This commit is contained in:
John Cupitt 2015-11-16 14:58:51 +00:00
parent d32bc97ccb
commit 8e6ed3ef30
7 changed files with 191 additions and 130 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
- better cache sizing for vips_resize()
- sizealike / formatalike / bandsalike elide completely if they can for
a x2 saving in C stack use in many cases
- added vips_index() ... resample with an index image
7/5/15 started 8.1.1
- oop, vips-8.0 wrapper script should be vips-8.1, thanks Danilo

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
- vips_resize() should not use the anti-alias filter if vips_shrink() has
not been called, ie. for shrinks < 2 or so
- still not happy about float->int mask conversion in im_vips2mask.c
- looks like we have a race in tiled threadcache? see

View File

@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ int vips_check_uint( const char *domain, VipsImage *im );
int vips_check_uintorf( const char *domain, VipsImage *im );
int vips_check_noncomplex( const char *domain, VipsImage *im );
int vips_check_complex( const char *domain, VipsImage *im );
int vips_check_twocomponents( const char *domain, VipsImage *im );
int vips_check_format( const char *domain, VipsImage *im, VipsBandFormat fmt );
int vips_check_u8or16( const char *domain, VipsImage *im );
int vips_check_8or16( const char *domain, VipsImage *im );

View File

@ -838,6 +838,33 @@ vips_check_complex( const char *domain, VipsImage *im )
return( 0 );
* vips_check_twocomponents:
* @domain: the originating domain for the error message
* @im: image to check
* Check that the image is has two "components", ie. is a one-band complex or
* a two-band non-complex.
* Otherwise set an error message
* and return non-zero.
* See also: vips_error().
* Returns: 0 if OK, -1 otherwise.
vips_check_twocomponents( const char *domain, VipsImage *im )
if( !vips_band_format_iscomplex( im->BandFmt ) &&
im->Bands != 2 ) {
vips_error( domain,
"%s", _( "image must be two-band or complex" ) );
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
* vips_check_format:
* @domain: the originating domain for the error message

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
libresample_la_SOURCES = \
index.c \
affine.c \
quadratic.c \
resample.c \

