foreign docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- foreign docs
- foreign docs come up as "VipsForeignSave", annoying, why?
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<xi:include href="xml/colour.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/conversion.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/convolution.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/format.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/foreign.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/freq_filt.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/histograms_lut.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/inplace.xml"/>
@ -109,149 +109,210 @@
* VipsForeign:
* VipsForeignClass:
* #VipsForeign has these virtual methods:
* |[
* typedef struct _VipsForeignClass {
* VipsObjectClass parent_class;
* gboolean (*is_a)( const char *filename );
* int (*header)( const char *filename, VipsImage *out );
* int (*load)( const char *filename, VipsImage *out );
* int (*save)( VipsImage *in, const char *filename );
* VipsForeignFlags (*get_flags)( const char *filename );
* int priority;
* const char **suffs;
* } VipsForeignClass;
* ]|
* Add a new file to VIPS by subclassing VipsForeign. Subclasses need to
* implement at least load() or save().
* These members are:
* <itemizedlist>
* <listitem>
* <para>
* is_a() This function should return %TRUE if the file
* contains an image of this type. If you don't define this function, VIPS
* will use the list of suffixes you supply instead.
* </para>
* </listitem>
* <listitem>
* <para>
* header() This function should load the image header,
* but not load any pixel data. If you don't define it, VIPS will use your
* load() method instead. Return 0 for success, -1 for error, setting
* vips_error().
* </para>
* </listitem>
* <listitem>
* <para>
* load() This function should load the image, or perhaps use
* vips_image_generate() to
* attach something to load sections of the image on demand.
* Users can embed
* load options in the filename, see (for example) im_jpeg2vips().
* If you don't
* define this method, you can still define save() and have a save-only
* file.
* Return 0 for success, -1 for error, setting
* im_error().
* </para>
* </listitem>
* <listitem>
* <para>
* save() This function should save the image to the file.
* Users can embed
* save options in the filename, see (for example) im_vips2tiff().
* If you don't
* define this method, you can still define load() and have a load-only
* file.
* Return 0 for success, -1 for error, setting
* im_error().
* </para>
* </listitem>
* <listitem>
* <para>
* get_flags() This function should return a hint about the properties of this
* loader on this file. If you don't define it, users will always see '0', or
* no flags.
* </para>
* </listitem>
* <listitem>
* <para>
* <structfield>priority</structfield> Where this file should fit in this
* list of
* supported files. 0 is a sensible value for most files. Set a negative
* value if you want to be lower on the list, positive to move up.
* </para>
* </listitem>
* <listitem>
* <para>
* <structfield>suffs</structfield> A %NULL-terminated list of possible file
* name
* suffixes, for example:
* |[
* static const char *tiff_suffs[] = { ".tif", ".tiff", NULL };
* ]|
* The suffix list is used to select a file to save a file in, and to pick a
* The suffix list is used to select a format to save a file in, and to pick a
* loader if you don't define is_a().
* </para>
* </listitem>
* </itemizedlist>
* You should also define <structfield>nickname</structfield> and
* <structfield>description</structfield> in #VipsObject.
* At the command-line, use:
* |[
* vips --list classes | grep Foreign
* ]|
* To see a list of all the supported files.
* For example, the TIFF file is defined like this:
typedef VipsForeign VipsForeignTiff;
typedef VipsForeignClass VipsForeignTiffClass;
static void
vips_foreign_tiff_class_init( VipsForeignTiffClass *class )
VipsObjectClass *object_class = (VipsObjectClass *) class;
VipsForeignClass *file_class = (VipsForeignClass *) class;
object_class->nickname = "tiff";
object_class->description = _( "TIFF" );
file_class->is_a = istiff;
file_class->header = tiff2vips_header;
file_class->load = im_tiff2vips;
file_class->save = im_vips2tiff;
file_class->get_flags = tiff_flags;
file_class->suffs = tiff_suffs;
static void
vips_foreign_tiff_init( VipsForeignTiff *object )
G_DEFINE_TYPE( VipsForeignTiff, vips_foreign_tiff, VIPS_TYPE_FOREIGN );
* Then call vips_foreign_tiff_get_type() somewhere in your init code to link
* the file into VIPS (though of course the tiff file is linked in for you
* already).
