.TH IM_STRETCH3 3 "Sep 18 1997" .SH NAME im_stretch3 \- stretch horizontally by 3%, displace sub-pixel mask .SH SYNOPSIS #include int im_stretch3( in, out, xdisp, ydisp ) .br IMAGE *in, *out; .br double xdisp, ydisp; .SH DESCRIPTION im_stretch3() stretches the input image by 3% horizontally, and displaces it by xdisp/ydisp. It uses bi-cubic interpolation, but runs quickly. It works only for unsigned short images. This function is part of the MARC acquisition software, but is generally useful for squaring up the pixels in images from the Kontron ProgRes camera range. .SH RETURN VALUE The function returns 0 on success and -1 on error. .SH SEE ALSO im_conv(3), im_shrink(3). .SH COPYRIGHT The National Gallery, 1997