.TH VIPS 1 "30 June 1993" .SH NAME vips \- run vips operations from the command line .SH SYNOPSIS .B vips [flags] [command] [command-args] .SH DESCRIPTION .B vips(1) is the VIPS universal main program. You can use it to run any VIPS function from the command line, to query the VIPS function database, and to maintain parts of the VIPS library. To run a VIPS function, the first argument should be the name of the function and following arguments should be the function parameters. For example: example% vips im_invert lena.v lena2.v If you make a symbolic link to the vips executable named after an operation, then you can use that link to call an operation directly. For example: example% ln -s vips im_invert example% im_invert lena.v lena2.v .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -l PACKAGE, --list=PACKAGE List operations defined in PACKAGE. PACKAGE can also be "classes", "packages" or "all". .TP .B -u OPERATION, --usage=OPERATION Show usage message for OPERATION. .TP .B -p PLUGIN, --plugin=PLUGIN Load PLUGIN. Note that plugins in $VIPSHOME/lib are loaded automatically. .TP .B -k, --links Print link lines for all operations. .TP .B -h PACKAGE, --cpph=PACKAGE Print C++ header for PACKAGE. PACKAGE can also be a function name, or "all". .TP .B -c PACKAGE, --cppc=PACKAGE Print C++ binding for PACKAGE. PACKAGE can also be a function name, or "all". .SH RETURN VALUE returns 0 on success and non-zero on error. .SH SEE ALSO header(1) .SH COPYRIGHT The National Gallery and Birkbeck College, 1989-1996.