting an EXIF data block, we need to automatically expand
* out all the tags. This will set things like xres/yres too.
* We do this herfe rather than in meta_new() since we don't want to
* trigger on copy_fields.
if( strcmp( name, VIPS_META_EXIF_NAME ) == 0 )
if( vips__exif_parse( image ) )
g_warning( "image_set: bad exif data" );
#ifdef DEBUG
meta_sanity( image );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
* - moved the cache to shrinkv
* 15/10/17
* - make LINEAR and CUBIC adaptive
* 25/11/17
* - deprecate --centre ... it's now always on, thanks tback
@ -84,13 +86,13 @@ typedef struct _VipsResize {
double scale;
double vscale;
VipsKernel kernel;
gboolean centre;
/* Deprecated.
VipsInterpolate *interpolate;
double idx;
double idy;
gboolean centre;
} VipsResize;
@ -213,7 +215,7 @@ vips_resize_build( VipsObject *object )
g_info( "residual reducev by %g", vscale );
if( vips_reducev( in, &t[2], 1.0 / vscale,
"kernel", resize->kernel,
"centre", resize->centre,
"centre", TRUE,
NULL ) )
return( -1 );
in = t[2];
@ -224,7 +226,7 @@ vips_resize_build( VipsObject *object )
hscale );
if( vips_reduceh( in, &t[3], 1.0 / hscale,
"kernel", resize->kernel,
"centre", resize->centre,
"centre", TRUE,
NULL ) )
return( -1 );
in = t[3];
@ -235,6 +237,12 @@ vips_resize_build( VipsObject *object )
if( hscale > 1.0 ||
vscale > 1.0 ) {
const char *nickname = vips_resize_interpolate( resize->kernel );
/* Input displacement. For centre sampling, shift by 0.5 down
* and right.
const double id = 0.5;
VipsInterpolate *interpolate;
if( !(interpolate = vips_interpolate_new( nickname )) )
@ -257,6 +265,8 @@ vips_resize_build( VipsObject *object )
if( vips_affine( in, &t[4],
hscale, 0.0, 0.0, vscale,
"interpolate", interpolate,
"idx", id,
"idy", id,
NULL ) )
return( -1 );
in = t[4];
@ -265,6 +275,8 @@ vips_resize_build( VipsObject *object )
g_info( "residual scale %g", hscale );
if( vips_affine( in, &t[4], hscale, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
"interpolate", interpolate,
"idx", id,
"idy", id,
NULL ) )
return( -1 );
in = t[4];
@ -273,6 +285,8 @@ vips_resize_build( VipsObject *object )
g_info( "residual scale %g", vscale );
if( vips_affine( in, &t[4], 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, vscale,
"interpolate", interpolate,
"idx", id,
"idy", id,
NULL ) )
return( -1 );
in = t[4];
@ -324,13 +338,6 @@ vips_resize_class_init( VipsResizeClass *class )
G_STRUCT_OFFSET( VipsResize, kernel ),
VIPS_ARG_BOOL( class, "centre", 7,
_( "Centre" ),
_( "Use centre sampling convention" ),
G_STRUCT_OFFSET( VipsResize, centre ),
/* We used to let people set the input offset so you could pick centre
* or corner interpolation, but it's not clear this was useful.
@ -356,6 +363,15 @@ vips_resize_class_init( VipsResizeClass *class )
G_STRUCT_OFFSET( VipsResize, interpolate ) );
/* We used to let people pick centre or corner, but it's automatic now.
VIPS_ARG_BOOL( class, "centre", 7,
_( "Centre" ),
_( "Use centre sampling convention" ),
G_STRUCT_OFFSET( VipsResize, centre ),
static void
@ -375,7 +391,6 @@ vips_resize_init( VipsResize *resize )
* * @vscale: %gdouble vertical scale factor
* * @kernel: #VipsKernel to reduce with
* * @centre: %gboolean use centre rather than corner sampling convention
* Resize an image.
@ -383,17 +398,16 @@ vips_resize_init( VipsResize *resize )
* image is block-shrunk with vips_shrink(),
* then the image is shrunk again to the
* target size with vips_reduce(). How much is done by vips_shrink() vs.
* vips_reduce() varies with the @kernel setting.
* vips_reduce() varies with the @kernel setting. Downsizing is done with
* centre convention.