* You should also define @nickname and @description in #VipsObject.
/* Abstract base class for image files.
* VipsForeignLoad:
* @out must be set by @header(). @load(), if defined, must set @real.
* VipsForeignLoadClass:
* Add a new loader to VIPS by subclassing #VipsForeignLoad. Subclasses need to
* implement at least @header().
* As a complete example, here's the code for the PNG loader, minus the actual
* calls to libpng.
* |[
typedef struct _VipsForeignLoadPng {
VipsForeignLoad parent_object;
char *filename;
} VipsForeignLoadPng;
typedef VipsForeignLoadClass VipsForeignLoadPngClass;
G_DEFINE_TYPE( VipsForeignLoadPng, vips_foreign_load_png,
static VipsForeignFlags
vips_foreign_load_png_get_flags_filename( const char *filename )
return( 0 );
static VipsForeignFlags
vips_foreign_load_png_get_flags( VipsForeignLoad *load )
VipsForeignLoadPng *png = (VipsForeignLoadPng *) load;
return( vips_foreign_load_png_get_flags_filename( png->filename ) );
static int
vips_foreign_load_png_header( VipsForeignLoad *load )
VipsForeignLoadPng *png = (VipsForeignLoadPng *) load;
if( vips__png_header( png->filename, load->out ) )
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
static int
vips_foreign_load_png_load( VipsForeignLoad *load )
VipsForeignLoadPng *png = (VipsForeignLoadPng *) load;
if( vips__png_read( png->filename, load->real ) )
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
static void
vips_foreign_load_png_class_init( VipsForeignLoadPngClass *class )
GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS( class );
VipsObjectClass *object_class = (VipsObjectClass *) class;
VipsForeignClass *foreign_class = (VipsForeignClass *) class;
VipsForeignLoadClass *load_class = (VipsForeignLoadClass *) class;
gobject_class->set_property = vips_object_set_property;
gobject_class->get_property = vips_object_get_property;
object_class->nickname = "pngload";
object_class->description = _( "load png from file" );
foreign_class->suffs = vips__png_suffs;
load_class->is_a = vips__png_ispng;
load_class->get_flags_filename =
load_class->get_flags = vips_foreign_load_png_get_flags;
load_class->header = vips_foreign_load_png_header;
load_class->load = vips_foreign_load_png_load;
VIPS_ARG_STRING( class, "filename", 1,
_( "Filename" ),
_( "Filename to load from" ),
G_STRUCT_OFFSET( VipsForeignLoadPng, filename ),
static void
vips_foreign_load_png_init( VipsForeignLoadPng *png )
* ]|
* VipsForeignSaveClass:
* Call your saver in the class' @build() method after chaining up. The
* prepared image should be ready for you to save in @ready.
* As a complete example, here's the code for the CSV saver, minus the calls
* to the actual save routines.
* |[
typedef struct _VipsForeignSaveCsv {
VipsForeignSave parent_object;
char *filename;
const char *separator;
} VipsForeignSaveCsv;
typedef VipsForeignSaveClass VipsForeignSaveCsvClass;
G_DEFINE_TYPE( VipsForeignSaveCsv, vips_foreign_save_csv,
static int
vips_foreign_save_csv_build( VipsObject *object )
VipsForeignSave *save = (VipsForeignSave *) object;
VipsForeignSaveCsv *csv = (VipsForeignSaveCsv *) object;
if( VIPS_OBJECT_CLASS( vips_foreign_save_csv_parent_class )->
build( object ) )
return( -1 );
if( vips__csv_write( save->ready, csv->filename, csv->separator ) )
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
static int bandfmt_csv[10] = {
UC, C, US, S, UI, I, F, X, D, DX
static void
vips_foreign_save_csv_class_init( VipsForeignSaveCsvClass *class )
GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS( class );
VipsObjectClass *object_class = (VipsObjectClass *) class;
VipsForeignClass *foreign_class = (VipsForeignClass *) class;
VipsForeignSaveClass *save_class = (VipsForeignSaveClass *) class;
gobject_class->set_property = vips_object_set_property;
gobject_class->get_property = vips_object_get_property;
object_class->nickname = "csvsave";
object_class->description = _( "save image to csv file" );
object_class->build = vips_foreign_save_csv_build;
foreign_class->suffs = vips__foreign_csv_suffs;
save_class->saveable = VIPS_SAVEABLE_MONO;
save_class->format_table = bandfmt_csv;
VIPS_ARG_STRING( class, "filename", 1,
_( "Filename" ),
_( "Filename to save to" ),
G_STRUCT_OFFSET( VipsForeignSaveCsv, filename ),
VIPS_ARG_STRING( class, "separator", 13,
_( "Separator" ),
_( "Separator characters" ),
G_STRUCT_OFFSET( VipsForeignSaveCsv, separator ),
"\t" );
static void
vips_foreign_save_csv_init( VipsForeignSaveCsv *csv )
csv->separator = g_strdup( "\t" );
* ]|
@ -1115,7 +1176,7 @@ vips_foreign_save_init( VipsForeignSave *object )
* vips_foreign_read:
* vips_foreign_load:
* @filename: file to load
* @out: output image
* @...: %NULL-terminated list of optional named arguments
@ -1123,12 +1184,12 @@ vips_foreign_save_init( VipsForeignSave *object )
* Loads @filename into @out using the loader recommended by
* vips_foreign_find_load().