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
typedef struct _VipsIndex {
VipsResample parent_instance;
VipsImage *image;
VipsImage *index;
VipsInterpolate *interpolate;
/* Need an image vector for start_many / stop_many
@ -93,13 +93,117 @@ G_DEFINE_TYPE( VipsIndex, vips_index, VIPS_TYPE_RESAMPLE );
#define FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR(x) ( (int)(x) - ( (x) < 0. ) )
#define MINMAX( TYPE ) { \
TYPE *p1 = (TYPE *) p; \
for( x = 0; x < r->width; x++ ) { \
TYPE px = p1[0]; \
TYPE py = p1[1]; \
if( first ) { \
min_x = px; \
max_x = px; \
min_y = py; \
max_y = py; \
first = FALSE; \
} \
else { \
if( px > max_x ) \
max_x = px; \
if( px < min_x ) \
min_x = px; \
if( py > max_y ) \
max_y = py; \
if( py < min_y ) \
min_y = py; \
} \
p1 += 2; \
} \
/* Scan a region and find min/max in the two axes.
static void
vips_index_region_minmax( VipsRegion *region, VipsRect *r, VipsRect *bounds )
int min_x;
int max_x;
int min_y;
int max_y;
gboolean first;
int x, y;
first = TRUE;
for( y = 0; y < r->height; y++ ) {
VipsPel *p = VIPS_REGION_ADDR( region, r->left, y + r->top );
switch( region->im->BandFmt ) {
MINMAX( unsigned char ); break;
MINMAX( signed char ); break;
MINMAX( unsigned short ); break;
MINMAX( signed short ); break;
MINMAX( unsigned int ); break;
MINMAX( signed int ); break;
MINMAX( float ); break;
MINMAX( double ); break;
g_assert( 0 );
/* Add 1 to width/height, since we are rounding float down.
bounds->left = min_x;
bounds->top = min_y;
bounds->width = 1 + max_x - min_x;
bounds->height = 1 + max_y - min_y;
#define LOOKUP( TYPE ) { \
TYPE *p1 = (TYPE *) p; \
for( x = 0; x < r->width; x++ ) { \
TYPE px = p1[0]; \
TYPE py = p1[1]; \
if( px < 0 || \
px > resample->in->Xsize - 1 || \
py < 0 || \
py > resample->in->Ysize - 1 ) { \
for( z = 0; z < ps; z++ ) \
q[z] = 0; \
} \
else \
interpolate( index->interpolate, \
q, ir[0], px, py ); \
p1 += 2; \
} \
static int
vips_index_gen( VipsRegion *or, void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
VipsRect *r = &or->valid;
VipsRegion **ir = (VipsRegion **) seq;
const VipsImage **in_array = (VipsImage **) a;
const VipsImage **in_array = (const VipsImage **) a;
const VipsIndex *index = (VipsIndex *) b;
const VipsImage *in_array = (VipsImage **) a;
const VipsResample *resample = VIPS_RESAMPLE( index );
const VipsImage *in = in_array[0];
const int window_size =
vips_interpolate_get_window_size( index->interpolate );
@ -107,20 +211,11 @@ vips_index_gen( VipsRegion *or, void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
vips_interpolate_get_window_offset( index->interpolate );
const VipsInterpolateMethod interpolate =
vips_interpolate_get_method( index->interpolate );
const int ps = VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( in );
/* Area we generate in the output image.
const VipsRect *r = &or->valid;
const int le = r->left;
const int ri = VIPS_RECT_RIGHT( r );
const int to = r->top;
const int bo = VIPS_RECT_BOTTOM( r );
int ps = VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( in );
VipsRect bounds, image, clipped;
int x, y, z;
VipsRect image, want, need, clipped;
printf( "vips_index_gen: "
"generating left=%d, top=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n",
@ -133,47 +228,30 @@ vips_index_gen( VipsRegion *or, void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
/* Fetch the chunk of the index image we need, and find the max/min in
* x and y.
if( vips_image_prepare( ir[1], r ) )
if( vips_region_prepare( ir[1], r ) )
return( -1 );
VIPS_GATE_START( "vips_index_gen: work" );
want = *r;
want.left += oarea->left; += oarea->top;
vips_index_region_minmax( ir[1], r, &bounds );
/* Find the area of the input image we need. This takes us to space 3.
VIPS_GATE_STOP( "vips_index_gen: work" );
/* The bounding box of that area is what we will need from @in. Add
* enough for the interpolation stencil as well.
vips__transform_invert_rect( &index->trn, &want, &need );
bounds.width += window_size - 1;
bounds.height += window_size - 1;
bounds.left -= window_offset;
bounds.height -= window_offset;
/* That does round-to-nearest, because it has to stop rounding errors
* growing images unexpectedly. We need round-down, so we must
* add half a pixel along the left and top. But we are int :( so add 1
* pixel.
* Add an extra line along the right and bottom as well, for rounding.
vips_rect_marginadjust( &need, 1 );
/* We need to fetch a larger area for the interpolator.
need.left -= window_offset; -= window_offset;
need.width += window_size - 1;
need.height += window_size - 1;
/* Now go to space 2, the expanded input image. This is the one we
* read pixels from.
need.left += window_offset; += window_offset;
/* Clip against the size of (2).
/* Clip against the source image.
image.left = 0; = 0;
image.width = in->Xsize;
image.height = in->Ysize;
vips_rect_intersectrect( &need, &image, &clipped );
vips_rect_intersectrect( &bounds, &image, &clipped );
