trim rad scraps now the writer is done
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
#ifndef lint
static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: color.c,v 2.16 2005/02/09 00:00:17 greg Exp $";
* color.c - routines for color calculations.
* Externals declared in color.h
#include "copyright.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "color.h"
#ifdef getc_unlocked /* avoid horrendous overhead of flockfile */
#undef getc
#undef putc
#define getc getc_unlocked
#define putc putc_unlocked
#define MINELEN 8 /* minimum scanline length for encoding */
#define MAXELEN 0x7fff /* maximum scanline length for encoding */
#define MINRUN 4 /* minimum run length */
char *
tempbuffer(len) /* get a temporary buffer */
unsigned int len;
static char *tempbuf = NULL;
static unsigned tempbuflen = 0;
if (len > tempbuflen) {
if (tempbuflen > 0)
tempbuf = (char *)realloc((void *)tempbuf, len);
tempbuf = (char *)malloc(len);
tempbuflen = tempbuf==NULL ? 0 : len;
fwritecolrs(scanline, len, fp) /* write out a colr scanline */
register COLR *scanline;
int len;
register FILE *fp;
register int i, j, beg, cnt = 1;
int c2;
if ((len < MINELEN) | (len > MAXELEN)) /* OOBs, write out flat */
return(fwrite((char *)scanline,sizeof(COLR),len,fp) - len);
/* put magic header */
putc(2, fp);
putc(2, fp);
putc(len>>8, fp);
putc(len&255, fp);
/* put components seperately */
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < len; j += cnt) { /* find next run */
for (beg = j; beg < len; beg += cnt) {
for (cnt = 1; cnt < 127 && beg+cnt < len &&
scanline[beg+cnt][i] == scanline[beg][i]; cnt++)
if (cnt >= MINRUN)
break; /* long enough */
if (beg-j > 1 && beg-j < MINRUN) {
c2 = j+1;
while (scanline[c2++][i] == scanline[j][i])
if (c2 == beg) { /* short run */
putc(128+beg-j, fp);
putc(scanline[j][i], fp);
j = beg;
while (j < beg) { /* write out non-run */
if ((c2 = beg-j) > 128) c2 = 128;
putc(c2, fp);
while (c2--)
putc(scanline[j++][i], fp);
if (cnt >= MINRUN) { /* write out run */
putc(128+cnt, fp);
putc(scanline[beg][i], fp);
} else
cnt = 0;
return(ferror(fp) ? -1 : 0);
static int
oldreadcolrs(scanline, len, fp) /* read in an old colr scanline */
register COLR *scanline;
int len;
register FILE *fp;
int rshift;
register int i;
rshift = 0;
while (len > 0) {
scanline[0][RED] = getc(fp);
scanline[0][GRN] = getc(fp);
scanline[0][BLU] = getc(fp);
scanline[0][EXP] = getc(fp);
if (feof(fp) || ferror(fp))
if (scanline[0][RED] == 1 &&
scanline[0][GRN] == 1 &&
scanline[0][BLU] == 1) {
for (i = scanline[0][EXP] << rshift; i > 0; i--) {
copycolr(scanline[0], scanline[-1]);
rshift += 8;
} else {
rshift = 0;
freadcolrs(scanline, len, fp) /* read in an encoded colr scanline */
register COLR *scanline;
int len;
register FILE *fp;
register int i, j;
int code, val;
/* determine scanline type */
if ((len < MINELEN) | (len > MAXELEN))
return(oldreadcolrs(scanline, len, fp));
if ((i = getc(fp)) == EOF)
if (i != 2) {
ungetc(i, fp);
return(oldreadcolrs(scanline, len, fp));
scanline[0][GRN] = getc(fp);
scanline[0][BLU] = getc(fp);
if ((i = getc(fp)) == EOF)
if (scanline[0][GRN] != 2 || scanline[0][BLU] & 128) {
scanline[0][RED] = 2;
scanline[0][EXP] = i;
return(oldreadcolrs(scanline+1, len-1, fp));
if ((scanline[0][BLU]<<8 | i) != len)
return(-1); /* length mismatch! */
/* read each component */
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (j = 0; j < len; ) {
if ((code = getc(fp)) == EOF)
if (code > 128) { /* run */
code &= 127;
if ((val = getc(fp)) == EOF)
return -1;
if (j + code > len)
return -1; /* overrun */
while (code--)
scanline[j++][i] = val;
} else { /* non-run */
if (j + code > len)
return -1; /* overrun */
while (code--) {
if ((val = getc(fp)) == EOF)
return -1;
scanline[j++][i] = val;