* See also: vips_foreign_write(), vips_foreign_read_options().
* See also: vips_foreign_save(), vips_foreign_read_options().
* Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
vips_foreign_read( const char *filename, VipsImage **out, ... )
vips_foreign_load( const char *filename, VipsImage **out, ... )
const char *operation;
va_list ap;
@ -1145,7 +1206,7 @@ vips_foreign_read( const char *filename, VipsImage **out, ... )
* vips_foreign_write:
* vips_foreign_save:
* @in: image to write
* @filename: file to write to
* @...: %NULL-terminated list of optional named arguments
@ -1153,12 +1214,12 @@ vips_foreign_read( const char *filename, VipsImage **out, ... )
* Saves @in to @filename using the saver recommended by
* vips_foreign_find_save().
* See also: vips_foreign_read().
* See also: vips_foreign_load().
* Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
vips_foreign_write( VipsImage *in, const char *filename, ... )
vips_foreign_save( VipsImage *in, const char *filename, ... )
const char *operation;
va_list ap;
@ -1175,7 +1236,7 @@ vips_foreign_write( VipsImage *in, const char *filename, ... )
* vips_foreign_read_options:
* vips_foreign_load_options:
* @filename: file to load
* @out: output image
@ -1185,12 +1246,12 @@ vips_foreign_write( VipsImage *in, const char *filename, ... )
* Arguments to the loader may be embedded in the filename using the usual
* syntax.
* See also: vips_foreign_read().
* See also: vips_foreign_load().
* Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
vips_foreign_read_options( const char *filename, VipsImage **out )
vips_foreign_load_options( const char *filename, VipsImage **out )
VipsObjectClass *oclass = g_type_class_ref( VIPS_TYPE_FOREIGN_LOAD );
@ -1226,19 +1287,19 @@ vips_foreign_read_options( const char *filename, VipsImage **out )
* vips_foreign_write_options:
* vips_foreign_save_options:
* @in: image to write
* @filename: file to write to
* Saves @in to @filename using the saver recommended by
* vips_foreign_find_save().
* See also: vips_foreign_write().
* See also: vips_foreign_save().
* Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
vips_foreign_write_options( VipsImage *in, const char *filename )
vips_foreign_save_options( VipsImage *in, const char *filename )
VipsObjectClass *oclass = g_type_class_ref( VIPS_TYPE_FOREIGN_SAVE );
VipsObject *object;
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct _VipsForeign {
VipsOperation parent_object;
/*< public >*/
} VipsForeign;
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ typedef enum {
typedef struct _VipsForeignLoad {
VipsForeign parent_object;
/*< public >*/
/*< private >*/
/* Open to disc (default is to open to memory).
@ -119,12 +120,14 @@ typedef struct _VipsForeignLoad {
VipsForeignFlags flags;
/* The image we generate.
/*< public >*/
/* The image we generate. This must be set by ->header().
VipsImage *out;
/* The behind-the-scenes real image we decompress to. This can be a
* disc foreign or a memory buffer.