* vips_resize() normally uses #VIPS_KERNEL_LANCZOS3 for the final reduce, you
* can change this with @kernel.
* Set @centre to use centre rather than corner sampling convention. Centre
* convention can be useful to match the behaviour of other systems.
* When upsizing (@scale > 1), the operation uses vips_affine() with
* a #VipsInterpolate selected depending on @kernel. It will use
* #VipsInterpolateBicubic for #VIPS_KERNEL_CUBIC and above.
* #VipsInterpolateBicubic for #VIPS_KERNEL_CUBIC and above. It adds a
* 0.5 pixel displacement to the input pixels to get centre convention scaling.
* vips_resize() normally maintains the image aspect ratio. If you set
* @vscale, that factor is used for the vertical scale and @scale for the
@ -416,11 +416,8 @@ vips_thumbnail_build( VipsObject *object )
vips_thumbnail_calculate_shrink( thumbnail,
in->Xsize, in->Ysize, &hshrink, &vshrink );
/* Use centre convention to better match imagemagick.
if( vips_resize( in, &t[4], 1.0 / hshrink,
"vscale", 1.0 / vshrink,
"centre", TRUE,
NULL ) )
return( -1 );
in = t[4];
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// headers for package arithmetic
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
VImage abs();
VImage acos();
VImage add( VImage add_in2 );
@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ VImage tan();
// headers for package cimg
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
VImage greyc( int greyc_iterations, double greyc_amplitude, double greyc_sharpness, double greyc_anisotropy, double greyc_alpha, double greyc_sigma, double greyc_dl, double greyc_da, double greyc_gauss_prec, int greyc_interpolation, int greyc_fast_approx );
VImage greyc_mask( VImage greyc_mask_mask, int greyc_mask_iterations, double greyc_mask_amplitude, double greyc_mask_sharpness, double greyc_mask_anisotropy, double greyc_mask_alpha, double greyc_mask_sigma, double greyc_mask_dl, double greyc_mask_da, double greyc_mask_gauss_prec, int greyc_mask_interpolation, int greyc_mask_fast_approx );
// headers for package colour
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
VImage LCh2Lab();
VImage LCh2UCS();
VImage Lab2LCh();
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ VImage sRGB2XYZ();
// headers for package conversion
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
static VImage gaussnoise( int gaussnoise_xsize, int gaussnoise_ysize, double gaussnoise_mean, double gaussnoise_sigma );
VImage bandjoin( VImage bandjoin_in2 );
static VImage black( int black_x_size, int black_y_size, int black_bands );
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ VImage zoom( int zoom_xfac, int zoom_yfac );
// headers for package convolution
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
VImage aconvsep( VDMask aconvsep_matrix, int aconvsep_n_layers );
VImage aconv( VDMask aconv_matrix, int aconv_n_layers, int aconv_cluster );
VImage addgnoise( double addgnoise_sigma );
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ VImage spcor( VImage spcor_in2 );
// headers for package deprecated
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
VImage argb2rgba();
VImage flood_copy( int flood_copy_start_x, int flood_copy_start_y, std::vector<double> flood_copy_ink );
VImage flood_blob_copy( int flood_blob_copy_start_x, int flood_blob_copy_start_y, std::vector<double> flood_blob_copy_ink );
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ VImage quadratic( VImage quadratic_coeff );
// headers for package format
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
static VImage csv2vips( char* csv2vips_filename );
static VImage fits2vips( char* fits2vips_in );
static VImage jpeg2vips( char* jpeg2vips_in );
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ void vips2tiff( char* vips2tiff_out );
// headers for package freq_filt
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
static VImage create_fmask( int create_fmask_width, int create_fmask_height, int create_fmask_type, double create_fmask_p1, double create_fmask_p2, double create_fmask_p3, double create_fmask_p4, double create_fmask_p5 );
VImage disp_ps();
VImage flt_image_freq( int flt_image_freq_type, double flt_image_freq_p1, double flt_image_freq_p2, double flt_image_freq_p3, double flt_image_freq_p4, double flt_image_freq_p5 );
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ VImage invfftr();
// headers for package histograms_lut
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
VImage gammacorrect( double gammacorrect_exponent );
VImage heq( int heq_band_number );
VImage hist( int hist_band_number );
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ VImage tone_map( VImage tone_map_lut );
// headers for package inplace