fwritescan(scanline, len, fp) /* write out a scanline */
register COLOR *scanline;
int len;
FILE *fp;
COLR *clrscan;
int n;
register COLR *sp;
/* get scanline buffer */
if ((sp = (COLR *)tempbuffer(len*sizeof(COLR))) == NULL)
clrscan = sp;
/* convert scanline */
n = len;
while (n-- > 0) {
setcolr(sp[0], scanline[0][RED],
return(fwritecolrs(clrscan, len, fp));
freadscan(scanline, len, fp) /* read in a scanline */
register COLOR *scanline;
int len;
FILE *fp;
register COLR *clrscan;
if ((clrscan = (COLR *)tempbuffer(len*sizeof(COLR))) == NULL)
if (freadcolrs(clrscan, len, fp) < 0)
/* convert scanline */
colr_color(scanline[0], clrscan[0]);
while (--len > 0) {
scanline++; clrscan++;
if (clrscan[0][RED] == clrscan[-1][RED] &&
clrscan[0][GRN] == clrscan[-1][GRN] &&
clrscan[0][BLU] == clrscan[-1][BLU] &&
clrscan[0][EXP] == clrscan[-1][EXP])
copycolor(scanline[0], scanline[-1]);
colr_color(scanline[0], clrscan[0]);
setcolr(clr, r, g, b) /* assign a short color value */
register COLR clr;
double r, g, b;
double d;
int e;
d = r > g ? r : g;
if (b > d) d = b;
if (d <= 1e-32) {
clr[RED] = clr[GRN] = clr[BLU] = 0;
clr[EXP] = 0;
d = frexp(d, &e) * 255.9999 / d;
if (r > 0.0)
clr[RED] = r * d;
clr[RED] = 0;
if (g > 0.0)
clr[GRN] = g * d;
clr[GRN] = 0;
if (b > 0.0)
clr[BLU] = b * d;
clr[BLU] = 0;
clr[EXP] = e + COLXS;
colr_color(col, clr) /* convert short to float color */
register COLOR col;
register COLR clr;
double f;
if (clr[EXP] == 0)
col[RED] = col[GRN] = col[BLU] = 0.0;
else {
f = ldexp(1.0, (int)clr[EXP]-(COLXS+8));
col[RED] = (clr[RED] + 0.5)*f;
col[GRN] = (clr[GRN] + 0.5)*f;
col[BLU] = (clr[BLU] + 0.5)*f;
bigdiff(c1, c2, md) /* c1 delta c2 > md? */
register COLOR c1, c2;
double md;
register int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (colval(c1,i)-colval(c2,i) > md*colval(c2,i) ||
colval(c2,i)-colval(c1,i) > md*colval(c1,i))
@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
/* RCSid $Id: color.h,v 2.29 2006/09/05 21:54:32 greg Exp $ */
* color.h - header for routines using pixel color values.
* Must be included after X11 headers, since they declare a BYTE type.
* Two color representations are used, one for calculation and
* another for storage. Calculation is done with three floats
* for speed. Stored color values use 4 bytes which contain
* three single byte mantissas and a common exponent.
#ifndef _RAD_COLOR_H_
#define _RAD_COLOR_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define RED 0
#define GRN 1
#define BLU 2
#define CIEX 0 /* or, if input is XYZ... */
#define CIEY 1
#define CIEZ 2
#define EXP 3 /* exponent same for either format */
#define COLXS 128 /* excess used for exponent */
#define WHT 3 /* used for RGBPRIMS type */
#undef BYTE
#define BYTE unsigned char /* 8-bit unsigned integer */
typedef BYTE COLR[4]; /* red, green, blue (or X,Y,Z), exponent */
typedef float COLORV;
typedef COLORV COLOR[3]; /* red, green, blue (or X,Y,Z) */
typedef float RGBPRIMS[4][2]; /* (x,y) chromaticities for RGBW */
typedef float (*RGBPRIMP)[2]; /* pointer to RGBPRIMS array */
typedef float COLORMAT[3][3]; /* color coordinate conversion matrix */
#define copycolr(c1,c2) (c1[0]=c2[0],c1[1]=c2[1], \
#define colval(col,pri) ((col)[pri])
#define setcolor(col,r,g,b) ((col)[RED]=(r),(col)[GRN]=(g),(col)[BLU]=(b))
#define copycolor(c1,c2) ((c1)[0]=(c2)[0],(c1)[1]=(c2)[1],(c1)[2]=(c2)[2])
#define scalecolor(col,sf) ((col)[0]*=(sf),(col)[1]*=(sf),(col)[2]*=(sf))
#define addcolor(c1,c2) ((c1)[0]+=(c2)[0],(c1)[1]+=(c2)[1],(c1)[2]+=(c2)[2])
#define multcolor(c1,c2) ((c1)[0]*=(c2)[0],(c1)[1]*=(c2)[1],(c1)[2]*=(c2)[2])
#ifdef NTSC
#define CIE_x_r 0.670 /* standard NTSC primaries */
#define CIE_y_r 0.330
#define CIE_x_g 0.210
#define CIE_y_g 0.710
#define CIE_x_b 0.140