* disc foreign or a memory buffer. This must be set by ->load().
VipsImage *real;
@ -132,35 +135,55 @@ typedef struct _VipsForeignLoad {
typedef struct _VipsForeignLoadClass {
VipsForeignClass parent_class;
/*< public >*/
/* Is a file in this format.
/* Is a file in this format.
* This function should return %TRUE if
* the file contains an image of this type. If you don't define this
* function, #VipsForeignLoad
* will use @suffs instead.
gboolean (*is_a)( const char * );
/* Get the flags for this image.
VipsForeignFlags (*get_flags)( VipsForeignLoad * );
/* Get the flags from a filename. This is needed for vips7compat but
* newer loaders don't have to define it.
/* Get the flags from a filename.
* This function should examine the file and return a set
* of flags. If you don't define it, vips will default to 0 (no flags
* set).
* This operation is necessary for vips7 compatibility.
VipsForeignFlags (*get_flags_filename)( const char * );
/* Get the flags for this image. Images can be loaded from (for
* example) memory areas rather than files, so you can't just use
* @get_flags_filename().
VipsForeignFlags (*get_flags)( VipsForeignLoad * );
/* Set the header fields in @out from @filename. If you can read the
* whole image as well with no performance cost (as with vipsload),
* leave ->load() NULL and only @header will be used.
* or if your loader does not support reading only the header, read
* the entire image in this method and leave @load() NULL.
* ->header() needs to set the dhint on the image .. otherwise you get
* @header() needs to set the dhint on the image .. otherwise you get
* the default SMALLTILE.
* Return 0 for success, -1 for error, setting
* vips_error().
int (*header)( VipsForeignLoad * );
/* Read the whole image into @real. It gets copied to @out later.
* You can omit this method if you define a @header() method which
* loads the while file.
* Return 0 for success, -1 for error, setting
* vips_error().
int (*load)( VipsForeignLoad * );
} VipsForeignLoadClass;
GType vips_foreign_load_get_type( void );
@ -206,13 +229,17 @@ typedef enum {
typedef struct _VipsForeignSave {
VipsForeign parent_object;
/*< public >*/
/* The image we are to save.
/* The image we are to save, as supplied by our caller.
VipsImage *in;
/* The image converted to a saveable format (eg. 8-bit RGB).
/* @in converted to a saveable format (eg. 8-bit RGB) according to the
* instructions you give in the class fields below.
* This is the image you should actually write to the output.
VipsImage *ready;
@ -224,10 +251,18 @@ typedef struct _VipsForeignSaveClass {
/*< public >*/
/* How this format treats bands.
* @saveable describes the bands that your saver can handle. For
* example, PPM images can have 1 or 3 bands (mono or RGB), so it
VipsSaveable saveable;
/* How this format treats band formats.
* @format_table describes the band formats that your saver can
* handle. For each of the 10 #VipsBandFormat values, the array
* should give the format your saver will accept.
VipsBandFormat *format_table;
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ vips_image_build( VipsObject *object )
else {
VipsImage *t;
if( vips_foreign_read_options( filename, &t ) )
if( vips_foreign_load_options( filename, &t ) )
return( -1 );
image->dtype = VIPS_IMAGE_PARTIAL;
@ -1303,10 +1303,10 @@ vips_object_set_argument_from_string( VipsObject *object,
if( g_type_is_a( otype, VIPS_TYPE_IMAGE ) ) {
VipsImage *out;
/* Read the filename. vips_foreign_read_options()
/* Read the filename. vips_foreign_load_options()
* handles embedded options.
if( vips_foreign_read_options( value, &out ) )
if( vips_foreign_load_options( value, &out ) )
return( -1 );
g_value_init( &gvalue, VIPS_TYPE_IMAGE );
@ -1478,10 +1478,10 @@ vips_object_get_argument_to_string( VipsObject *object,
VipsImage *in;
/* Pull out the image and write it.
* vips_foreign_write_options() handles embedded options.
* vips_foreign_save_options() handles embedded options.
g_object_get( object, name, &in, NULL );
if( vips_foreign_write_options( in, arg ) ) {
if( vips_foreign_save_options( in, arg ) ) {
g_object_unref( in );
return( -1 );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user