/* Test stream*u. */ #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct _MyInput { const char *filename; const unsigned char *contents; size_t length; size_t read_position; } MyInput; typedef struct _MyOutput { const char *filename; int fd; } MyOutput; static gint64 read_cb( VipsSourceCustom *source_custom, void *buffer, gint64 length, MyInput *my_input ) { gint64 bytes_read = VIPS_MIN( length, my_input->length - my_input->read_position ); /* printf( "read_cb: buffer = 0x%p, length = %zd\n", buffer, length ); */ memcpy( buffer, my_input->contents + my_input->read_position, bytes_read ); my_input->read_position += bytes_read; return( bytes_read ); } static gint64 seek_cb( VipsSourceCustom *source_custom, gint64 offset, int whence, MyInput *my_input ) { gint64 new_pos; /* printf( "seek_cb: offset = %zd, whence = %d\n", offset, whence ); */ switch( whence ) { case SEEK_SET: new_pos = offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: new_pos = my_input->read_position + offset; break; case SEEK_END: new_pos = my_input->length + offset; break; default: vips_error( "demo", "%s", "bad 'whence'" ); return( -1 ); } my_input->read_position = VIPS_CLIP( 0, new_pos, my_input->length ); return( my_input->read_position ); } static gint64 write_cb( VipsTargetCustom *target_custom, const void *data, gint64 length, MyOutput *my_output ) { gint64 bytes_written; /* printf( "write_cb: data = 0x%p, length = %zd\n", data, length ); */ bytes_written = write( my_output->fd, data, length ); return( bytes_written ); } static void finish_cb( VipsTargetCustom *target_custom, MyOutput *my_output ) { /* printf( "finish_cb:\n" ); */ close( my_output->fd ); my_output->fd = -1; } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { MyInput my_input; MyOutput my_output; VipsSourceCustom *source_custom; VipsTargetCustom *target_custom; VipsImage *image; if( VIPS_INIT( NULL ) ) return( -1 ); if( argc != 3 ) vips_error_exit( "usage: %s in-file out-file.png", argv[0] ); my_input.filename = argv[1]; my_input.contents = NULL; my_input.length = 0; my_input.read_position = 0; if( !g_file_get_contents( my_input.filename, (char **) &my_input.contents, &my_input.length, NULL ) ) vips_error_exit( "unable to load from %s", my_input.filename ); source_custom = vips_source_custom_new(); g_signal_connect( source_custom, "seek", G_CALLBACK( seek_cb ), &my_input ); g_signal_connect( source_custom, "read", G_CALLBACK( read_cb ), &my_input ); if( !(image = vips_image_new_from_source( VIPS_SOURCE( source_custom ), "", "access", VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL, NULL )) ) vips_error_exit( NULL ); my_output.filename = argv[2]; my_output.fd = -1; if( (my_output.fd = vips__open( my_output.filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644 )) == -1 ) vips_error_exit( "unable to save to %s", my_output.filename ); target_custom = vips_target_custom_new(); g_signal_connect( target_custom, "write", G_CALLBACK( write_cb ), &my_output ); g_signal_connect( target_custom, "finish", G_CALLBACK( finish_cb ), &my_output ); if( vips_image_write_to_target( image, ".png", VIPS_TARGET( target_custom ), NULL ) ) vips_error_exit( NULL ); VIPS_UNREF( image ); VIPS_UNREF( source_custom ); VIPS_UNREF( target_custom ); return( 0 ); }