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
void draw_circle( int draw_circle_cx, int draw_circle_cy, int draw_circle_radius, int draw_circle_fill, std::vector<double> draw_circle_ink );
void draw_rect( int draw_rect_left, int draw_rect_top, int draw_rect_width, int draw_rect_height, int draw_rect_fill, std::vector<double> draw_rect_ink );
void draw_line( int draw_line_x1, int draw_line_y1, int draw_line_x2, int draw_line_y2, std::vector<double> draw_line_ink );
@ -336,9 +336,10 @@ VImage line( VImage line_mask, VImage line_ink, std::vector<int> line_x1, std::v
// headers for package iofuncs
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
static VImage binfile( char* binfile_filename, int binfile_width, int binfile_height, int binfile_bands, int binfile_offset );
VImage cache( int cache_tile_width, int cache_tile_height, int cache_max_tiles );
VImage tile_cache_random( int tile_cache_random_tile_width, int tile_cache_random_tile_height, int tile_cache_random_max_tiles );
char* getext();
int header_get_typeof( char* header_get_typeof_field );
int header_int( char* header_int_field );
@ -349,11 +350,11 @@ void printdesc();
// headers for package mask
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// headers for package morphology
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
double cntlines( int cntlines_direction );
VImage dilate( VIMask dilate_mask );
VImage rank( int rank_xsize, int rank_ysize, int rank_n );
@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ VImage profile( int profile_direction );
// headers for package mosaicing
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
VImage align_bands();
double correl( VImage correl_sec, int correl_xref, int correl_yref, int correl_xsec, int correl_ysec, int correl_hwindowsize, int correl_hsearchsize, int& correl_x, int& correl_y );
int _find_lroverlap( VImage _find_lroverlap_sec, int _find_lroverlap_bandno, int _find_lroverlap_xr, int _find_lroverlap_yr, int _find_lroverlap_xs, int _find_lroverlap_ys, int _find_lroverlap_halfcorrelation, int _find_lroverlap_halfarea, int& _find_lroverlap_dy0, double& _find_lroverlap_scale1, double& _find_lroverlap_angle1, double& _find_lroverlap_dx1, double& _find_lroverlap_dy1 );
@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ VImage tbmosaic1( VImage tbmosaic1_sec, int tbmosaic1_bandno, int tbmosaic1_xr1,
// headers for package other
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
VImage benchmark();
double benchmark2();
VImage benchmarkn( int benchmarkn_n );
@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ static VImage zone( int zone_size );
// headers for package resample
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
VImage rightshift_size( int rightshift_size_xshift, int rightshift_size_yshift, int rightshift_size_band_fmt );
VImage shrink( double shrink_xfac, double shrink_yfac );
VImage stretch3( double stretch3_xdisp, double stretch3_ydisp );
@ -412,7 +413,7 @@ VImage affinei_all( char* affinei_all_interpolate, double affinei_all_a, double
// headers for package video
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
static VImage video_test( int video_test_brightness, int video_test_error );
static VImage video_v4l1( char* video_v4l1_device, int video_v4l1_channel, int video_v4l1_brightness, int video_v4l1_colour, int video_v4l1_contrast, int video_v4l1_hue, int video_v4l1_ngrabs );
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// bodies for package arithmetic
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_abs: absolute value
VImage VImage::abs()
@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ VImage VImage::tan()
// bodies for package cimg
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_greyc: noise-removing filter
VImage VImage::greyc( int iterations, double amplitude, double sharpness, double anisotropy, double alpha, double sigma, double dl, double da, double gauss_prec, int interpolation, int fast_approx )
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ VImage VImage::greyc_mask( VImage mask, int iterations, double amplitude, double
// bodies for package colour
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_LCh2Lab: convert LCh to Lab
VImage VImage::LCh2Lab()
@ -1537,7 +1537,7 @@ VImage VImage::sRGB2XYZ()
// bodies for package conversion
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_gaussnoise: generate image of gaussian noise with specified statistics
VImage VImage::gaussnoise( int xsize, int ysize, double mean, double sigma )
@ -2321,7 +2321,7 @@ VImage VImage::zoom( int xfac, int yfac )
// bodies for package convolution
