/* @(#) * @(#) Function which sets up the output as follows * @(#) If the output is a buffer, it allocates memory according to image sizes * @(#) If the output is a file, it write a header * @(#) to the file pointed by image.fd * @(#) If the output is a partial image, then `magically' turn this from an * @(#) im_partial() image into an im_setbuf() image. If im_setupout() is * @(#) called, we take it as a sign that we are dealing with pre-partial * @(#) images code. * @(#) When exiting, image.fd points at the end of the header info. * @(#) expecting raw image data. * @(#) No description or history is involved * @(#) Called by all im_funcs * @(#) * @(#) int im_setupout(image) * @(#) IMAGE *image; * @(#) Returns either 0 (success) or -1 (fail) * @(#) * Copyright: Nicos Dessipris * Written on: 16/01/1990 * Modified on : 04/04/1990, 28/02/1991 * 15/4/93 JC * - partial image support added * 18/6/93 JC * - ANSIfied * 4/7/01 JC * - OPENOUT open delayed until here * 21/8/01 ruven * - stat/file needed * 22/8/05 * * - less stupid header write */ /* This file is part of VIPS. VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* These files are distributed with VIPS - http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FILE_H #include #endif /*HAVE_SYS_FILE_H*/ #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_DMALLOC #include #endif /*WITH_DMALLOC*/ /* Open mode for write ... on some systems, have to set BINARY too. */ #ifdef BINARY_OPEN #define MODE (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY) #else #define MODE (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC) #endif /*BINARY_OPEN*/ int im_setupout( IMAGE *im ) { g_assert( !im_image_sanity( im ) ); if( im->Xsize <= 0 || im->Ysize <= 0 || im->Bands <= 0 ) { im_error( "im_setupout", "%s", _( "bad dimensions" ) ); return( -1 ); } if( im->dtype == IM_PARTIAL ) { /* Make it into a im_setbuf() image. */ #ifdef DEBUG_IO printf( "im_setupout: old-style output for %s\n", im->filename ); #endif /*DEBUG_IO*/ im->dtype = IM_SETBUF; } switch( im->dtype ) { case IM_MMAPINRW: case IM_SETBUF_FOREIGN: /* No action. */ break; case IM_SETBUF: /* Allocate memory. */ if( im->data ) { /* Sanity failure! */ im_error( "im_setupout", "%s", _( "called twice!" ) ); return( -1 ); } if( !(im->data = im_malloc( NULL, IM_IMAGE_SIZEOF_LINE( im ) * im->Ysize )) ) return( -1 ); break; case IM_OPENOUT: { /* Don't use im->sizeof_header here, but we know we're * writing a VIPS image anyway. */ unsigned char header[IM_SIZEOF_HEADER]; if( (im->fd = open( im->filename, MODE, 0666 )) < 0 ) { im_error( "im_setupout", _( "unable to write to \"%s\"" ), im->filename ); return( -1 ); } if( im__write_header_bytes( im, header ) || im__write( im->fd, header, IM_SIZEOF_HEADER ) ) return( -1 ); break; } default: im_error( "im_setupout", "%s", _( "bad image descriptor" ) ); return( -1 ); } return( 0 ); }