printf( "vips_index_gen: "
@ -188,90 +266,41 @@ vips_index_gen( VipsRegion *or, void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
vips_region_black( or );
return( 0 );
if( vips_region_prepare( ir, &clipped ) )
if( vips_region_prepare( ir[0], &clipped ) )
return( -1 );
VIPS_GATE_START( "vips_index_gen: work" );
/* Resample! x/y loop over pixels in the output image (5).
for( y = to; y < bo; y++ ) {
/* Input clipping rectangle. We offset this so we can clip in
* space 2.
const int ile = iarea->left + window_offset;
const int ito = iarea->top + window_offset;
const int iri = ile + iarea->width;
const int ibo = ito + iarea->height;
for( y = 0; y < r->height; y++ ) {
VipsPel *p = VIPS_REGION_ADDR( ir[1], r->left, y + r->top );
VipsPel *q = VIPS_REGION_ADDR( or, r->left, y + r->top );
/* Derivative of matrix.
const double ddx = index->trn.ia;
const double ddy = index->trn.ic;
switch( ir[1]->im->BandFmt ) {
LOOKUP( unsigned char ); break;
LOOKUP( signed char ); break;
LOOKUP( unsigned short ); break;
LOOKUP( signed short ); break;
LOOKUP( unsigned int ); break;
LOOKUP( signed int ); break;
/* Continuous cods in transformed space.
const double ox = le + oarea->left - index->trn.odx;
const double oy = y + oarea->top - index->trn.ody;
LOOKUP( float ); break;
/* Continuous cods in input space.
double ix, iy;
LOOKUP( double ); break;
VipsPel *q;
/* To (3).
ix = index->trn.ia * ox + index->trn.ib * oy;
iy = index->trn.ic * ox + index-> * oy;
/* And the input offset in (3).
ix -= index->trn.idx;
iy -= index->trn.idy;
/* Finally to 2.
ix += window_offset;
iy += window_offset;
q = VIPS_REGION_ADDR( or, le, y );
for( x = le; x < ri; x++ ) {
int fx, fy;
/* Clip against iarea.
if( fx >= ile &&
fx < iri &&
fy >= ito &&
fy < ibo ) {
/* Verify that we can read the whole stencil.
* With DEBUG on this will range-check.
g_assert( VIPS_REGION_ADDR( ir,
(int) ix - window_offset,
(int) iy - window_offset ) );
g_assert( VIPS_REGION_ADDR( ir,
(int) ix - window_offset +
window_size - 1,
(int) iy - window_offset +
window_size - 1 ) );
interpolate( index->interpolate,
q, ir, ix, iy );
else {
for( z = 0; z < ps; z++ )
q[z] = 0;
ix += ddx;
iy += ddy;
q += ps;
g_assert( 0 );
@ -289,16 +318,14 @@ vips_index_build( VipsObject *object )
VipsImage **t = (VipsImage **) vips_object_local_array( object, 4 );
VipsImage *in;
VipsDemandStyle hint;
int window_size;
int window_offset;
double edge;
if( VIPS_OBJECT_CLASS( vips_index_parent_class )->build( object ) )
return( -1 );
if( vips_check_coding_known( class->nickname, resample->in ) ||
vips_check_complex( class->nickname, index->index ) )
vips_check_twocomponents( class->nickname, index->index ) )
return( -1 );
in = resample->in;
@ -307,9 +334,6 @@ vips_index_build( VipsObject *object )
return( -1 );
in = t[0];
if( vips_check_bands_1orn( class->nickname, in, index->index ) )
return( -1 );
/* We can't use vips_object_argument_isset(), since it may have been
* set to NULL, see vips_similarity().
@ -330,7 +354,8 @@ vips_index_build( VipsObject *object )
window_size = vips_interpolate_get_window_size( index->interpolate );
window_offset = vips_interpolate_get_window_offset( index->interpolate );
window_offset =
vips_interpolate_get_window_offset( index->interpolate );
/* Add new pixels around the input so we can interpolate at the edges.
@ -346,8 +371,8 @@ vips_index_build( VipsObject *object )
in, NULL ) )
return( -1 );
resample->out->Xsize = index->index->Xsize
resample->out->Ysize = index->index->Xsize
resample->out->Xsize = index->index->Xsize;
resample->out->Ysize = index->index->Ysize;
index->in_array[0] = in;
index->in_array[1] = index->index;
@ -415,9 +440,9 @@ vips_index_init( VipsIndex *index )
* If @index has one band, that band must be complex. Otherwise, @index must
* have two bands of any format.
* Coordinates in @index are in pixels, with (0, 0) being the top-left corner
* of @in, and with y increasing down the image.
* of @in, and with y increasing down the image. Use vips_xyz() to build index
* images.
* @interpolate defaults to bilinear.
@ -426,7 +451,8 @@ vips_index_init( VipsIndex *index )
* See vips_maplut() for a 1D equivalent of this operation.
* See also: vips_affine(), vips_resize(), vips_maplut(), #VipsInterpolate.
* See also: vips_xyz(), vips_affine(), vips_resize(),
* vips_maplut(), #VipsInterpolate.
* Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error

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@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ void
vips_resample_operation_init( void )
extern GType vips_shrink_get_type( void );
extern GType vips_index_get_type( void );
extern GType vips_shrinkh_get_type( void );
extern GType vips_shrinkv_get_type( void );
extern GType vips_shrink2_get_type( void );
@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ vips_resample_operation_init( void )
extern GType vips_similarity_get_type( void );
extern GType vips_resize_get_type( void );