.TH IM_HISTPLOT 3 "10 May 1991" .SH NAME im_histplot \- graph an image of one horizontal or vertical line .SH SYNOPSIS #include int im_histplot(in, out) .br IMAGE *in, *out; .SH DESCRIPTION .B im_histplot(3) plots a graph of a horizontal or vertical image file with one line. It is suitable for displaying the output of histogram functions such as im_histgr(3) and for displaying line profiles. Note that if you try to directly plot the result of .B im_histgr(3) you will often get a very, very large image, since .B im_histplot(3) will draw an image as high (or as wide) as the largest pixel value in the image (potentially huge). Use .B im_histnorm(3) to normalise the histogram maximum before plotting. The input image should be either one horizontal line (Ysize=1) or one vertical line (Xsize=1). If the image is FMTUCHAR, the graph is drawn as 256 by line-length pixels. For all other unsigned integer types, .B im_histplot(3) finds the image maximum, and draws the graph as max by line-length pixels. For signed integer types, .B im_histplot(3) finds minimum and maximum, moves min up to zero, and draws the graph as min + max by line-lenth pixels. For float types, .B im_histplot(3) finds minimum and maximum, and scales the image range so as to make the graph square. .SH RETURNED VALUE The function returns 0 on success and -1 on error. .SH SEE ALSO im_histgr(3), im_histnorm(3), im_extract(3). .SH COPYRIGHT National Gallery and Birkbeck College, 1995