#define CIE_y_b 0.080
#define CIE_x_w 0.3333 /* use true white */
#define CIE_y_w 0.3333
#define CIE_x_r 0.640 /* nominal CRT primaries */
#define CIE_y_r 0.330
#define CIE_x_g 0.290
#define CIE_y_g 0.600
#define CIE_x_b 0.150
#define CIE_y_b 0.060
#define CIE_x_w 0.3333 /* use true white */
#define CIE_y_w 0.3333
#define STDPRIMS {{CIE_x_r,CIE_y_r},{CIE_x_g,CIE_y_g}, \
#define CIE_D ( CIE_x_r*(CIE_y_g - CIE_y_b) + \
CIE_x_g*(CIE_y_b - CIE_y_r) + \
CIE_x_b*(CIE_y_r - CIE_y_g) )
#define CIE_C_rD ( (1./CIE_y_w) * \
( CIE_x_w*(CIE_y_g - CIE_y_b) - \
CIE_y_w*(CIE_x_g - CIE_x_b) + \
CIE_x_g*CIE_y_b - CIE_x_b*CIE_y_g ) )
#define CIE_C_gD ( (1./CIE_y_w) * \
( CIE_x_w*(CIE_y_b - CIE_y_r) - \
CIE_y_w*(CIE_x_b - CIE_x_r) - \
CIE_x_r*CIE_y_b + CIE_x_b*CIE_y_r ) )
#define CIE_C_bD ( (1./CIE_y_w) * \
( CIE_x_w*(CIE_y_r - CIE_y_g) - \
CIE_y_w*(CIE_x_r - CIE_x_g) + \
CIE_x_r*CIE_y_g - CIE_x_g*CIE_y_r ) )
#define CIE_rf (CIE_y_r*CIE_C_rD/CIE_D)
#define CIE_gf (CIE_y_g*CIE_C_gD/CIE_D)
#define CIE_bf (CIE_y_b*CIE_C_bD/CIE_D)
/* As of 9-94, CIE_rf=.265074126, CIE_gf=.670114631 and CIE_bf=.064811243 */
/***** The following definitions are valid for RGB colors only... *****/
#define bright(col) (CIE_rf*(col)[RED]+CIE_gf*(col)[GRN]+CIE_bf*(col)[BLU])
#define normbright(c) ( ( (long)(CIE_rf*256.+.5)*(c)[RED] + \
(long)(CIE_gf*256.+.5)*(c)[GRN] + \
(long)(CIE_bf*256.+.5)*(c)[BLU] ) >> 8 )
/* luminous efficacies over visible spectrum */
#define MAXEFFICACY 683. /* defined maximum at 550 nm */
#define WHTEFFICACY 179. /* uniform white light */
#define D65EFFICACY 203. /* standard illuminant D65 */
#define INCEFFICACY 160. /* illuminant A (incand.) */
#define SUNEFFICACY 208. /* illuminant B (solar dir.) */
#define SKYEFFICACY D65EFFICACY /* skylight (should be 110) */
#define DAYEFFICACY D65EFFICACY /* combined sky and solar */
#define luminance(col) (WHTEFFICACY * bright(col))
/***** ...end of stuff specific to RGB colors *****/
#define intens(col) ( (col)[0] > (col)[1] \
? (col)[0] > (col)[2] ? (col)[0] : (col)[2] \
: (col)[1] > (col)[2] ? (col)[1] : (col)[2] )
#define colrval(c,p) ( (c)[EXP] ? \
ldexp((c)[p]+.5,(int)(c)[EXP]-(COLXS+8)) : \
0. )
#define WHTCOLOR {1.0,1.0,1.0}
#define BLKCOLOR {0.0,0.0,0.0}
#define WHTCOLR {128,128,128,COLXS+1}
#define BLKCOLR {0,0,0,0}
/* picture format identifier */
#define COLRFMT "32-bit_rle_rgbe"
#define CIEFMT "32-bit_rle_xyze"
#define PICFMT "32-bit_rle_???e" /* matches either */
#define LPICFMT 15 /* max format id len */
/* macros for exposures */
#define LEXPOSSTR 9
#define isexpos(hl) (!strncmp(hl,EXPOSSTR,LEXPOSSTR))
#define exposval(hl) atof((hl)+LEXPOSSTR)
#define fputexpos(ex,fp) fprintf(fp,"%s%e\n",EXPOSSTR,ex)
/* macros for pixel aspect ratios */
#define LASPECTSTR 10
#define isaspect(hl) (!strncmp(hl,ASPECTSTR,LASPECTSTR))
#define aspectval(hl) atof((hl)+LASPECTSTR)
#define fputaspect(pa,fp) fprintf(fp,"%s%f\n",ASPECTSTR,pa)
/* macros for primary specifications */
#define LPRIMARYSTR 10
#define isprims(hl) (!strncmp(hl,PRIMARYSTR,LPRIMARYSTR))
#define primsval(p,hl) sscanf(hl+LPRIMARYSTR, \
"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", \
&(p)[RED][CIEX],&(p)[RED][CIEY], \
&(p)[GRN][CIEX],&(p)[GRN][CIEY], \
&(p)[BLU][CIEX],&(p)[BLU][CIEY], \
#define fputprims(p,fp) fprintf(fp, \
"%s %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f\n",\
(p)[RED][CIEX],(p)[RED][CIEY], \
(p)[GRN][CIEX],(p)[GRN][CIEY], \
(p)[BLU][CIEX],(p)[BLU][CIEY], \
/* macros for color correction */
#define LCOLCORSTR 10
#define iscolcor(hl) (!strncmp(hl,COLCORSTR,LCOLCORSTR))
#define colcorval(cc,hl) sscanf(hl+LCOLCORSTR,"%f %f %f", \
#define fputcolcor(cc,fp) fprintf(fp,"%s %f %f %f\n",COLCORSTR, \
* Conversions to and from XYZ space generally don't apply WHTEFFICACY.
