add marble example to whatsnew

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John Cupitt 2016-09-14 09:48:36 +01:00
parent e241d13339
commit 3723df0607
1 changed files with 45 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,51 @@ make Perlin and Worley noise. They are useful for generating
synthetic random textures. The implementations in vips can generate images of
any size very quickly.
Here's an example of a marble texture simulated with a Perlin noise generator.
require 'vips'
size = 1024
# perlin's "turbulence" image
def turbulence(size)
layers = []
iterations = Math.log(size, 2) - 2
(0 ... iterations).each do |i|
layer = Vips::Image.perlin(size, size, :cell_size => size / 2 ** i)
layer = layer.abs * (1.0 / (i + 1))
layers << layer
# make a gradient colour map ... a smooth fade from start to stop, with start and
# stop as CIELAB colours, the output map as sRGB
def gradient(start, stop)
lut = Vips::Image.identity / 255
lut = lut * start + (lut * -1 + 1) * stop
lut.colourspace(:srgb, :source_space => :lab)
# make a turbulent stripe pattern
stripe = (, size)[0] + turbulence(size) * 700).sin
# make a colour map ... we want a smooth gradient from white to dark brown
# colours here in CIELAB
dark_brown = [7.45, 4.3, 8]
white = [100, 0, 0]
lut = gradient(dark_brown, white)
# rescale to 0 - 255 and colour with our lut
stripe = ((stripe + 1) * 128).maplut(lut)
stripe.write_to_file ARGV[0]
## Rewritten convolution
The convolution functions were the old vips7 ones with a small