/* @(#) Generate an image where the value of each pixel represents the * @(#) contrast within a window of half_win_size from the corresponsing * @(#) point in the input image. Sub-sample by a factor of spacing. * @(#) * @(#) Pixels beyond the edges of the image are considered to be have the * @(#) value zero (black). * @(#) * @(#) Input must be single-band uncoded uchar, WIO or PIO. * @(#) * @(#) Output is single-band uncoded uint, WIO or PIO. * @(#) * @(#) int * @(#) im_contrast_surface( * @(#) IMAGE *in, * @(#) IMAGE *out, * @(#) int half_win_size, * @(#) int spacing * @(#) ); * @(#) * @(#) Returns either 0 (success) or -1 (fail) * @(#) * @(#) Also: im_contrast_surface_raw(). As above, but pixels within * @(#) half_win_size of the edge are not calculated, and output is smaller * @(#) accordingly. * * Copyright: 2006, The Nottingham Trent University * * Author: Tom Vajzovic * (based on algorithm by Nicos Dessipris & John Cupitt) * * Written on: 2006-03-13 */ /* This file is part of VIPS. VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* These files are distributed with VIPS - http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk */ /** HEADERS **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #ifdef NOT_IN_VIPS #define _(s) (s) #else #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_DMALLOC #include #endif /*WITH_DMALLOC */ /** MACROS **/ /* from simple_macros.h */ #define LESSER(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #define DOUBLE(a) ( (a)<<1 ) #define DOUBLE_ADD_ONE(a) ( 1 | ( (a)<<1 ) ) /** LOCAL TYPES **/ typedef struct cont_surf_params_s { int half_win_size; int spacing; } cont_surf_params_t; /** LOCAL FUNCTIONS DECLARATIONS **/ int im_contrast_surface (IMAGE * in, IMAGE * out, int half_win_size, int spacing); int im_contrast_surface_raw (IMAGE * in, IMAGE * out, int half_win_size, int spacing); static int cont_surf_gen (REGION * to_make, void *seq, void *a, void * b); static unsigned int calc_cont (REGION * reg, int win_size_less_one, int x_left, int y_top); /** EXPORTED FUNCTIONS **/ int im_contrast_surface (IMAGE * in, IMAGE * out, int half_win_size, int spacing) { IMAGE *t1 = im_open_local (out, "im_contrast_surface intermediate", "p"); if (!t1 || im_embed (in, t1, 1, half_win_size, half_win_size, in->Xsize + DOUBLE (half_win_size), in->Ysize + DOUBLE (half_win_size)) || im_contrast_surface_raw (t1, out, half_win_size, spacing)) return -1; out->Xoffset = 0; out->Yoffset = 0; return 0; } int im_contrast_surface_raw (IMAGE * in, IMAGE * out, int half_win_size, int spacing) { #define FUNCTION_NAME "im_contrast_surface_raw" cont_surf_params_t *params; if (im_piocheck (in, out)) return -1; if (IM_CODING_NONE != in->Coding || IM_BANDFMT_UCHAR != in->BandFmt || 1 != in->Bands) { im_error (FUNCTION_NAME, _("one band uncoded uchar only")); return -1; } if (half_win_size < 1 || spacing < 1) { im_error (FUNCTION_NAME, _("bad parameters")); return -1; } if (DOUBLE (half_win_size) >= LESSER (in->Xsize, in->Ysize)) { im_error (FUNCTION_NAME, _("parameters would result in zero size output image")); return -1; } params = IM_NEW (out, cont_surf_params_t); if (!params) return -1; params->half_win_size = half_win_size; params->spacing = spacing; if (im_cp_desc (out, in)) return -1; out->BandFmt = IM_BANDFMT_UINT; out->Bbits = sizeof (unsigned int) << 3; out->Xsize = 1 + ((in->Xsize - DOUBLE_ADD_ONE (half_win_size)) / spacing); out->Ysize = 1 + ((in->Ysize - DOUBLE_ADD_ONE (half_win_size)) / spacing); out->Xoffset = -half_win_size; out->Yoffset = -half_win_size; if (im_demand_hint (out, IM_FATSTRIP, in, NULL)) return -1; return im_generate (out, im_start_one, cont_surf_gen, im_stop_one, in, params); #undef FUNCTION_NAME } /** LOCAL FUNCTIONS DEFINITIONS **/ static int cont_surf_gen (REGION * to_make, void * seq, void *unrequired, void * b) { /* I don't need *in, but I will recieve it anyway since im_start_one() needs it */ REGION * make_from = (REGION *) seq; cont_surf_params_t * params = (cont_surf_params_t *) b; unsigned int *row = (unsigned int *) IM_REGION_ADDR (to_make, to_make->valid.left, to_make->valid.top); int xoff; int y; int bottom = to_make->valid.top + to_make->valid.height; size_t lskip = IM_REGION_LSKIP (to_make) / sizeof (unsigned int); Rect area = { params->spacing * to_make->valid.left, params->spacing * to_make->valid.top, DOUBLE_ADD_ONE (params->half_win_size) + (params->spacing * (to_make->valid.width - 1)), DOUBLE_ADD_ONE (params->half_win_size) + (params->spacing * (to_make->valid.height - 1)) }; if (im_prepare (make_from, &area) || !im_rect_equalsrect (&make_from->valid, &area)) return -1; for (y = to_make->valid.top; y < bottom; ++y, row += lskip) for (xoff = 0; xoff < to_make->valid.width; ++xoff) row[xoff] = calc_cont (make_from, DOUBLE (params->half_win_size), (xoff + to_make->valid.left) * params->spacing, y * params->spacing); return 0; } static unsigned int calc_cont (REGION * reg, int win_size_less_one, int x_left, int y_top) { unsigned char val; unsigned char all_black = 1; unsigned char *row; unsigned int contrast = 0; int xoff; int yoff; size_t lskip = IM_REGION_LSKIP (reg) / sizeof (unsigned char); row = (unsigned char *) IM_REGION_ADDR (reg, x_left, y_top); val = *row; for (yoff = 0; yoff <= win_size_less_one && all_black; ++yoff, row += lskip) for (xoff = 0; xoff <= win_size_less_one; ++xoff) if (row[xoff] != val) { all_black = 0; break; } if (all_black) return contrast; row = (unsigned char *) IM_REGION_ADDR (reg, x_left, y_top); for (yoff = 0; yoff < win_size_less_one; ++yoff, row += lskip) { for (xoff = 0; xoff < win_size_less_one; ++xoff) contrast += abs (row[xoff + 1] - row[xoff]) + abs (row[xoff + lskip] - row[xoff]); contrast += abs (row[xoff + lskip] - row[xoff]); } for (xoff = 0; xoff < win_size_less_one; ++xoff) contrast += abs (row[xoff + 1] - row[xoff]); return contrast; }