* If you need Y to be luminance (cd/m^2), this must be applied when
* converting from radiance (watts/sr/m^2).
extern RGBPRIMS stdprims; /* standard primary chromaticities */
extern COLORMAT rgb2xyzmat; /* RGB to XYZ conversion matrix */
extern COLORMAT xyz2rgbmat; /* XYZ to RGB conversion matrix */
extern COLOR cblack, cwhite; /* black (0,0,0) and white (1,1,1) */
#define CGAMUT_LOWER 01
#define CGAMUT_UPPER 02
#define rgb_cie(xyz,rgb) colortrans(xyz,rgb2xyzmat,rgb)
#define cpcolormat(md,ms) memcpy((void *)md,(void *)ms,sizeof(COLORMAT))
/* defined in color.c */
extern char *tempbuffer(unsigned int len);
extern int fwritecolrs(COLR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp);
extern int freadcolrs(COLR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp);
extern int fwritescan(COLOR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp);
extern int freadscan(COLOR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp);
extern void setcolr(COLR clr, double r, double g, double b);
extern void colr_color(COLOR col, COLR clr);
extern int bigdiff(COLOR c1, COLOR c2, double md);
/* defined in spec_rgb.c */
extern void spec_rgb(COLOR col, int s, int e);
extern void spec_cie(COLOR col, int s, int e);
extern void cie_rgb(COLOR rgb, COLOR xyz);
extern int clipgamut(COLOR col, double brt, int gamut,
COLOR lower, COLOR upper);
extern void colortrans(COLOR c2, COLORMAT mat, COLOR c1);
extern void multcolormat(COLORMAT m3, COLORMAT m2,
extern int colorprimsOK(RGBPRIMS pr);
extern int compxyz2rgbmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr);
extern int comprgb2xyzmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr);
extern int comprgb2rgbmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr1, RGBPRIMS pr2);
extern int compxyzWBmat(COLORMAT mat, float wht1[2],
float wht2[2]);
extern int compxyz2rgbWBmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr);
extern int comprgb2xyzWBmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr);
extern int comprgb2rgbWBmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr1, RGBPRIMS pr2);
/* defined in colrops.c */
extern int setcolrcor(double (*f)(double, double), double a2);
extern int setcolrinv(double (*f)(double, double), double a2);
extern int setcolrgam(double g);
extern int colrs_gambs(COLR *scan, int len);
extern int gambs_colrs(COLR *scan, int len);
extern void shiftcolrs(COLR *scan, int len, int adjust);
extern void normcolrs(COLR *scan, int len, int adjust);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _RAD_COLOR_H_ */
@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
#ifndef lint
static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: colrops.c,v 2.11 2003/07/30 10:11:06 schorsch Exp $";
* Integer operations on COLR scanlines
#include "copyright.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "rtmisc.h"
#include "color.h"
#define MAXGSHIFT 31 /* maximum shift for gamma table */
static BYTE *g_mant = NULL, *g_nexp = NULL;
static BYTE (*g_bval)[256] = NULL;
setcolrcor(f, a2) /* set brightness correction */
double (*f)(double,double);
double a2;
double mult;
register int i, j;
/* allocate tables */
if (g_bval == NULL && (g_bval =
(BYTE (*)[256])bmalloc((MAXGSHIFT+1)*256)) == NULL)
/* compute colr -> gamb mapping */
mult = 1.0/256.0;
for (i = 0; i <= MAXGSHIFT; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
g_bval[i][j] = 256.0 * (*f)((j+.5)*mult, a2);
mult *= 0.5;
setcolrinv(f, a2) /* set inverse brightness correction */
double (*f)(double,double);
double a2;
double mult;
register int i, j;
/* allocate tables */
if (g_mant == NULL && (g_mant = (BYTE *)bmalloc(256)) == NULL)
if (g_nexp == NULL && (g_nexp = (BYTE *)bmalloc(256)) == NULL)
/* compute gamb -> colr mapping */
i = 0;
mult = 256.0;
for (j = 256; j--; ) {
while ((g_mant[j] = mult * (*f)((j+.5)/256.0, a2)) < 128) {
mult *= 2.0;
g_nexp[j] = i;
setcolrgam(g) /* set gamma conversion */
double g;
if (setcolrcor(pow, 1.0/g) < 0)
return(setcolrinv(pow, g));
colrs_gambs(scan, len) /* convert scanline of colrs to gamma bytes */
register COLR *scan;
int len;
register int i, expo;
if (g_bval == NULL)
while (len-- > 0) {
expo = scan[0][EXP] - COLXS;
if (expo < -MAXGSHIFT) {
if (expo < -MAXGSHIFT-8) {
scan[0][RED] =
scan[0][GRN] =
scan[0][BLU] = 0;
} else {
i = (-MAXGSHIFT-1) - expo;
