- Add 'scratch' field to gif that holds temporary 'scratch buffer' used for rendering frames
- For DISPOSE_BACKGROUND: Set background color to transparent instead of 0
- For DISPOSE_BACKGROUND: Write background pixels into scratch after rendering current frame, so it will be used in next frame
- For DISPOSE_PREVIOUS: Save frames that are not disposed into 'previous' field in gif, when DISPOSE_PREVIOUS is specified start with that previous frame. see http://webreference.com/content/studio/disposal.html
- Add "ANIMEXTS1.0" to Application Extension parser
- Graphic Control Extension parser refactor
- Compare file contents to expected images for animated gifs in foreign tests
You must now include vips7 support explicitly with
#include <vips/vips7compat.h>
in your code just after including `vips.h`.
The old vips7 names, such as `Rect`, were starting to cause problems
with other packages like opencv.
"intent" lets you set the rendering intent for any ICC conversions --
the default is the (more correct) relative, but "perceptual" can look
see https://github.com/jcupitt/libvips/issues/714
can't use GRegexp if we need to support centos5 ... vipsthumbnail was
using it to parse geometry strings
new geo parser, plus some tests
see https://github.com/jcupitt/libvips/issues/622
--vips-cache-max, --vips-cache-max-memory and --vips-cache-max-files were not
working and probably hadn't been for a while
vipsthumbnail.c turns off the operation cache, it's not useful for
the same operation repeated across many files
vips_unpremultiply() always outputs float. If you save the output of
vipsthumbnail to a format that supports float files, like tiff, it won't
ever get cast back to the source format.
$ vipsheader Opera-icon-high-res.png
Opera-icon-high-res.png: 3056x3325 uchar, 4 bands, srgb, pngload
$ vipsthumbnail Opera-icon-high-res.png -o x.tif
$ vipsheader x.tif
x.tif: 117x128 float, 4 bands, scrgb, tiffload
This change makes it note and restore BandFmt aropund pre/unpremultiply.
See https://github.com/jcupitt/libvips/issues/447
jpeg write is more careful about removing exif tags that have been
removed from the image metadata
it failed previously if there were multiple Orientation tags