.TH SINES 1 "27 January 1992" .SH NAME sines, squares \- creates a spatial sine or square wave form .SH SYNOPSIS .B sines image xsize ysize horfreq verfreq .B squares image xsize ysize horfreq verfreq .SH DESCRIPTION .B sines creates an one band unsigned char image of the a sine waveform in two dimensions. The sizes of the created image are xsize by ysize. The number of horizontal and vertical spatial frequencies are determined by the variables horfreq and verfreq respectively. .B squares creates an one band unsigned cahr image by thresholding a sine waveform. .SH SEE\ ALSO grey(1), im_sines(3X), squares(1). .SH COPYRIGHT .br N. Dessipris .SH AUTHOR N. Dessipris \- 27/02/1992