scan[0][RED] =
scan[0][GRN] =
scan[0][BLU] =
} else if (expo > 0) {
if (expo > 8) {
scan[0][RED] =
scan[0][GRN] =
scan[0][BLU] = 255;
} else {
i = (scan[0][RED]<<1 | 1) << (expo-1);
scan[0][RED] = i > 255 ? 255 : g_bval[0][i];
i = (scan[0][GRN]<<1 | 1) << (expo-1);
scan[0][GRN] = i > 255 ? 255 : g_bval[0][i];
i = (scan[0][BLU]<<1 | 1) << (expo-1);
scan[0][BLU] = i > 255 ? 255 : g_bval[0][i];
} else {
scan[0][RED] = g_bval[-expo][scan[0][RED]];
scan[0][GRN] = g_bval[-expo][scan[0][GRN]];
scan[0][BLU] = g_bval[-expo][scan[0][BLU]];
scan[0][EXP] = COLXS;
gambs_colrs(scan, len) /* convert gamma bytes to colr scanline */
register COLR *scan;
int len;
register int nexpo;
if ((g_mant == NULL) | (g_nexp == NULL))
while (len-- > 0) {
nexpo = g_nexp[scan[0][RED]];
if (g_nexp[scan[0][GRN]] < nexpo)
nexpo = g_nexp[scan[0][GRN]];
if (g_nexp[scan[0][BLU]] < nexpo)
nexpo = g_nexp[scan[0][BLU]];
if (nexpo < g_nexp[scan[0][RED]])
scan[0][RED] = g_mant[scan[0][RED]]
>> (g_nexp[scan[0][RED]]-nexpo);
scan[0][RED] = g_mant[scan[0][RED]];
if (nexpo < g_nexp[scan[0][GRN]])
scan[0][GRN] = g_mant[scan[0][GRN]]
>> (g_nexp[scan[0][GRN]]-nexpo);
scan[0][GRN] = g_mant[scan[0][GRN]];
if (nexpo < g_nexp[scan[0][BLU]])
scan[0][BLU] = g_mant[scan[0][BLU]]
>> (g_nexp[scan[0][BLU]]-nexpo);
scan[0][BLU] = g_mant[scan[0][BLU]];
scan[0][EXP] = COLXS - nexpo;
shiftcolrs(scan, len, adjust) /* shift a scanline of colors by 2^adjust */
register COLR *scan;
register int len;
register int adjust;
int minexp;
if (adjust == 0)
minexp = adjust < 0 ? -adjust : 0;
while (len-- > 0) {
if (scan[0][EXP] <= minexp)
scan[0][RED] = scan[0][GRN] = scan[0][BLU] =
scan[0][EXP] = 0;
scan[0][EXP] += adjust;
normcolrs(scan, len, adjust) /* normalize a scanline of colrs */
register COLR *scan;
int len;
int adjust;
register int c;
register int shift;
while (len-- > 0) {
shift = scan[0][EXP] + adjust - COLXS;
if (shift > 0) {
if (shift > 8) {
scan[0][RED] =
scan[0][GRN] =
scan[0][BLU] = 255;
} else {
c = (scan[0][RED]<<1 | 1) << shift;
scan[0][RED] = c > 255 ? 255 : c;
c = (scan[0][GRN]<<1 | 1) << shift;
scan[0][GRN] = c > 255 ? 255 : c;
c = (scan[0][BLU]<<1 | 1) << shift;
scan[0][BLU] = c > 255 ? 255 : c;
} else if (shift < 0) {
if (shift < -8) {
scan[0][RED] =
scan[0][GRN] =
scan[0][BLU] = 0;
} else {
shift = -1-shift;
scan[0][RED] = ((scan[0][RED]>>shift)+1)>>1;
scan[0][GRN] = ((scan[0][GRN]>>shift)+1)>>1;
scan[0][BLU] = ((scan[0][BLU]>>shift)+1)>>1;
scan[0][EXP] = COLXS - adjust;
@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
#ifndef lint
static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: header.c,v 2.23 2005/02/01 01:28:16 greg Exp $";
* header.c - routines for reading and writing information headers.
* Externals declared in resolu.h
* newheader(t,fp) start new information header identified by string t
* isheadid(s) returns true if s is a header id line
* headidval(r,s) copy header identifier value in s to r
* dateval(t,s) get capture date value
* isdate(s) returns true if s is a date line
* fputdate(t,fp) put out the given capture date and time
* fputnow(fp) put out the current date and time
* printargs(ac,av,fp) print an argument list to fp, followed by '\n'
* isformat(s) returns true if s is of the form "FORMAT=*"
* formatval(r,s) copy the format value in s to r
* fputformat(s,fp) write "FORMAT=%s" to fp
* getheader(fp,f,p) read header from fp, calling f(s,p) on each line
* globmatch(pat, str) check for glob match of str against pat
* checkheader(i,p,o) check header format from i against p and copy to o
* To copy header from input to output, use getheader(fin, fputs, fout)
#include "copyright.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "rtio.h"
#include "resolu.h"
#define MAXLINE 512
char HDRSTR[] = "#?"; /* information header magic number */
char FMTSTR[] = "FORMAT="; /* format identifier */
char TMSTR[] = "CAPDATE="; /* capture date identifier */
static gethfunc mycheck;
extern void
newheader( /* identifying line of information header */
char *s,
register FILE *fp
fputs(HDRSTR, fp);
fputs(s, fp);
putc('\n', fp);
extern int
headidval( /* get header id (return true if is id) */
register char *r,
register char *s
register char *cp = HDRSTR;
while (*cp) if (*cp++ != *s++) return(0);
if (r == NULL) return(1);
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) *r++ = *s++;
