VIPS from Python 3 VIPS Library Using VIPS How to use the VIPS library from Python Using VIPS from Python VIPS comes with a convenient, high-level Python API based on gobject-introspection. As long as you can get GOI for your platform, you should be able to use vips. The file needs to be copied to the overrides directory of your GOI install, and you need to have the vips typelib on your GI_TYPELIB_PATH. VIPS from Python example #!/usr/bin/python import sys from gi.repository import Vips im = Vips.Image.new_from_file(sys.argv[1]) im = im.extract_area(100, 100, im.width - 200, im.height - 200) im = im.similarity(scale = 0.9) mask = Vips.Image.new_from_array([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 16, -1], [-1, -1, -1]], scale = 8) im = im.conv(mask) im.write_to_file(sys.argv[2]) Reading the example, the first line loads the input file. You can append load options to the argument list as keyword arguments, for example: im = Vips.Image.new_from_file(sys.argv[1], access = Vips.Access.SEQUENTIAL) See the various loaders for a list of the available options for each file format. The C equivalent to this function, vips_image_new_from_file(), has more extensive documentation. There are several other constructors: you can load a formatted image (for example, a JPEG format image) from a string with .new_from_buffer(). The next line crops 100 pixels off every edge. See the docs for the C function vips_extract_area() for details of the parameters. You can use .crop() as a synonym, if you like. im.width gets the image width in pixels, see vips_image_get_width() and friends for a list of the other getters. The similarity line shrinks by 10%, see the docs for the C function vips_similarity() for details. By default it uses bilinear interpolation, use interpolate to pick another interpolator, for example: im = im.similarity(scale = 0.9, interpolate ="bicubic")) .new_from_array() makes an image from a 2D array. The scale keyword argument lets you set a divisor for convolution, handy for integer convolutions. You can set offset as well. See vips_conv() for details on the vips convolution operator. Finally, .write_to_file() sends the image back to the filesystem. There's also .write_to_buffer() to make a string containing the formatted image. <code>pyvips8</code> Basics The Python interface comes in two main parts. First, the C source code to libvips has been marked up with special comments describing the internals in a standard way. These comments are read by gobject-introspection when libvips is compiled and used to generate a typelib, a description of the library's internals. When your Python program starts, the import line: from gi.repository import Vips loads the typelib and creates Python classes for all the objects and all the functions in the library. You can then call these functions from your code, and they will call into libvips for you. C functions become Python functions in an obvious way: vips_operation_new(), for example, the constructor for the class #VipsOperation, becomes Using libvips like this is possible, but a bit painful. To make the API seem more pythonesque, vips includes a set of overrides which wrap up the bare functions created by gobject-introspection in a nicer package. These overrides do the following things: Automatic wrapping of vips operations. It intercepts member lookup on the Vips.Image class and looks for vips operations with that name. So the vips operation "add", which appears in the C API as vips_add(), appears in Python as Vips.Image.add. Automatic wrapping of operation arguments. The first input image argument becomes the self argument. If there are no input image arguments, the operation appears as a class member. Optional input arguments become keyword arguments. The result is a list of all the output arguments, or a single output if there is only one. Optional output arguments are enabled with a boolean keyword argument of that name. For example, "min" (the operation which appears in the C API as vips_min()), can be called like this: min_value = im.min() and min_value will be a floating point value giving the minimum value in the image. "min" can also find the position of the minimum value with the x and y optional output arguments. Call it like this: min_value, x_pos, y_pos = im.min(x = True, y = True) Automatic type conversion. The override looks at the type of argument required by the operation and converts the value you supply, when it can. For example, "linear" takes a #VipsArrayDouble as an argument for the constant to use for multiplication. You can supply this value as an integer, a float, or some kind of compound object and it will be converted for you. It does a couple of more ambitious conversions. If an operation takes several input images, you can use a constant for all but one of them and the wrapper will make a constant image for you. For example, .bandjoin()