.TH IM_IFTHENELSE 3 "30 October 1992" .SH NAME im_ifthenelse \- use an unsigned char image to join two images together .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include <vips/vips.h> .B int im_ifthenelse(c, a, b, out) .br .B IMAGE *c, *a, *b, *out; .B int im_blend(c, a, b, out) .br .B IMAGE *c, *a, *b, *out; .SH DESCRIPTION .B im_ifthenelse builds an output image which uses some pels from a and some from b: if the conditional image c is non-zero at that point, the pel comes from a; if it is zero, the pel comes from b. The conditional image c can have either 1 band, in which case entire pels come either from a or b, or n bands, where n is the number of bands in both a and b, in which case individual band elements are chosen from a and b. Images a and b must match in size, type and number of bands. .B im_blend(3) works just as im_ifthenelse(3), except that instead of selecting between a and b, values in the condition image are used to softly blend between the two. 255 means a only, 0 means b only, 128 means 50:50. .SH RETURN VALUE 0 on success and -1 on error. .SH SEE ALSO im_equal(3), im_and(3). .SH COPYRIGHT National Gallery .SH AUTHOR J. Cupitt