*r = '\0';
extern int
isheadid( /* check to see if line is header id */
char *s
return(headidval(NULL, s));
extern int
dateval( /* get capture date value */
time_t *tloc,
char *s
struct tm tms;
register char *cp = TMSTR;
while (*cp) if (*cp++ != *s++) return(0);
while (isspace(*s)) s++;
if (!*s) return(0);
if (sscanf(s, "%d:%d:%d %d:%d:%d",
&tms.tm_year, &tms.tm_mon, &tms.tm_mday,
&tms.tm_hour, &tms.tm_min, &tms.tm_sec) != 6)
if (tloc == NULL)
tms.tm_year -= 1900;
tms.tm_isdst = -1; /* ask mktime() to figure out DST */
*tloc = mktime(&tms);
extern int
isdate( /* is the given line a capture date? */
char *s
return(dateval(NULL, s));
extern void
fputdate( /* write out the given time value */
time_t tv,
FILE *fp
struct tm *tm = localtime(&tv);
if (tm == NULL)
fprintf(fp, "%s %04d:%02d:%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", TMSTR,
tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday,
tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
extern void
fputnow( /* write out the current time */
FILE *fp
time_t tv;
fputdate(tv, fp);
extern void
printargs( /* print arguments to a file */
int ac,
char **av,
FILE *fp
while (ac-- > 0) {
fputword(*av++, fp);
fputc(ac ? ' ' : '\n', fp);
extern int
formatval( /* get format value (return true if format) */
register char *r,
register char *s
register char *cp = FMTSTR;
while (*cp) if (*cp++ != *s++) return(0);
while (isspace(*s)) s++;
if (!*s) return(0);
if (r == NULL) return(1);
*r++ = *s++;
while(*s && !isspace(*s));
*r = '\0';
extern int
isformat( /* is line a format line? */
char *s
return(formatval(NULL, s));
extern void
fputformat( /* put out a format value */
char *s,
FILE *fp
fputs(FMTSTR, fp);
fputs(s, fp);
putc('\n', fp);
extern int
getheader( /* get header from file */
FILE *fp,
gethfunc *f,
void *p
char buf[MAXLINE];
for ( ; ; ) {
buf[MAXLINE-2] = '\n';
if (fgets(buf, MAXLINE, fp) == NULL)
if (buf[0] == '\n')
#ifdef MSDOS
if (buf[0] == '\r' && buf[1] == '\n')
if (buf[MAXLINE-2] != '\n') {
ungetc(buf[MAXLINE-2], fp); /* prevent false end */
buf[MAXLINE-2] = '\0';
if (f != NULL && (*f)(buf, p) < 0)
struct check {
FILE *fp;
char fs[64];
static int
mycheck( /* check a header line for format info. */
char *s,
void *cp
if (!formatval(((struct check*)cp)->fs, s)
&& ((struct check*)cp)->fp != NULL) {
fputs(s, ((struct check*)cp)->fp);
extern int
globmatch( /* check for match of s against pattern p */
register char *p,
register char *s
int setmatch;
do {
switch (*p) {
case '?': /* match any character */
if (!*s++)
case '*': /* match any string */
while (p[1] == '*') p++;
if ( (p[1]=='?' || p[1]==*s) &&
globmatch(p+1,s) )
while (*s++);
case '[': /* character set */
setmatch = *s == *++p;
if (!*p)
while (*++p != ']') {
if (!*p)
if (*p == '-') {
setmatch += p[-1] <= *s && *s <= p[1];
if (!*++p)
} else
setmatch += *p == *s;
if (!setmatch)
case '\\': /* literal next */
/* fall through */
default: /* normal character */
if (*p != *s)
} while (*p++);
* Checkheader(fin,fmt,fout) returns a value of 1 if the input format
* matches the specification in fmt, 0 if no input format was found,
* and -1 if the input format does not match or there is an
* error reading the header. If fmt is empty, then -1 is returned
* if any input format is found (or there is an error), and 0 otherwise.
* If fmt contains any '*' or '?' characters, then checkheader
* does wildcard expansion and copies a matching result into fmt.
* Be sure that fmt is big enough to hold the match in such cases,
* and that it is not a static, read-only string!
* The input header (minus any format lines) is copied to fout
* if fout is not NULL.
extern int
FILE *fin,
char *fmt,
FILE *fout
struct check cdat;
register char *cp;
cdat.fp = fout;
cdat.fs[0] = '\0';
if (getheader(fin, mycheck, &cdat) < 0)
if (!cdat.fs[0])
for (cp = fmt; *cp; cp++) /* check for globbing */
if ((*cp == '?') | (*cp == '*')) {
if (globmatch(fmt, cdat.fs)) {
strcpy(fmt, cdat.fs);
} else
return(strcmp(fmt, cdat.fs) ? -1 : 1); /* literal match */
@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
#ifndef lint
static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: ra_skel.c,v 2.13 2006/03/10 19:40:13 schorsch Exp $";
* Skeletal 24-bit image conversion program. Replace "skel"
* in this file with a more appropriate image type identifier.
