.TH IM_RIGHTSHIFT_SIZE 3 "12 August 2006" .SH NAME im_rightshift_size \- Decrease size by a power-of-two factor .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include .sp .BI "int im_rightshift_size( IMAGE " "*in" ", IMAGE " "*out" ", int " "xshift" ", int " "yshift" ", int " "band_fmt" " ); .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .B im_rightshift_size(3) decreases the size of an integer type image by a power-of-two factor, very quickly, by summing the values of adjacent pixels. The sum is shifted to produce output of the specified band format. .IR xshift " and "yshift are positive and give the base-two logarithms of the scale factors. .PP If the input image is a signed type, then .I band_fmt must be one of IM_BANDFMT_CHAR, IM_BANDFMT_SHORT or IM_BANDFMT_INT. If it is an unsigned type, then .I band_fmt must be one of IM_BANDFMT_UCHAR, IM_BANDFMT_USHORT or IM_BANDFMT_UINT. .SH RETURN VALUE The functions returns 0 on success and -1 on error. .SH SEE ALSO im_affine(3) .SH COPYRIGHT .br Copyright 2006, Tom Vajzovic. .SH AUTHOR Tom Vajzovic