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_aconvsep: approximate separable convolution
VImage VImage::aconvsep( VDMask matrix, int n_layers )
@ -2624,7 +2624,7 @@ VImage VImage::spcor( VImage in2 )
// bodies for package deprecated
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_argb2rgba: convert pre-multipled argb to png-style rgba
VImage VImage::argb2rgba()
@ -4116,7 +4116,7 @@ VImage VImage::quadratic( VImage coeff )
// bodies for package format
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_csv2vips: read a file in csv format
VImage VImage::csv2vips( char* filename )
@ -4323,7 +4323,7 @@ void VImage::vips2tiff( char* out )
// bodies for package freq_filt
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_create_fmask: create frequency domain filter mask
VImage VImage::create_fmask( int width, int height, int type, double p1, double p2, double p3, double p4, double p5 )
@ -4491,7 +4491,7 @@ VImage VImage::invfftr()
// bodies for package histograms_lut
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_gammacorrect: gamma-correct image
VImage VImage::gammacorrect( double exponent )
@ -4938,7 +4938,7 @@ VImage VImage::tone_map( VImage lut )
// bodies for package inplace
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_draw_circle: draw circle on image
void VImage::draw_circle( int cx, int cy, int radius, int fill, std::vector<double> ink )
@ -5136,7 +5136,7 @@ VImage VImage::line( VImage mask, VImage ink, std::vector<int> x1, std::vector<i
// bodies for package iofuncs
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_binfile: open a headerless binary file
VImage VImage::binfile( char* filename, int width, int height, int bands, int offset )
@ -5173,6 +5173,24 @@ VImage VImage::cache( int tile_width, int tile_height, int max_tiles )
return( out );
// im_tile_cache_random: cache results of an operation
VImage VImage::tile_cache_random( int tile_width, int tile_height, int max_tiles )
VImage in = *this;
VImage out;
Vargv _vec( "im_tile_cache_random" );
|||| = in.image();
|||| = out.image();
*((int*) = tile_width;
*((int*) = tile_height;
*((int*) = max_tiles;
return( out );
// im_getext: return the image metadata XML as a string
char* VImage::getext()
@ -5280,11 +5298,11 @@ void VImage::printdesc()
// bodies for package mask
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// bodies for package morphology
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_cntlines: count horizontal or vertical lines
double VImage::cntlines( int direction )
@ -5445,7 +5463,7 @@ VImage VImage::profile( int direction )
// bodies for package mosaicing
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_align_bands: align the bands of an image
VImage VImage::align_bands()
@ -5878,7 +5896,7 @@ VImage VImage::tbmosaic1( VImage sec, int bandno, int xr1, int yr1, int xs1, int
// bodies for package other
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_benchmark: do something complicated for testing
VImage VImage::benchmark()
@ -6052,7 +6070,7 @@ VImage VImage::zone( int size )
// bodies for package resample
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_rightshift_size: decrease size by a power-of-two factor
VImage VImage::rightshift_size( int xshift, int yshift, int band_fmt )
@ -6163,7 +6181,7 @@ VImage VImage::affinei_all( char* interpolate, double a, double b, double c, dou
// bodies for package video
// this file automatically generated from
// VIPS library 7.34.0-Tue Jun 11 11:18:24 BST 2013
// VIPS library 8.6.0-Sun Nov 26 17:45:39 GMT 2017
// im_video_test: test video grabber
VImage VImage::video_test( int brightness, int error )
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
* - don't wrap im_remainderconst_vec()
* 31/12/12
* - parse options in two passes (thanks Haida)
* 26/11/17
* - remove throw() decls, they are now deprecated everywhere
@ -574,7 +576,7 @@ c2cpp_name( const char *in, char *out )
/* Print prototype for a function (ie. will be followed by code).
* Eg.:
* VImage VImage::lin( double a, double b ) throw( VError )
* VImage VImage::lin( double a, double b )
static void *
print_cppproto( im_function *fn )
@ -641,7 +643,7 @@ print_cppproto( im_function *fn )
if( flg )
printf( " " );
printf( ") throw( VError )\n" );
printf( ")\n" );
return( NULL );
@ -649,7 +651,7 @@ print_cppproto( im_function *fn )
/* Print cpp decl for a function.
* Eg.
* VImage lin( double, double ) throw( VError );
* VImage lin( double, double )
static void *
print_cppdecl( im_function *fn )
@ -728,7 +730,7 @@ print_cppdecl( im_function *fn )
if( flg )
printf( " " );
printf( ") throw( VError );\n" );
printf( ");\n" );
return( NULL );
Reference in New Issue
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