* The Rmakefile entry should look something like this:
* ra_skel: ra_skel.o
* cc $(CFLAGS) -o ra_skel ra_skel.o -lrtrad -lm
* ra_skel.o: ../common/color.h ../common/resolu.h
* If you like to do things the hard way, you can link directly
* to the object files "color.o colrops.o resolu.o header.o" in
* the common subdirectory instead of using the -lrtrad library.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "platform.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "resolu.h"
double gamcor = 2.2; /* gamma correction */
int bradj = 0; /* brightness adjustment */
char *progname;
int xmax, ymax;
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int reverse = 0;
int i;
progname = argv[0];
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-')
switch (argv[i][1]) {
case 'g': /* gamma correction */
gamcor = atof(argv[++i]);
case 'e': /* exposure adjustment */
if (argv[i+1][0] != '+' && argv[i+1][0] != '-')
goto userr;
bradj = atoi(argv[++i]);
case 'r': /* reverse conversion */
reverse = 1;
goto userr;
if (i < argc-2)
goto userr;
if (i <= argc-1 && freopen(argv[i], "r", stdin) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open input \"%s\"\n",
progname, argv[i]);
if (i == argc-2 && freopen(argv[i+1], "w", stdout) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open output \"%s\"\n",
progname, argv[i+1]);
setcolrgam(gamcor); /* set up gamma correction */
if (reverse) {
/* get their image resolution */
read_skel_head(&xmax, &ymax);
/* put our header */
newheader("RADIANCE", stdout);
printargs(i, argv, stdout);
fputformat(COLRFMT, stdout);
fprtresolu(xmax, ymax, stdout);
/* convert file */
} else {
/* get our header */
if (checkheader(stdin, COLRFMT, NULL) < 0 ||
fgetresolu(&xmax, &ymax, stdin) < 0)
quiterr("bad picture format");
/* write their header */
write_skel_head(xmax, ymax);
/* convert file */
"Usage: %s [-r][-g gamma][-e +/-stops] [input [output]]\n",
quiterr(err) /* print message and exit */
char *err;
if (err != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, err);
skel2ra() /* convert 24-bit scanlines to Radiance picture */
COLR *scanout;
register int x;
int y;
/* allocate scanline */
scanout = (COLR *)malloc(xmax*sizeof(COLR));
if (scanout == NULL)
quiterr("out of memory in skel2ra");
/* convert image */
for (y = ymax-1; y >= 0; y--) {
for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) {
scanout[x][RED] = getc(stdin);
scanout[x][GRN] = getc(stdin);
scanout[x][BLU] = getc(stdin);
if (feof(stdin) | ferror(stdin))
quiterr("error reading skel image");
/* undo gamma */
gambs_colrs(scanout, xmax);
if (bradj) /* adjust exposure */
shiftcolrs(scanout, xmax, bradj);
if (fwritecolrs(scanout, xmax, stdout) < 0)
quiterr("error writing Radiance picture");
/* free scanline */
free((void *)scanout);
ra2skel() /* convert Radiance scanlines to 24-bit */
COLR *scanin;
register int x;
int y;
/* allocate scanline */
scanin = (COLR *)malloc(xmax*sizeof(COLR));
if (scanin == NULL)
quiterr("out of memory in ra2skel");
/* convert image */
for (y = ymax-1; y >= 0; y--) {
if (freadcolrs(scanin, xmax, stdin) < 0)
quiterr("error reading Radiance picture");
if (bradj) /* adjust exposure */
shiftcolrs(scanin, xmax, bradj);
colrs_gambs(scanin, xmax); /* gamma correction */
for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) {
putc(scanin[x][RED], stdout);
putc(scanin[x][GRN], stdout);
putc(scanin[x][BLU], stdout);
if (ferror(stdout))
quiterr("error writing skel file");
/* free scanline */
free((void *)scanin);
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
#ifndef lint
static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: resolu.c,v 2.6 2006/06/07 17:52:03 schorsch Exp $";
* Read and write image resolutions.
* Externals declared in resolu.h
#include "copyright.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "resolu.h"
char resolu_buf[RESOLU_BUFLEN]; /* resolution line buffer */
fputresolu(ord, sl, ns, fp) /* put out picture dimensions */
int ord; /* scanline ordering */
int sl, ns; /* scanline length and number */
FILE *fp;
if ((rs.rt = ord) & YMAJOR) {
rs.xr = sl;
rs.yr = ns;
} else {
rs.xr = ns;
rs.yr = sl;
fputsresolu(&rs, fp);
fgetresolu(sl, ns, fp) /* get picture dimensions */
int *sl, *ns; /* scanline length and number */
FILE *fp;
if (!fgetsresolu(&rs, fp))
if (rs.rt & YMAJOR) {
*sl = rs.xr;
*ns = rs.yr;
} else {
*sl = rs.yr;
*ns = rs.xr;
char *
resolu2str(buf, rp) /* convert resolution struct to line */
char *buf;
register RESOLU *rp;
if (rp->rt&YMAJOR)
sprintf(buf, "%cY %d %cX %d\n",
rp->rt&YDECR ? '-' : '+', rp->yr,
rp->rt&XDECR ? '-' : '+', rp->xr);
sprintf(buf, "%cX %d %cY %d\n",
rp->rt&XDECR ? '-' : '+', rp->xr,
rp->rt&YDECR ? '-' : '+', rp->yr);
str2resolu(rp, buf) /* convert resolution line to struct */
register RESOLU *rp;
char *buf;
register char *xndx, *yndx;
register char *cp;
if (buf == NULL)
xndx = yndx = NULL;
for (cp = buf; *cp; cp++)
if (*cp == 'X')
xndx = cp;
else if (*cp == 'Y')
yndx = cp;
if (xndx == NULL || yndx == NULL)
rp->rt = 0;
if (xndx > yndx) rp->rt |= YMAJOR;
if (xndx[-1] == '-') rp->rt |= XDECR;
if (yndx[-1] == '-') rp->rt |= YDECR;
if ((rp->xr = atoi(xndx+1)) <= 0)
if ((rp->yr = atoi(yndx+1)) <= 0)
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
/* RCSid $Id: resolu.h,v 2.10 2005/02/01 01:28:16 greg Exp $ */
* Definitions for resolution line in image file.
* Include after <stdio.h>
* True image orientation is defined by an xy coordinate system
* whose origin is at the lower left corner of the image, with
* x increasing to the right and y increasing in the upward direction.
* This true orientation is independent of how the pixels are actually
* ordered in the file, which is indicated by the resolution line.
* This line is of the form "{+-}{XY} xyres {+-}{YX} yxres\n".
* A typical line for a 1024x600 image might be "-Y 600 +X 1024\n",
* indicating that the scanlines are in English text order (PIXSTANDARD).
#ifndef _RAD_RESOLU_H_
#define _RAD_RESOLU_H_
#include <time.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* flags for scanline ordering */
#define XDECR 1
#define YDECR 2
#define YMAJOR 4
/* standard scanline ordering */
#define PIXSTDFMT "-Y %d +X %d\n"
/* structure for image dimensions */
typedef struct {
int rt; /* orientation (from flags above) */
int xr, yr; /* x and y resolution */
/* macros to get scanline length and number */
#define scanlen(rs) ((rs)->rt & YMAJOR ? (rs)->xr : (rs)->yr)
#define numscans(rs) ((rs)->rt & YMAJOR ? (rs)->yr : (rs)->xr)
/* resolution string buffer and its size */
#define RESOLU_BUFLEN 32
extern char resolu_buf[RESOLU_BUFLEN];
/* macros for reading/writing resolution struct */
#define fputsresolu(rs,fp) fputs(resolu2str(resolu_buf,rs),fp)
#define fgetsresolu(rs,fp) str2resolu(rs, \
/* reading/writing of standard ordering */
#define fprtresolu(sl,ns,fp) fprintf(fp,PIXSTDFMT,ns,sl)
#define fscnresolu(sl,ns,fp) (fscanf(fp,PIXSTDFMT,ns,sl)==2)
/* defined in resolu.c */
extern void fputresolu(int ord, int sl, int ns, FILE *fp);
extern int fgetresolu(int *sl, int *ns, FILE *fp);
extern char * resolu2str(char *buf, RESOLU *rp);
extern int str2resolu(RESOLU *rp, char *buf);
/* defined in header.c */
extern void newheader(char *t, FILE *fp);
extern int isheadid(char *s);
extern int headidval(char *r, char *s);
extern int dateval(time_t *t, char *s);
extern int isdate(char *s);
extern void fputdate(time_t t, FILE *fp);
extern void fputnow(FILE *fp);
extern void printargs(int ac, char **av, FILE *fp);
extern int isformat(char *s);
extern int formatval(char *r, char *s);
extern void fputformat(char *s, FILE *fp);
typedef int gethfunc(char *s, void *p); /* callback to process header lines */
extern int getheader(FILE *fp, gethfunc *f, void *p);
extern int globmatch(char *pat, char *str);
extern int checkheader(FILE *fin, char *fmt, FILE *fout);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _RAD_RESOLU_H_ */
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
/* RCSid $Id: rtio.h,v 3.9 2006/12/23 17:27:45 greg Exp $ */
* Radiance i/o and string routines
#ifndef _RAD_RTIO_H_
#define _RAD_RTIO_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* defined in badarg.c */
extern int badarg(int ac, char **av, char *fl);
/* defined in expandarg.c */
extern int expandarg(int *acp, char ***avp, int n);
/* defined in fdate.c */
extern time_t fdate(char *fname);
extern int setfdate(char *fname, long ftim);
/* defined in fgetline.c */
extern char *fgetline(char *s, int n, FILE *fp);
/* defined in fgetval.c */
extern int fgetval(FILE *fp, int ty, void *vp);
/* defined in fgetword.c */
extern char *fgetword(char *s, int n, FILE *fp);
/* defined in fputword.c */
extern void fputword(char *s, FILE *fp);
/* defined in fropen.c */
extern FILE *frlibopen(char *fname);
/* defined in getlibpath.c */
extern char *getrlibpath(void);
/* defined in gethomedir.c */
extern char *gethomedir(char *uname, char *path, int plen);
/* defined in getpath.c */
extern char *getpath(char *fname, char *searchpath, int mode);
/* defined in byteswap.c */
extern void swap16(char *wp, int n);
extern void swap32(char *wp, int n);
extern void swap64(char *wp, int n);
/* defined in portio.c */
extern void putstr(char *s, FILE *fp);
extern void putint(long i, int siz, FILE *fp);
extern void putflt(double f, FILE *fp);
extern char *getstr(char *s, FILE *fp);
extern long getint(int siz, FILE *fp);
extern double getflt(FILE *fp);
/* defined in rexpr.c */
extern int ecompile(char *sp, int iflg, int wflag);
extern char *expsave(void);
extern void expset(char *ep);
extern char *eindex(char *sp);
/* defined in savestr.c */
extern char *savestr(char *str);
extern void freestr(char *s);
extern int shash(char *s);
/* defined in savqstr.c */
extern char *savqstr(char *s);
extern void freeqstr(char *s);
/* defined in wordfile.c */
extern int wordfile(char **words, char *fname);
extern int wordstring(char **avl, char *str);
/* defined in words.c */
extern char *atos(char *rs, int nb, char *s);
extern char *nextword(char *cp, int nb, char *s);
extern char *sskip(char *s);
extern char *sskip2(char *s, int n);
extern char *iskip(char *s);
extern char *fskip(char *s);
extern int isint(char *s);
extern int isintd(char *s, char *ds);
extern int isflt(char *s);
extern int isfltd(char *s, char *ds);
/* defined in lamp.c */
extern float * matchlamp(char *s);
extern int loadlamps(char *file);
extern void freelamps(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _RAD_RTIO_H_ */
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user